5 Nov 2008 - 10 Dec 2009 Speech Indexes

Subject Indexes       All years


detail, debated at the detail stage; mnrs, ministerial response; mnst, ministerial statement; mso, motion for the suspension of standing orders; prin, debated at the in-principle stage; qn, question on notice; refcom, reference to committee;



Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, education, 2586

ACT Gambling and Racing Commission, inquiry, 5311q

ACT Planning and Land Authority, funding, 1986q

ACT public service

Consultants, 5842qn, 5843qn

Positions, 2258qn, 2615qn

Travel, 1493qn, 1522qn

Adoption Amendment Bill 2008, prin 1028

Adoption Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3800, 4306

Advertising, political parties, 820qn

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), detail 420, 424, 426, 436

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2125, detail (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2953, (Department of Treasury) 3029, (Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services) 3077, (Department of Education and Training) 3115, (ACT Planning and Land Authority) 3127

Arts and letters

Artwork project, 3498qn

Community events, 704, 927

Australian Heritage Village, management, 1212

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Commissioning, 200q, 1481qn

Incidents, 3520qn

Brindabella Christian College, car park, 4675qn

Budget, debate, 2125

Building, legislation, 5645


Impact statements, 5035qn

Sale of Labor clubs, 5682q

Small, 3397

Byrne, Ms B OAM, death, 3527

Capital works, projects, 593


Adoption, 1028, 3800, 4306

After-school and vacation programs, 5040qn

Autistic, 821qn

British childcare workers, 2245qn

Care and protection, 1562q, 1564q, 1660q, 1662q, 1797q, 2237qn, 2618qn, 2619qn, 2620qn

Institutional care, 5061

Policies, mnst 1806

Services, 2621qn

Swimming skills, 5034qn

Vardon report, 4267qn

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1745, 2556

Civil Partnerships Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4786

Civil Partnerships Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5738

Construction Occupations Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5645

Cotter Dam

Call-in powers, 4204

Environmental impact, 3246

Crime, school vandalism, 2210qn

Crimes (Bill Posting) Amendment Bill 2008, prin 545

Deakin pool, lease, 1288q, 1569q, 1662q, 4441q, 4460q

Disabled persons, students, 1761


Management, 1950

Opposition plan, 2534

Policy, 4624

Recession, 1195q

Stimulus package, 471q, 638q, 748, 858q, 1090q, 1093


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, 2586

AST scores, 1499qn

Australian early development index, 5694q

Counsellors and psychologists, 1487qn

Early childhood, 757q, 4184q

Excursion fees, 1663q, 1802q

Focus on the family seminar, 5328

Funding, 1485qn, 1486qn

Investment, 68q, 1964

Languages, 684, 1489qn, 2626qn

Literacy and numeracy, 1834qn

National literacy centre, 3161qn

Public system, 1654q, 1802q


After-school care, 1839qn

Birrigai, 196q, 204q

Boards, 2080q

Bullying, 2458q, 2969q, 2989q, 3510qn, 4574q

Campbell primary school, 5020qn

Canberra high school, 5328

Census, 2218qn

Class sizes, 1837qn

Closures, 4338q, 4402

Contextual profiles, 5475

Cooperation, 3584q

Enrolments, 72q, 199q, 207q, 341q, 815qn, 1481qn, 1484qn, 1497qn, 1830, 3506qn

Equity fund, 5831qn

Investment, 854q, 3342q

Kingsford Smith school, 4673qn

Language programs, 2209qn

Narrabundah primary school, 1843qn

Non-government, 3235

Performance monitoring, 2835

Planning regulations, 972q, 976q, 982q, 989q

Procurement and purchasing policies, 5594

Reporting, 4051q

Satisfaction survey, 3500qn

Sizes, 4190q

St Clare of Assisi primary school, fire, 3465

Sustainability, 853q

Synthetic turf, 3822q

Telopea Park, 470q, 475q, 643q

Truancy, 4178q, 4669qn

Urambi primary school, 5802qn

Vandalism, 2210qn

Special needs, 1200q, 1206q, 1287q, 2452q

Stakeholders, 1412q, 1427q

Standards, 1764


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 4662qn

Behaviour, 4324, 4329, 4376, 4380, 5803qn

Gender gap, 807

Interstate, 5830qn

Leaving age, 1899q

Needs, 4837q

Performance data, 4819q

Removal, 5187q

Restorative justice, 3767

Suspensions, 4138, 5000

Transfer requests, 2217qn

Teachers, 1523qn, 4020, 5535q

Training organisations, 1486qn

Universities admissions index, 1523qn

Vocational, 1300q

Education Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4138, 4324, detail 4329, 4376, 4380

Education and Training, Department, programs, 1842qn

Education (Participation) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4544, 4701

Employment, youth, 1745

Energy, solar, 3449q


Cotter reservoir, impact, 3246

Building temperature settings, 5827qn

Energy efficiency

Hot-water systems, 3299, 3466, 3596, 3730, 3734

Ratings, 1280, 1721, 2186qn, 2188qn, 4574q, 5021qn, 5036qn, 5049qn, 5050qn

Software, 841qn

Erindale, planning, 5510

Exhibition Park Corporation, board, 2567q

Exhibition Park Corporation Repeal Bill 2009, prin 1381, 1869


Civil partnerships, 4786

Data collection methods, 3155qn

Family and Community Day, legislation, 5070


Departmental assets and liabilities, 5778qn, 5781qn

Departmental energy and communication costs, 5791qn

Government expenditure, 420, 424, 426, 436

Invoices, 5836qn, 5837qn

Financial Management (Board Composition) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5215, detail 5228

Financial Management (Budget Review) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5597


Gaming machines, community contributions, 4746

Labor clubs, 3210q

Legislation, 4687

Racing, 338q, 343q, 5283, 5429, 5431

Gas-fired power station, proposal, mnrs 17, 18, 22


Achievements, 4716

Minister for Education and Training, 3965q, mc 3642, 3721

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2467

Portfolio responsibilities, mnst 342

Griffith oval, fence, 22

Holidays (Family and Community Day) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5070


Energy efficiency, 5036qn, 5050qn

Home ownership policies, 2889

Land, leases, 1485qn

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Young People (Sixth Assembly), 2990

Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 1761, 1764, 2924, 2928, 2929, 2932

Health and Disability, 1096, 1171

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, 2933

Language, “arse”, 1451

Members, leave of absence, 2945

Papers, 92, 1095, 1579, 2153, 3248, 4362, 4598, 4972, 5468

Points of order, 2937, 3241, 4026, 4777

Privilege, identifying an individual, 2614qn

Questions on notice, 1994

Sittings, 269

Standing and temporary orders, suspension, 867, 4160

Valedictory, 449, 5767

Marlow Cottage, refurbishment, 2230qn

Marriage, civil partnerships, 5738

Multiculturalism, National Multicultural Festival, 1022


Amaroo, 1495qn

Approval process, 70q

Building Code of Australia, 3452q

Call-in powers, 2694

Child-friendly principles, 5035qn

Code track systems, 2230qn

Commercial developments, 2244qn

Deakin swimming pool, 1288q, 1569q, 1662q, 4441q, 4460q

Delays, 1286q

Development applications, 23, 842qn, 2186qn, 2694

East Gungahlin, 1528qn

Federal government, 4826q

Giralang shops, 4053q

Gungahlin, 19

Hospital car park, 2449q, 2459q, 2460q

Initiatives, 5399qn, 5774qn

Inspection fees, 3345q, 3465q

Leases, 342, 519, 2588, 3245, 4362

Legislation, impact, 3457q

Local shops, 2018

Multi-unit housing, 3242, 3817

Outer suburbs, facilities, 2704

Parliamentary triangle, 4980

Redevelopment policy, 2933

Schools, 972q, 976q, 982q, 989q

Subordinate legislation, mnst 1580, 1828

Swimming pools, 1412q, 1413q, 1416q, 1427q

Territory plan, 1212

Theodore, 581, 1929

Tuggeranong and Erindale, 5510

Watson, 1212

West Macgregor, 2679q, 2744q

Woden master plan, 1795q

Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3802, 3938, 4941

Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5650

Planning and Development Amendment Regulation 2009 (No 2), motion to disallow 1382

Prisons, Bimberi Youth Justice centre, 200q, 1481qn, 3520qn

Racing Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5283, 5429, detail 5431


Funding, 2458q

Monash Drive, 5037qn

Well Station Drive extension, 4801, 4917

Social welfare, emergency relief, 991q


Community participation, 4813

Facilities, 1445

Funding, 3567q

Swimming lessons, 1305q

Surveyors Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5644

Tourism, visitor numbers, 1303q

Tuggeranong, planning, 5510

Unlawful Gambling Bill 2009, prin 4687

Waramanga, shopping centre, 3531


Cotter reservoir, 3246, 4204

Security of supply, 3551

Use and catchment, 1212

Water and Sewerage (Energy Efficient Hot-Water Systems) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3299, detail 3730, 3734

World Teachers Day 2009, 5803qn


Employment, 1745

Policies, mnst 1806

Youth Week, 1673, 1683


ACT Health, agency nurses, 3963q

ACT public service

Disabled persons, 4277qn

Review, 238

ACTION bus service

Accompanied children, 4658qn

Calwell, 5400qn

Concessions, 2868, 4659qn

Redex trial, 5147

Standing passengers, 4660qn


Consumption, 1423q

Sales, 2238qn

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Community health organisations, 2225qn, 2227qn

Infection rates, 5456q

Policies, 3157qn

Review, 5321q

Services, 766q

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), detail 427, 433

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2131, detail (Chief Minister’s Department) 2744, (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2772, (ACT Health) 3062, (Housing ACT) 3083, (ACT Gambling and Racing Commission) 3130, (Legal Aid Commission) 3140, (Treasurer’s advance) 3143

Arts and letters

Artist/Proof exhibition, 5619

Trans gender exhibition, 5261

Aussie Junk, recycling contract, 2577q


Committee report, 2373

Debate, 2131

Mental health, 2682q, 2860q

Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Bill 2009, prin 5376, detail 5379

Calvary Private Hospital, staff transfers, 4278qn

Calvary Public Hospital, purchase proposal, 2424, 2440, 4429, 4723q, 5164, 5199q, 5208

Canberra Hospital

Car park, 4270qn

Dischargeable patients, 1573q, 1667q

Mental health inpatient unit, 2212qn, 2213qn

N1H1 influenza (swine flu) deaths, 3380

Tuberculosis exposure, 4843

Canberra international airport, master plan, 2319q, 3347q

Cemeteries, burial alternatives, 1098


Accompanied bus travel, 4658qn

Adoption, 5684q

Autistic, 822qn, 823qn

Kinship carers, 4723q

Cigarettes and tobacco, control, 5415, 5421

Clare Holland House

Ownership, 4964q

Sale, proposed, 2424, 2440, 4429

Club 55, Tuggeranong, 4671qn

Compensation, workers, 3435, 4560, 5719, 5725

Consumer protection, nanomaterials, 4654qn

Cotter Dam, advertising campaign, 5083q

Crime, restorative justice, 3831q

Dangerous Goods (Road Transport) Bill 2009, prin 4241, detail 4245

Dangerous Substances (Explosives) Amendment Regulation 2009 (No 2), prin 5294

Development Application (Block 20 Section 23 Hume) Assessment Facilitation Bill 2008, prin 369, detail 385, 390

Disabled persons

Complaints commissioners, 1083q

Employment, 242, 4277qn

Services, 3210q

Transport access, 4453q

Drugs, needles and syringes, 4662qn


Poverty proofing, 4279qn

Stimulus package, 477q, 752


Excursion fees, 1663q, 1802q


Birrigai, 203q

Closures, 4141

Planning regulations, 982q

Reporting, 4053q

Sizes, 4190q

Students, truancy, 4179q

Eggs, Parkwood, 4730q

Eggs (Cage System) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4091

Elmir, Ms B, kickboxing, 3493, 5620

Employment, disabled persons, 242

Energy, feed-in tariff, 4736q


Air quality, 2461q, 2601, 5011qn, 5089q

Climate change, 4905

Energy efficiency programs, 3313, 4570q

Hot-water systems, 3313

Nanomaterials, 4654qn

Tuggeranong Valley, 2461q, 2601

Waste management, 641q, 3253, 4188q

Wood heater replacement program, 4670qn

Erindale, planning, 5505, 5525

Facebook, fraudulent site, 2158

Families, Civil partnerships, 4345q, 4460q, 4579q

Family and Community Day, legislation, 5069

Finance, government expenditure, 427, 433

Fireworks, ban, 5294

Food, genetically modified, 825qn

Gambling, racing, 5427, 5432

Gas-fired power station, proposal, 331q, 369, 385, 390


Accountability, 238

Attorney-General, motion of serious concern 495

Minister for Education and Training, mc 3702

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2491

Gungahlin, Regional Community Service, 5183q


Asbestos, 4733q

Crisis assessment and treatment team, 2228qn

Disability services, 3210q

Energy costs, 3692q

General practitioners, 1323

H1N1 influenza (swine flu), 3380

Home births, 1902q, 2972q

Home-based palliative care, 4967q

Kippax family practice, closure, 1626

Mental, 601, 618, 2212qn, 2213qn, 2682q, 2860q, 4068, 4370, 4660qn

Occupational health and safety, 5707

Oversight, 863q

Performance indicators, 696

Solariums, 3513qn, 4277qn

Tuberculosis, 4843

Holidays (Family and Community Day) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5069


Community sector, 1358, 1371, 5189q, 5327q

Currong apartments, 3361

Home ownership policies, 2888

Homelessness services, 5404qn

Land rent scheme, 2909

Non-government providers, 4477, 4489

Public, 4279qn, 4341q, 4459q

Social, 1771

Human rights

China, 3630

National consultation, 1491qn

Sri Lanka, 4000

Universal declaration, 179, 216

Iltis, Ms T, death, 4637


Refugees, 5119

Sri Lankan refugees, 3282

Independent Living Centre, relocation, 3511qn

Industrial relations, work safety, 3883, 3888

Insurance, terrorism, 1164

International affairs

China, 3630

Ethiopia, 5684q

Iran, Baha’i leaders, 2915

Sri Lanka, 4000

Land, rent scheme, 877, 938

Latimer House principles, 3427

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 542, 2066, 2925, 2930, 4141

Establishment, 46

Estimates 2009-2010, 2373

Privileges 2009, 2285, 2297


Bresnan, Ms A, inaugural speech, 271

Conduct, 1138

Interests, declarations, 5661

Staff, Manderson, Mr R, departure, 4248

Points of order, 2383, 2493, 4959, 5678

Sittings, 269, 305, 5675

Standing and temporary orders, suspension, 868

Valedictory, 449, 5766

McIntyre, Mr L Snr, death, 1037


National Multicultural Festival, 1021, 3580q, 5698q

Youth, 1202q, 1310q, 1984q

National Folk Festival, 4060q

National Multicultural Festival, 1021, 3580q, 5698q


Crace, 4959q

Erindale, 5505, 5525, 5620

Federal government, 4827q

Legislation, impact, 3457q

Outer suburbs, facilities, 2712

Schools, 982q

Service stations, 5541q

Tuggeranong, 5505, 5525, 5620

Racing Amendment Bill 2009, 5427, detail 5432

Rates and Land Tax Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5424

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 844

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 846

Road Transport (Mass, Dimensions and Loading) Bill 2009, prin 3271, detail 3280, 3430, 3432


Bus transit lanes, 4270qn

Oaks Estate bridge, 2857q

Speed limits, 1178

Users, protection, 5330


Club 55, Tuggeranong, 4671qn

Elder abuse programs, 2214qn

Empowerment and inclusion, 349

Smoking (Prohibition in Enclosed Public Places) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5415, detail 5421

Social welfare, community services, 779

TJ & C Family Consultancy, funding, 5013qn


Dangerous goods, 4241, 4245

Environmentally sustainable targets, 5691q

Heavy vehicles, 3271, 3280, 3430, 3432

Light rail, 75q, 1798

Nightlink taxi service, 5545q

Sustainable options, 3855

Taxis, 1243, 1299q

Wheelchair accessible, 1243


Air quality, 2229qn

Planning, 5505, 5525, 5620

Veterans, community life, 3758

Waste, management, 641q, 3253, 4188q

Water and Sewerage (Energy Efficient Hot-Water Systems) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3313

Women, Beryl refuge, 5447q, 5559q

Work Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3883, detail 3888

WorkCover, review, 4829q, 4839q

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5719, detail 5725

Workers Compensation (Default Insurance Fund) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3435

Workers Compensation (Default Insurance Fund) Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 4560

Workers Compensation (Terrorism) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1164


Multicultural services, 1202q, 1310q, 1984q

Youth Week, 1677


ACT Health, agency nurses, 3964q

ACT public service

20th anniversary, 3574q

Consultants, 5843qn

Invoices, 5838qn

ACTION bus service, fleet, 3961q

Adoption Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4304

Advertising, government jingles, 338q

Alexander Maconochie Centre, update, 1564q

Animal Diseases Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1893

Auditor-General’s Office, funding, 2823


Committee report, 2369

Independent analysis, 2570q

Infrastructure investment, 1989q

Prospects, 902


Controlled burns, 4059q

Warnings, 4116


Small, 3386, 3402

Supermarkets, competition policy, 2454q

Calvary Public Hospital, sale, proposed, 4568q

Canberra BusinessPoint, awards, 2606

Canberra Hospital

Disabled patients, 5533q, 5697q

Nurse-led walk-in centres, 1791q

Waiting times, 4582q

Capital works, programs, 4454q

Cemeteries, burial alternatives, 1105


Abuse, 4751

Adoption, 4304, 5683q


Centres, 5825qn

Fees, 4727q, 4970q, 5083q, 5192q, 5193q, 5198q, 5458q, 5543q, 5699q

Licences, 5655

Policy, 5537q

Workplace playschool facilities, 5397qn

Institutional care, 5059

Kinship carers, 4723q, 4957q

Protection, 5022qn

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5655

Children and Young People Equipment Loan Service, 5804qn

Compensation, workers compensation, 3436

Cotter Dam

Cost, 3950q, 3954q, 3957q, 4047q, 4176q

Enlargement, 4064q

Council of Australian Governments, meeting update, 1896q

Courts and tribunals, legislation, 4993


Antisocial behaviour, 4445q

Child abuse, 4751

Law reform, 2970q

Organised, 3561

Youth justice, 4193q

Crimes (Assumed Identities) Bill 2009, prin 4236

Dangerous Substances (Explosives) Amendment Regulation 2009 (No 2), prin 5296

Disabled persons

Accessibility issues, 5453q, 5561q

Canberra Hospital, patients, 5533q, 5697q


Non-profit sector, 2506

Recession, 1260

Revenue base, 1603

Stimulus package, 523, 627q, 1091q


Early childhood, 4186q

Galilee day program, 4966q

Investment, 67q, 1960

Public system, 1653q, 1802q


Closures, 4146, 4338q

Fetes, 5133

Sustainability, 3492

Students, behaviour, 4321

Teachers, 4013, 4024, 4252

Education Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4321

Education (Participation) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4698

Electoral, campaign advertising, 3890

Electricity, feed-in tariff, 209q, 3827q

Emergencies (Bushfire Warnings) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4116

Emergency services, warnings, 4064q

Employment, hospitality jobs, 4124


Feed-in tariff, 209q, 3827q

Solar, 2313q, 3205q


Air pollution, Tuggeranong Valley, 2599

Building temperature settings, 5828qn

Electricity feed-in scheme, 768q

Grasslands, 1555

Urban street trees, 4450q

Exhibition Park Corporation Repeal Bill 2009, prin 1868


Assets and liabilities, 5785qn

Energy and communication costs, 5795qn

Global crisis, 4351q

Government expenditure, 1154, 1231

Fireworks, ban, 4584q, 5296

First Home Owners Grant Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 3926

Galilee day program, funding, 5081q, 5096q, 5100q

Gambling, legislation, 4684


Accountability, 2364

Achievements, 4719

Advertising jingles, 338q

Community consultation, 3632

Ministerial responsibilities, 4771, 5613

Giralang, planning, 4055q

Gungahlin, Regional Community Service, 5182q, 5327q


Accreditation process, 3350q

Animal diseases, 1893

Denmark and Norway, services, 3699q

General practitioners, 1325

Interprofessional workshops, 3632

Mental, planning, 612

Wellness Week, 4124


Community providers, 5189q, 5327q

Construction, 4194q

First home owner grant, 3926

Home ownership policies, 2879, 2897

Homelessness services, 5404qn

Land rent scheme, 2674q

Non-government providers, 4487

Public, 479q, 5087q, 5088q, 5198q, 5314q, 5454q

Housing ACT

Energy efficiency ratings, 5812qn

Solar hot-water systems, 5811qn

Housing and Community Services, Department, acknowledgement, 5387

IMB Community Foundation, funding, 2916

Immigration, refugees, 5122

Industrial relations

Long service leave, 3535, 4951, 4953

Maternity leave, 997

Portable long service leave, 5319q

International affairs, Ethiopia, 5683q

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 3), prin 4993

Kangaroos, cull, 1195q

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 2927, 4146

Estimates 2009-2010, 2369, 2606

Public Accounts, 1154


Burch, Ms J, inaugural speech, 149

Conduct, 1144

Hargreaves, Mr J, resignation from ministry, 4638

Staff, Manderson, Mr R, departure, 4252

Points of order, 4059

Valedictory, 5765

Long Service Leave (Community Sector) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4951,
detail 4953

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Bill 2009, prin 3535

Motor vehicles, abandoned, 1878


Ministerial decisions, 5456q

National Multicultural Festival, 880q, 1012, 1027, 4965q, 5100, 5315q, 5318q, 5698q

Strategy, 5705


Giralang shops, 4055q

Multi-unit housing, 3819

Outer suburbs, facilities, 2714

Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3933

Policing, assumed identities, 4236

Richardson, Festival of Belonging, 5133

Road Transport (Mass, Dimensions and Loading) Bill 2009, prin 3273

Roads and Public Places Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1878

Seniors, positive ageing, 5702

Social welfare, community services, 786


Facilities, 1455

Redline model car racing team, 3284

Supermarkets, competition policy, 2454q, 4334q

Taxation, GST payments, 4348q

Territory and Municipal Services, Department, services, 3461q

Territory-owned corporations, operations, 3988

TJ & C Family Consultancy, funding, 5013qn

Transport, heavy vehicles, 3273

Unlawful Gambling Bill 2009, prin 4684

Veterans, community services, 1740

Water, supply, 1294q, 1413q, 3553

Watson Blinds and Awnings, anniversary, 3492

Women, Beryl refuge, 5447q, 5559q

Workers Compensation (Default Insurance Fund) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3436


Crime, 4193q

Plan, 5447q, 5448q, 5468


ACT public service

Account payment arrears, 2251qn, 2252qn

External facilitators, 2256qn

Promotional activities, 2252qn, 2254qn, 2255qn

Travel, 1502qn, 1505qn, 1508qn

ACTION bus service

Belconnen bus interchange, 2971q, 3146

Benchmarking, 3515qn

Bus stop seats, 2247qn

Concession fares, 2530, 2874

Drivers, 834qn

Fleet, 3963q

Marshals, 3515qn

Nightrider, 1500qn

Occupational health and safety, 4189q

Park and ride facilities, 5808qn

Patronage, 5806qn

Redex, 5138, 5152, 5157, 5161, 5808qn

Revenue, 3502qn

Student fares, 3501qn

Subsidies, 4345q

Ticketing, 3516qn

Wheelchair accessible buses, 2247qn

Advertising, political parties, 837qn

AFS Australia, 50th anniversary, 3903

Albert Hall, refurbishment, 2249qn

Alexander Maconochie Centre, delays, 5549q

Anglicare, winter pantry appeal, 2533

Animal Diseases Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1887

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), detail 420, 440

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2136, detail (Auditor-General) 2661, (Chief Minister’s Department) 2761, (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2766, (Shared Services Centre) 2960, (Department of Treasury) 3036, (Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services) 3069, (Housing ACT) 3079, (Department of Education and Training) 3112

Arts and letters

Community events, 928

Theatre awards, 922, 5128

Aussie Junk, recycling contract, 5451q

Australian Historical Railway Society, museum, 2794

Australian Hotels Association, awards, 2917

Bass Gardens, conservation management plan, 2215qn

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Commissioning, 200q, 840qn, 1481qn

Incidents, 3520qn

Black Mountain Peninsula, security, 4652qn

Bubble Day, activities, 2605


Committee report, 2390

Consultations, 2679q

Debate, 2136

Revenue, 1980q

Business, supermarkets, competition, 4451q, 4884

Calvary Public Hospital, sale, proposed, 2318q, 2442, 3960q, 4470, 4577q, 4726q

Canberra Hospital

Endoscopes, 1904q

Waiting times, 77q

Canberra Services Club, Lady Gowrie hall, 2032

Capital works, projects, 596

Cemeteries, burial alternatives, 1103

Charnwood, carnival, 1239


Childcare fees, 5192q, 5459q

Kinship carers, 4958q

Playground upgrades, 4273qn

Civic, pot plants, 838qn

Clare Holland House, sale, proposed, 2442, 4470

Cotter Dam, cost, 3956q, 4056q, 4732q


Bill posting, 3172, 3590

Neighbourhood Watch, 5622

Youth justice, 4192q

Crimes (Bill Posting) Amendment Bill 2008, prin 543, 548

Dangerous Goods (Road Transport) Bill 2009, prin 4240, detail 4245

Dangerous Substances and Litter (Dumping) Legislation Amendment Bill 2008, prin 549, detail 554

Dangerous Substances (Explosives) Amendment Regulation 2009 (No 2), prin 5301

Deakin, stormwater network upgrade, 4675qn

Department of Territory and Municipal Services, strategic budget review, 4663qn, 4664qn, 4665qn, 4666qn, 4667qn

Disabled persons, accessibility issues, 5453q, 5561q

Disasters, Typhoon Ondoy, 4775


Outlook, 268

Recession, 1198q, 1268

Stimulus package, 478q, 541, 636q, 746, 987q


Galilee day program, 4966q

Investment, 1968


Bullying, 2458q

Closures, 4830q

Student union fees, 808, 3285

Electoral, campaign advertising, 3894


Forecasts, 1802q

Levels, 1573q


Urban street trees, 4862

Vegetation, 1529qn

Waste management, 549, 554, 3261


Government expenditure, 420, 440, 4648qn

Strategic budget review, 4281qn, 4663qn, 4664qn, 4665qn, 4666qn, 4667qn

Fireworks, ban, 5191q, 5301

Gaming, sale of Labor clubs, 3208q, 3345q, 3354, 3876

Gas-fired power station, proposal, 330q

Girls Brigade, national conference, 4386

Gold Creek Homestead, maintenance and repair, 839qn


Advertising, 4280qn

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2492

Ministerial performance, 3834q

Griffith, Throsby Court, 1510qn

Hawker, planning, 1010, 1135


Animal diseases, 1887

Autism spectrum disorders, 2605

General practitioners, 1324

Osteoporosis, 4903

Hodgman, Mr M, QC MP, tribute, 5386

Horse paddocks, maintenance, 3517qn


Affordability, 1290q

Causeway, 763q

Community sector, 1368

Construction, 4196q

Cotter Road caretaker’s cottage, security, 3519qn

Currong apartments, 3370

Land rent scheme, 2852q

Non-government providers, 4484

Public, 839qn, 1773, 1790q, 5087q, 5089q

Housing ACT

Asbestos removal, 2215qn

Facility management, 1845qn, 3507qn

Fire extinguishers, 3160qn

Properties, 2216qn

Rent arrears, 2188qn, 2246qn

International affairs, Vietnam, 5005

Lake Ginninderra, foreshore project, 3502qn


Real estate policy, 2247qn

Rent scheme, 864q, 873, 884q, 949, 2009

Legislative Assembly


Estimates 2009-2010, 2390

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, 3172, 3590

Public Accounts, 3876

Members, Coe, Mr A, inaugural speech, 24

Ministerial statements, practices, 267

Points of order, 3460, 4196, 4831

Questions on notice, unanswered, 2327q

Sittings, 267

Standing order 115, 2686

Valedictory, 452, 5759

Library service, re-establishment, 836qn

Lions Club, recruitment, 1032

Marymead Child and Family Centre, new building, 5477

Meloto, Mr T, Gawad Kalinga program, 2162

Motor vehicles, abandoned, 1874, 1885

Mt Ainslie nature reserve, signage, 5023qn

Multiculturalism, National Multicultural Festival, 1025, 5317q

Municipal services

Funding, 3518qn

Questions, 2576q

National Multicultural Festival, 1025, 5317q

Neighbourhood Watch, service, 5622

Nelson, Dr B, retirement, 3629

Nicholls, shopping centre car park, 838qn, 1337, 1355

On the Move, church services, 1831

Petrol, prices, 5692q, 5693q


Local shops, 2026

Outer suburbs, facilities, 2713

Parliamentary triangle, 4983

Service stations, 5542q

Shopping centres, 5809qn

Swimming pools, 1413q

Unit titles, 1664q

Villages, 1824

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 845

Road Transport (Mass, Dimensions and Loading) Bill 2009, prin 3269,
detail 3280, 3432


Belconnen Way, 837qn

Coulter Drive, 1529qn

Fairbairn Avenue, 1086q

Footpaths, 3501qn

Griffith, Throsby Lane, 1503qn, 1504qn

Kelleway Avenue, 2249qn

Lanyon Drive, 5086q

Nature strips, 3501qn

Resealing costs, 1835qn

Speed and red light cameras, 835qn, 3516qn

Speed limits, 1180

Traffic calming, 3514qn

Traffic infringements, 4653qn

Traffic lights, 5022qn

Truck parking, 1854qn

Tuggeranong Parkway, 836qn

Users, protection, 5338

Well Station Drive extension, 4798, 4811

William Hovell Drive, 2248qn

Roads ACT, services, 2250qn

Roads and Public Places Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1874, detail 1885

Robert Gordon Menzies Walk, opening, 4126

Save the Children, Canberra Council, 4639

Seniors, empowerment and inclusion, 353

Social welfare

Gawad Kalinga charity, 4775

Joint ventures, 1831

Operation Christmas Child, 3416

Sport, orienteering, 5385

Territory and Municipal Services, Department

Budget, 3459q, 3578q, 3666, 3690q, 3727

Public assets, repairs, 5394qn

School sites, security, 5393qn

Territory and Municipal Services portfolio, performance, 1507qn


Charter services, 2250qn

Dangerous goods, 4240, 4245

Environmentally sustainable targets, 5692q

Heavy vehicles, 3269, 3280, 3432

Nightlink taxi service, 5547q

Sustainable options, 3851

Typhoon Morakot, damage, 3491

Veterans, community life, 3759


Illegal dumping, 549, 554

Management, 3261

Parks and reserves, 1508qn


Cotter Dam, 4732q

Irrigated sites, 3516qn

Weston, caretaker’s cottage, security, 3519qn

World Osteoporosis Day, support, 4903


Crime, 4192q

Girl Guides, 3998

National Youth Week, 1475, 1679, 1683

Plan, 5447q, 5450q

Youth Achievement Australia, activities, 4253


ACT Legal Aid, funding, 327q

ACT Policing

Investigative powers, 1544, 1716

Vehicles, 3152qn

ACT public service

Annual reports, 4291, 4679

Consultants, 5841qn

Corporate credit cards, 5833qn

Freedom of information, 285, 1756, 1760

Invoices, 5835qn

Management courses, 2233qn, 2234qn

Positions, 3154qn

Review, 230, 805

Travel, 1514qn, 1836qn, 2617qn

ACT Women’s Legal Centre, funding, 2678q

Actew Corporation Ltd

Consultation activities, 2195qn

Cotter Dam, 2192qn

Environment management plan, 2202qn

Environmental flows, 2201qn

Free recycled water, 2200qn

Googong Dam, 2204qn

Greenhouse gas offsets, 2202qn

Sewage treatment, 2205qn

[See also Water]

ACTION bus service

Concession fares, 2865, 2876

Timetable, 5027qn


Consumption, 1423q

Sales, 2239qn

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Commissioning, 768q

Contractors, 832qn

Delays, 5361, 5549q

Radio frequency identification bracelets, 5445q

Review, 5321q

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, detail (Legislative Assembly Secretariat) 2633, (Auditor-General) 2664, 2666, (Chief Minister’s Department) 2739, declaration of urgency, 3043, allotment of time, 3048, (Department of Justice and Community Safety) 3097, (Department of Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water) 3106

Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3749

Belconnen, leases, 3521qn

Boden, Dr R OAM, death, 3913

Budget 2009-2010, information, 1734


Controlled burns, 4058q

Inquiries, 3229

Preparation, 3453q

Victoria, 461, 906, 919

Warnings, 4114


Licensed premises, 4655qn, 5822qn

Outdoor cafes, 5798qn, 5800qn, 5801qn

Calvary Public Hospital, 4435

Canberra stadium, green energy, 5689q

Capital works, project management, 4224

Censorship, legislation, 284, 725

Civil Partnerships Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4781, detail 4791, 4792, 4796

Civil Partnerships Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5410, 5744

Clare Holland House, sale, proposed, 4435

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 284, 725

Clifford, Mr J, retirement, 1855

Consumer protection, nanomaterials, 4654qn

Cotter Dam

Briefings, 4246

Cost, 4045q, 4048q, 4198q

Enlargement, 4064q

Water security, 4030, 4076, 4077, 4080

Courts and Tribunal (Appointments) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4490, detail 4502

Courts and tribunals

Administration, 3234

Chief Magistrate, 4737, 5099

Community service orders, 4351, 4644qn

Director of Public Prosecutions, staffing levels, 1847qn

Independent legal arbiter, 2053

Litigant guidelines, 2609qn

Sentences, 2181qn

Supreme Court, workload, 3348q


Antisocial behaviour, 4443q

Drink driving, 3821

Drug arrests, 4656qn

Groups and activities, 2860

Infringement notices, 5548q

Law reform, 2537, 2970q

Organised, 3623, 4654qn

Outlaw motorcycle gangs, 1685, 1699

Penalty units, 3424

School assaults, 3508qn

Youth justice, 4192q

Crimes (Assumed Identities) Bill 2009, prin 3422, 4237

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2535, 3442

Crimes (Murder) Amendment Bill 2008, prin 283, 561, detail 567, 569, 4163, 4170

Dangerous Substances (Explosives) Amendment Regulation 2009 (No 2), prin 5299

Disabled persons, complaints commissioners, 1083q

Education, school assaults, 3508qn

Education Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), 4913

Eggs, Parkwood, 3599, 4677

Electoral, campaign finance, 5348


Feed-in tariff, 209q

Renewable sources, 5396qn

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 709, 1117, detail 1124, 1129, 1132, 1135

Emergencies (Bushfire Warnings) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4114

Emergency services

Recommendations, 2336

Warnings, 4063q

Emergency Services Authority, headquarters, 4067q


Concessions, 2846q, 4262qn

Feed-in tariff, 3827q, 4734q

Heating efficiency, 2853q

Solar, 2313q, 3205q, 5557q


Air pollution, Tuggeranong Valley, 2461q

Air quality, 5089q

Building sites, 1848qn

Carbon emissions, 1079q

Carbon sequestration, 2985, 3945

Climate change, 2462q

Ecosystem connectivity map, 2242qn

Electricity feed-in scheme, 709, 768q

Emissions trading scheme, 336q

Energy efficiency, 1833qn, 4568q, mnst 4598, 5019qn, 5032qn

Grasslands, 1560, 1789q, 1804q

Green power, 1800

Greenhouse gas, 2988, 3923, 5105, 5250

Hot-water systems, 3307

Lowland native grasslands, 1428

Nanomaterials, 4654qn

Noise pollution, 5826qn

Plastic bag levy, 5033qn

Pollution levels, 4667qn

Report, 342, 2333

Solar power, 78q

UNESCO nomination, 3841

Waste management, 3257

Wood heater replacement program, 4670qn

Facebook, fraudulent site, 2074, 2079, 2155

Fair Trading (Motor Vehicle Repair Industry) Bill 2009, prin 5278

Families, civil partnerships, 4345q, 4460q, 4580q, 4781, 4791, 4792, 4796


Credit cards, 2451q

Departmental assets and liabilities, 5780qn

Departmental energy and communication costs, 5790qn

Government revenue, penalty units, 4296

Home loans, 3497qn

Financial Management Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1541

Fire, regulations and emergency plans, 5775qn

Fireworks, ban, 3840, 5299

First Home Owners Grant Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 3927

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2008, prin 620, detail 655, 659, 661, 667, 670, 674

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 285

Gaming, sale of Labor clubs, 3330, 3345q


Accountability, 230

Achievements, 4764

Appointments, 1065, 1073, 1107


Comments, 776, 778

Motion of serious concern 485, 494

Latimer House principles, 311, 358, 362

Minister for Education and Training, mc 3704

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2485

Ministerial code of conduct, 3487

Portfolio responsibilities, mnst 211

Self-government legislation, 2510, 2520, 2525


Asbestos, 5048qn

Energy costs, 3692q

Mental, 4661qn


Energy efficiency, 5032qn

First home owner grant, 3927

Home ownership policies, 2891

Land rent scheme, 2906

Unit titles, 1462

Housing ACT, plumber visit program, 5031qn

Human rights

Four Geneva Conventions of 1949, 3183, 3192

Legislation, 3230

National consultation, 1491qn

Universal declaration, 187

Human Rights Commission Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5641

Industrial relations

Legislation, 5438, 5443

Long service leave, 4559, 4565

Occupational health and safety, 4647qn

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 713, 1065, detail 1073, 1107

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 2537, 3196

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 3), prin 4536

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 4), prin 5281, 5438, detail 5443

Kingston, Green Square, 93

Law Officer Amendment Bill 2008, prin 3404, detail 3413

Law reform, gender issues, 5014qn, 5016qn, 5018qn

Legal advice, homeless people, 5773qn

Legal Profession Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4534, 5078

Legislation (Penalty Units) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3424, 4296

Legislative Assembly

Business, 1859


Administration and Procedure, 362, 717, 4678

Advertising, 1827

Annual reports, 307, 718

Campaign Finance Reform, 5348

Climate Change, Environment and Water, 288, 300, 1430, 3915, 3923, 5105

Establishment, 40, 45

Estimates 2009-2010, 1747, 1827

Health and Disability, 1166

Justice and Community Safety, 1756, 1760, 3975, 5361

Legal Affairs, 2336

Membership, 58, 363, 5373

Planning and Environment, 3841

Privileges 2009, 2283, 2289, 2390, 3789

Public Accounts, 2153, 3234

Deputy Speaker, 10

Documents, 720, 754, 795, 804, 1751, 1753


“A government that have twisted and abused and lied
or cheated”, 2062

“Duplicitous”, 794

“Gutless”, 1706

“He is either a knave or a fool”, 794

“Hypocrite”, 500

“You’re an appalling liar”, 1106


Amendments, 2040, 4530

Government amendments, 1050, 1054


Behaviour, 3789

Hargreaves, Mr J, leave of absence, 1472, 4678

Leave of absence, 363, 5747

Porter, Ms M, leave of absence, 3916, 4113

Stanhope, Mr J, leave of absence, 4523

Ministerial statements, 95, 262

Papers, 92, 93, 341, 519, 520, 776, 886, 1097, 1216, 1579, 1806, 1925, 2153, 2337, 2696, 2985, 3234, 3235, 3594, 3599, 3974, 4361, 4363, 4594, 4744, 5110, 5471, 5702

Parliamentary budget officer, 717

Points of order, 63, 198, 236, 318, 339, 413, 473, 485, 511, 627, 790, 794, 874, 1084, 1140, 1142, 1293, 1607, 1654, 2062, 2266, 2286, 2287, 2405, 2719, 2853, 3202, 3203, 3204, 3209, 3210, 3326, 3332, 3337, 3445, 3447, 3473, 3474, 3484, 3485, 3601, 3644, 4043, 4147, 4149, 4501, 4586, 4727, 4828, 4915, 4916, 4959, 4961, 5363, 5662, 5664, 5665, 5690

Powers, 1737

Privilege, ruling, dissent, 2265, 2273

Question time, supplementary questions, 3808

Questions on notice, 1310, 1993, 1994, 2154, 2325q, 2327q, 4352, 4460, 4462

Self-government legislation, 2323q

Sitting calendar, 301, 306, 5673, 5679

Standing order 276, 2265, 2273

Standing and temporary orders, 48, 55, 134, 795, 804, 866

Valedictory, 5749

Long Service Leave (Community Sector) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4559

Marriage, civil partnerships, 5410, 5744

Molonglo Valley, bushfire regulations, 2241qn

Motor vehicles

Motorola vehicular charges, 2232qn

Repair industry, 5278

Pace Farm, out-of-order petition, 3599


Subordinate legislation, 1786, 1827

Unit titles, 1664q

Policing, assumed identities, 3422, 4237

Recycling, batteries and light bulbs, 2968q


Footpath maintenance, 5028qn

Speed limits, 1174

Traffic and parking fines, 3149qn, 3152qn

Traffic infringements, 1847qn, 4653qn

Security industry, regulation, 1519qn

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3200, 2040

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 4530, 5372

Unit Titles Amendment Act 2008 (No 2), 1459

Unit Titles Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1462

Veterans, community life, 3756


Management, 3257

Recycling, 5025qn


Diversions, 2197qn

Projects, tendering, 5042qn

Purification plant, 2194qn

Quality, 2203qn

Recycled, 2200qn

Security, 4030, 4076, 4077, 4080

Supply, 1294q, 1414q, 1431, 2190qn, 3555, 4030, 4076, 4077, 4080, 4926, 4971, 5312q

[See also Cotter Dam]

Water and Sewerage (Energy Efficient Hot-Water Systems) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3307

Women, ACT Women’s Legal Centre, 2678q

WorkCover, review, 4829q, 4839q, 4971q

Youth, crime, 4192q


ACT Muscular Dystrophy Association, fundraising dinner, 5383

ACT Planning and Land Authority, funding, 1986q

ACT public service

Disabled persons, 3151qn

Recruitment, 1574q

Travel, 1521qn, 1522qn

ACTION bus service

Concession fares, 2867

Redex trial, 5155

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), detail 435

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2129, detail (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2783, (Department of Treasury) 3027, (Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services) 3067, (Department of Education and Training) 3109, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 3135

Arts and letters

Tackling Peace, film, 5621

Theatre awards, 923

Australian Hungarian Cultural Convention, celebration, 5484

Belconnen Remand Centre, conditions, 766q


Debate, 2129

Indicators, 2681q, 2981q


Small, 3401

Supermarkets, competition policy, 4887

Calvary Public Hospital, purchase proposal, 4834q

Canberra Hospital, disabled patients, 5534q, 5697q

Capital works, projects, 980q, 1083q


Care and protection, 1796q

Childcare fees, 4727q, 5084q, 5542q

Children and Young People Equipment Loan Service, 5803qn

Clare Holland House, sale, proposed, 4472

Cotter Dam

Briefings, 4181q

Water security, 4074


School assaults, 3508qn

Vandalism, 2210qn

Development Application (Block 20 Section 23 Hume) Assessment Facilitation Bill 2008, prin 378

Disabled persons

Accessibility issues, 5453q, 5561q

Employment, 244, 248

Hospital care, 2029

Parking permits, 1852qn

Public service, 3151qn


Growth forecast, 4583q

Non-profit sector, 2503

Policy, 4621

Recession, 1265

Revenue base, 1586

Stimulus package, 475q, 635q

Youth poverty, 4002


Catholic Schools Week, 1237

Counsellors and psychologists, 1486qn

Early childhood, 4186q

Erindale College, academy awards, 4773

Funding, 1485qn, 1486qn

Galilee day program, 4967q

Investment, 1963

Language, 681, 809


Assaults, 3508qn

Bullying, 2969q, 2989q, 3510qn, 4576q

Class sizes, 1837qn

Closures, 4338q, 4397

Enrolments, 72q, 207q, 341q, 3506qn

Fetes, 5131

Kingsford Smith, 4672qn

Non-government, 3240

Performance monitoring, 2839

Procurement and purchasing policies, 5595

Removal of children, 5187q

Sizes, 4191q

Urambi primary, 5802qn

Vandalism, 2210qn

Village Creek, 337q

Special needs, 1200q, 2451q


Behaviour, 4310, 4327, 4375, 4379, 5803qn

Suspension, 4777

Teachers, 1523qn, 4016, 5802qn

Training organisations, 1486qn

Education Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4310, detail 4327, 4375, 4379

Education Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 4777

Education (Participation) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4690

Elmir, Ms B, kickboxing success, 3493

Emergency services, warnings, 4062q

Employment, disabled persons, 244, 248

Engineers Australia, excellence awards, 5003

Environment, air pollution, Tuggeranong Valley, 2597

Erindale, planning, 5518, 5621

Finance, government expenditure, 435

Galilee day program, funding, 5082q

Gaming, sale of Labor clubs, 3208q, 3346q

Gas-fired power station, proposal, 378


Minister for Education and Training, mc 3639, 3722, 3965q

Ministerial code of conduct, 3467

Ministerial performance, 3831q

Greek Independence Day, celebration, 1739


General practitioners, 1319

Kippax family practice, closure, 1625

Mental, 3508qn

Rett syndrome, 4002

Services, 4246


Calvary Public Hospital, 2321q, 2578q, 4472

Canberra Hospital, length of stay, 3505qn

Disability care, 2029


Land rent scheme, 2854q

Public, 5088q, 5198q

Human rights, universal declaration, 215


Korea, 4390

Refugees, 5118

International affairs, Cyprus, 3493

Land, rent scheme, 861q, 883q

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 2926, 2931, 3015

Health, Community and Social Services, 1861

Members, Doszpot, Mr S, inaugural speech, 30

Questions on notice, unanswered, 2327q

Valedictory, 453, 5763

McIntyre, Mr L Snr, death, 1143

Meloto, Mr T, Gawad Kalinga program, 2161

Moulis, Mr T, death, 1605


Ministerial decisions, 5456q

National Multicultural Festival, 809, 1014, 3450q, 4965q, 5100, 5315q, 5318q

Neighbourhood Watch, Theodore, 2604

Pattugalan, Ms L A, death, 3282


Deakin swimming pool, 1288q, 1662q

Outer suburbs, facilities, 2707

Swimming pools, 1416q

Tuggeranong and Erindale, 5518, 5621

Radio, 1RPH, print handicapped radio, 4247

Reid, Hon Margaret, AO, activities, 2913

Religion, prayers for peace, 3414

Roads, disabled parking permits, 1852qn

Social welfare, community services, 788

Spalding, Ms M, death, 1605

Spastic Centre, support, 2913


Canberra United Football Club, 5131

Facilities, 1441

Football, 4247

Taxation, utilities, 4458q

Territory and Municipal Services, Department, budget review, 3698q

Territory-owned corporations, operations, 3978

Transport, wheelchair accessible vehicles, 1848qn


Hyperdome, nativity story, 5484

Planning, 5518, 5621

World Refugee Day

Commemoration, 2392

Functions, 3145

World Teachers Day 2009, 5802qn


Poverty, 4002

Yogie awards, 5483


ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal, new premises, 4641

ACT Policing, investigative powers, 1545

ACT public service

Email accounts, 4262qn

Freedom of information, 161, 810, 1754

Management courses, 2234qn

Secondments, 3495

Strategic and functional review, 806

Travel, 1516qn, 1518qn, 1836qn, 2617qn

ACT Women’s Legal Centre, funding, 2677q

Actew Corporation Ltd

Board selection process, 2191qn

Consultation activities, 2194qn

Cotter Dam, 2191qn

Debt, 2206qn

Ecowise, 2205qn

Environment management plan, 2201qn

Googong Dam, 2204qn

Greenhouse gas offsets, 2202qn

Legal and banking services, 2189qn

Partnership disputes, 2205qn

Portfolio responsibilities, 4730q

Profits and dividends, 2190qn, 3156qn

Sewage treatment, 2205qn

Smart metering, 2200qn

Staff, 2207qn

Travel, 2188qn, 2616qn

[See also Water]

Adoption Amendment Bill 2008, prin 163, 1030

Adoption Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4297

Alexander Maconochie Centre, delays, 768q, 723, 5354, 5363

Anti-Poverty Week, 4513, 4640

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), detail 428, 440

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2149, detail (Auditor-General) 2650, 2665, 2668, (Chief Minister’s Department) 2756, (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2792, 2945, allotment of time, 3049, (Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services) 3070, (Department of Justice and Community Safety) 3088, (Department of Environment, Climate Change, Energy
and Water) 3104, (Department of Education and Training) 3111, (Actew Corporation Ltd) 3131, (Cultural Facilities Corporation) 3136, (Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission) 3139, (Legal Aid Commission) 3140, (Public Trustee for the ACT) 3141

Arts and letters

artsACT, funding, 2856q

Artwork project, 3497qn

At home with books program, 3145

Community events, 921

Events, 1829

Miss Saigon production, 5385

Performances, 5001

Theatre awards, 921

ArtSound, promotions, 5261

Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3750

Attorney-General, standards, 164

Auditor-General’s Office, funding, 2820

Belconnen, leases, 3521qn


artsACT, 2856q

Debate, 2149

Environmental initiatives, 2160

Outcome, 1794q

Parking fees and bus fares, 1982q

Strategy, 69q


Back-burning, 4268qn

Controlled burns, 4060q

Victoria, 465, 917


Small, 3400

Supermarkets, competition, 4457q, 4885, 4894

Calvary Public Hospital, purchase proposal, 4567q, 4579q, 4956q, 5324q

Canberra Hospital, tuberculosis exposure, 4825q

Canberra stadium, green energy, 5689q

Canberra Technology Park, leases, 4263qn

Capital works, programs, 4456q

Censorship, legislation, 724


Abuse, 4757

Adoption, 1030, 4297

British childcare workers, 2244qn

Care and protection, 1564q, 1660q


Fees, 4728q, 4970q, 5083q, 5194q, 5457q, 5544q, 5699q

Protection agency, 2237qn

Kinship carers, 4724q, 4958q

Protection, 2618qn, 2619qn

Services, 2621qn

Vardon report, 4267qn

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2555

Civil Partnerships Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4785, 4792

Civil Partnerships Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5732

Clare Holland House, sale, proposed, 2435, 4467

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 724

Compensation, workers, 3435, 4559, 5717, 5725

Cotter Dam

Cost, 4048q, 4057q, 4198q, 4732q, 4820q

Enlargement, 4066q

Project management, 4178q, 4180q

Water security, 4026, 4076, 4079


Appointments, 4516

Community service orders, 4351, 4644qn

Independent legal arbiter, 2056

Legislation, 4990

Litigant guidelines, 2609qn

Prosecution errors, 2208qn

Sentences, 2181qn

Supreme Court, workload, 3347q

Courts and Tribunal (Appointments) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3291, 4500, detail 4504


Child abuse, 4757

Drink driving, 3821

Infringement notices, 5547q

Murder, 3779

Outlaw motorcycle gangs, 1694

Crimes (Assumed Identities) Bill 2009, prin 4171

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3439

Crimes (Murder) Amendment Bill 2008, prin 555, detail 564, 569, 4169

Dangerous Substances (Explosives) Amendment Regulation 2009 (No 2), prin 5286, 5303

Development Application (Block 20 Section 23 Hume) Assessment Facilitation
Bill 2008, prin 379, detail 388

Drugs, needle and syringe program, 2568q, 2860q


Management, 1940

Non-profit sector, 2500

Predictions, 1424q

Recession, 1192q

Stimulus package, 474q, 984q, 1081q

Sustainability, 131



Closures, 4338q, 4833q

Enrolments, 815qn, 1481qn, 1484qn

Fetes, 5260

Flynn primary school, 5129

Language programs, 2209qn

Removal of children, 5187q

Reporting, 4052q

Teachers, 4022

Education Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), detail 4914

Eggs, battery cage farming, 3598, 3601, 3626, 4081

Eggs (Cage System) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4086, detail 4099, 4102, 4109

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2009, detail 1127


Air pollution, Tuggeranong Valley, 2593

Googong foreshores, 2221qn

Grasslands, 1554

Green economy, 131

Greenhouse gas, 5252

Management plan, 2201qn

Trees, 1849qn, 4865, 2218qn

Weed control, 1482qn

Facebook, fraudulent site, 2155


Adoptions, 163

Civil partnerships, 4785, 4792

Family and Community Day, legislation, 5067


Government expenditure, 428, 440, 1221

Government revenue, penalty units, 4294

Financial Management (Board Composition) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5222

Fireworks, ban, 3571q, 5190q, 5286, 5303

First Home Owners Grant Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1172

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2008, prin 161, 651, detail 656, 660, 663, 671

Gaming, sale of Labor clubs, 3335, 3352, 3696q, 3868

Gas-fired power station, proposal, 333q, 379, 388


Accountability, 2998, 3014

Appointments, 1056, 1069, 1105, 1107

Attorney-General, motion of serious concern 484, 490

Comments, 777

Latimer House principles, 362

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2482

Ministerial responsibilities, 4730q

Self-government legislation, 2526

Gungahlin, Regional Community Service, 5183q, 5327q

Hawker, planning, 1001, 1011


Asbestos, 4733q

General practitioners, 1473

Kippax family practice, closure, 1628

Occupational health and safety, 5713

Tuberculosis, 4825q

Holidays (Family and Community Day) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5067


Calvary Public Hospital, 2322q, 2435, 4467, 4516

Waiting times, 4447q, 4580q


First home owner grants, 1172

Public, 4212, 4266qn

Unit titles, 1244, 1470, 1829

Housing Review Committee, operations, 4265qn

Human rights, universal declaration, 213

Industrial relations

Legislation, 5432, 5441

Long service leave, 3532, 3545, 3547, 4944, 5319q

Maternity leave, 994, 999

Occupational health and safety, 4646qn

Work safety, 3212q, 3351q, 3456q, 3882, 3887

Insurance, terrorism, 1161

International affairs, Italian earthquake, 2159

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1056, detail 1069, 1105, 1107

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 3193

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 3), prin 4990

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 4), prin 5432, detail 5441

Land, rent scheme, 878q

Law Officer Amendment Bill 2008, prin 164, 3412, detail 3412

Legal Profession Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5075

Legislation (Penalty Units) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4294

Legislative Assembly


Administration and Procedure, 362, 1813, 3425

Climate Change, Environment and Water, 297

Establishment, 44, 47

Estimates 2009-2010, 2603

Health and Disability, 1166, 1169

Justice and Community Safety, 287, 542, 723, 845, 1159, 1461, 1754, 2385, 2627, 2941, 3173, 3532, 3779, 4291, 4679, 5063, 5354, 5363, 5405, 5561

Legal Affairs, 1541

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, 3039

Privileges 2009, 2388

Process, 5661

Public Accounts, 2071, 3868

Select, proposed, 4630

Deputy Speaker, 10

Documents, 790, 795, 1751, 1754

Inaugural speeches, remarks, 264


“Fool”, 512

“Hypocrite”, 2279, 2459

“Lies”, 2279

“Low-life gutless wimp”, 502

“Mr Corbell’s contempt for the legitimate committee process”, 5662

Legal advice, 1741

Legislation, government amendments, 1051


Behaviour, 2603

Conduct, 1140

Hanson, Mr J, leave of absence, 4523

Interests, declarations, 5659

Smyth, Mr B, leave of absence, 4633

Ministerial statements, practices, 264

Papers, 2328, 3698, 3601

Parliamentary budget officer, 3425

Points of order, 63, 73, 202, 205, 324, 332, 338, 339, 367, 471, 473, 476, 478, 489, 497, 500, 503, 512, 627, 672, 767, 776, 868, 986, 994, 1194, 1353, 1296, 1545, 1609, 1655, 1768, 1797, 1951, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2004, 2139, 2154, 2268, 2269, 2279, 2290, 2384, 2580, 2676, 2684, 2719, 2851, 2970, 3209, 3334, 3338, 3447, 3455, 3489, 3572, 3640, 3644, 3688, 3718, 4048, 4348, 4433, 4452, 4455, 4571, 4777, 4896, 5000, 5092, 5181, 5559, 5707

Privilege, ruling, dissent, 2272

Question time, supplementary questions, 3810

Questions on notice, outstanding, 1310, 2325q, 4352, 4460, 4462

Sitting hours, 3901

Sitting pattern, 5674

Speaker, election, 3

Standing order 276, 2272

Standing and temporary orders, 54, 135, 260, 790, 795, 869, 5668

Valedictory, 450, 5755

Withdrawals, 4464

Long Service Leave (Community Sector) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4944

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Bill 2009, prin 3532, detail 3545, 3547

Marriage, civil partnerships, 5732

Murrell, Mr J, liver cancer fund, 3283

National Folk Festival, 4061q

National Multicultural Festival, stallholder costs, 5316q

Nicholls, shopping centre car park, 1345, 1354

Nolan gallery, future, 2973q

Pace Farm, out-of-order petition, 3598, 3601, 3626

Pead, Mr J MBE, death, 5272


Hawker, 1001, 1011, 5489

Hospital car park, 2460q

Local shops, 2022

Villages, 1820

Policing, assumed identities, 4171


Alexander Maconochie Centre, 204q

Needle and syringe program, 2568q, 2860q

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 843


Safety signs, 1295q

Speed limits, 1173

Traffic and parking fines, 3149qn, 3151qn

Security industry, regulation, 1519qn

Sisia, Ms G, activities, 5384

Social welfare, community services, 784

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3198

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5370


GST payments, 4347q, 4461q

Utilities, 4459q

Tidbinbilla, community workshop, 1852qn

Unit Titles Amendment Act 2008 (No 2), 1460

Unit Titles Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1244, 1470


Cotter Dam, 4732q, 4820q

Diversions, 2197qn

Environmental flows, 2201qn

Prices, 2207qn

Projects, tendering, 5042qn

Purification plant, 2194qn

Quality, 2203qn

Recycled, 2200qn

Restrictions, 2198qn

Supply, 2189qn, 3548, 4935

West Belconnen Health Cooperative Ltd, establishment, 5384


ACT Women’s Legal Centre, 2677q

Action plan, 2219qn

Work Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3882, detail 3887

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5717, detail 5725

Workers Compensation (Default Insurance Fund) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3435

Workers Compensation (Default Insurance Fund) Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 4559

Workers Compensation (Terrorism) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1161

Youth, plan, 5449q


ACT Health

Agency nurses, 3963q

Litigation costs, 1511qn

Salary packaging, 2224qn

Staff, 2224qn, 2225qn

ACT public service

Consultants, 5840qn, 5841qn

Corporate credit cards, 5832qn

Departmental reviews, 5838qn

Invoices, 5834qn, 5835qn

Management courses, 2222qn

Positions, 2259qn, 2261qn, 3155qn

Recruitment, 1574q

Review, 224

Travel, 1512qn, 1519qn

Actew Corporation Ltd

Board selection process, 2191qn

Debt, 2206qn

Ecowise, 2206qn

Legal and banking services, 2189qn

Partnership disputes, 2205qn

Profits and dividends, 2190qn, 3156qn

Smart metering, 2201qn

Staff, 2207qn

Travel, 2189qn, 2616qn

Water restrictions, 2198qn, 2207qn

Actew China, losses, 1496qn


Directors, 2182qn

Executive remuneration, 1497qn, 4333q

ACTION bus service

Subsidies, 4346q

Sustainable transport plan, 4588

ACTTAB, joint venture, 3837


Political, 819qn, 2453q

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Community health organisations, 2226qn

Infection rates, 5456q

Review, 5321q

Services, 766q

Anti-Poverty Week, activities, 4510, 4515

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), prin 58, refcom, 142, prin 403, detail 409, 418, 430, 424, 442

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 3), prin 1039, 1408

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 1905, detail (Auditor-General) 2649, (Department of Treasury) 3051, (ACT Health) 3065

Boden, Dr R OAM, 3909


Borrowing program, 2565q

Community sector, 1652q

Consultations, 2680q

Deficit, 63q, 970q, 980q

Efficiency dividend, 1972q, 2966q

Health, 1977q

Independent analysis, 2570q

Indicators, 2681q, 2981q

Information, 1730

Mental health, 2682q, 2860q

Midyear review, 773

Operating result, 2683q

Outcome, 1572q, 1794q

Parking fees and bus fares, 1982q

Presentation, 1905

Prospects, 892

Recovery plan, 2976q

Report, government response, 2628

Retail sales, 1976q, 1994q

Revenue, 1980q

Savings, 1988q

Strategy, 64q, 69q, 193q, 198q, 341q

Support, 2850q

Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Bill 2009, prin 5377

Bushfires, Victoria, 466


Grocery prices, 5819qn

Regulations, 5821qn

Supermarkets, competition, 4451q, 4457q, 5818qn

Byrne, Ms B OAM, death, 3526

Calvary Private Hospital, staff transfers, 4278qn

Calvary Public Hospital

Purchase proposal, 4722q, 4724q, 4834q, 5092q, 5096q, 5168, 5179q, 5195q, 5205, 5322q

Sale, proposed, 4566q, 4578q

Canberra Hospital

Car park, 4271qn, mnrs 4285

Tuberculosis exposure, 4823q, 4839, 5188q, 5198q, 5813qn, 5814qn

Capital works

2008-09 program, mnst 3843

Outcome report, 4355

Projects, 586, 975q, 980q, 1084q

Reporting regime, 4673qn

Children, autistic, 822qn, 823qn

Cigarettes and tobacco

Control, 5416, 5422

Smoking in public places, 4528

Clare Holland House, sale, proposed, 2418, 2432, 2444, 4425, 5092q

Club 55, Tuggeranong, 4671qn


Workers, 5275, 5721, 5726

Cormack, Mr M, services, 5481

Cotter Dam

Advertising campaign, 5082q, 5100q

Briefings, 4182q

Cost, 3948q, 3951q, 3953q, 3956q, 4056q, 4175q, 4732q, 4821q

Project management, 4177q, 4180q

Water security, 4042

Dangerous Substances (Explosives) Amendment Regulation 2009 (No 2), prin 5289

Disabled persons

Services, 3210q

Transport access, 4453q


Legislation, 4919

Needle and syringe program, 2568q, 2860q

Duties Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2039, 2547

Duties Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 4527, 5066


Debt to commonwealth, 4442q

Growth, 4583q, 5844qn

Management, 1935

Outlook, 255

Predictions, 1425q

Recession, 1192q, 1193q, 1198q, 1205q, 1422q, 1792q

Reform, 1794q

Revenue base, 1591

Stimulus package, 469q, 472q, 474q, 475q, 479q, 483q, 532, 625q, 627q, 635q, 636q, 742, 985q, 987q, 1077q, 1082q, 1091q

Education, schools, Village Creek, 338q

Eggs (Cage System) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, detail 4112


Forecasts, 1802q

Levels, 1573q


Air quality reports, 5011qn

Building temperature settings, 5827qn

Greening the local economy, 5045qn

Exhibition Park Corporation, functions, 2984

Facebook, fraudulent site, 2033, 2607, 3494, 4003, 4393

Family and Community Day, legislation, 5074


Annual reports, 5313q

Capital grants, 5815qn

City centre marketing and improvements levy, 2614qn

Departmental assets and liabilities, 5780qn

Departmental energy and communication costs, 5787qn, 5788qn

First home owner grant, 282

Funds transfer, 2330

General government sector, 2612qn

Global crisis, 4348q

Government expenditure, 58, 403, 409, 418, 424, 430, 442, 1095, 1211, 1224, 1408, 1428, 1805, 1924, 2330, 2333, 2586, 2983, 3223, 3225, 3226, 3227, 3839, 4272qn, 4358, 4582q, 4592, 4739, 4740, 4741, 4742, 4819q, 5102, 5464

Government investment practices, 5029qn

Interest rates, 5682q, 5701q

Loans, 5844qn

Management, 88, 770, 771, 772

Parliamentary budget officer, 5103

Treasurer’s advance, 4360

Unclaimed trust money, 2612qn

Financial Management Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1380, 1543

Financial Management (Board Composition) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5215, detail 5227

Financial Management (Budget Review) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5597

Fireworks, ban, 5190q, 5289

First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1041

First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 3421

Food, genetically modified, 825qn


Gambling and Racing Commission, 89

Gaming websites, compliance audit, 1895q

Labor clubs, Sale, 3202q, 3208q, 3323, 3349q, 3445q, 3696q, 3742, 3836, 3867

Legislation, 4524


Accountability, 224

Achievements, 4761

Advertising, 4274qn

Chief Minister, 3

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2480

Ministerial arrangements, 4566

Ministerial code of conduct, 3471

Portfolio responsibilities, mnst 106


Accreditation process, 3350q

Asbestos, 4733q

Breast screening, 1901q

Chiropractic services, 19

Crisis assessment and treatment team, 2228qn

Denmark and Norway, services, 3699q

Disability services, 3210q

Doctors, general practice, 5466, 5639

e-health initiatives, 5051qn

Embryo research, 775, 3467

Expenditure, 631q

Gene technology, 885, 3466

General practitioners, 1315, 1334, 1419q, 1575q, 3968

Government initiatives, 1977q

H1N1 influenza (swine flu), 2559, 3376, 3384

Home births, 1902q, 2973q

Initiatives, 1425q

Kippax family practice, closure, 1631

Mental, 605, 2682q, 2860q, 3508qn, 3835q, 4366, 5030qn, 5797qn

Occupational health and safety, 5710

Organ donors, 1032

Oversight, 863q

Performance indicators, 692

Solariums, 3514qn, 4278qn

Tuberculosis, 4823q, 4839

Wanniassa medical centre, closure, 1550

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4919

Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5637

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (ACT) Bill 2009, prin 5639

Holidays (Family and Community Day) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5074


Bed occupancy rates, 77q

Calvary Public Hospital, 2309q, 2312q, 2317q, 2318q, 2321q, 2322q, 2418, 2432, 2444, 2576q, 2578q, 2859q, 2967q, 2975q, 3958q, 4330q, 4425, 5549q, 5684q

Canberra Hospital, 3506qn, 3376, 3384, 4446q

Clare Holland House, 5552q, 5684q

Dischargeable patients, 1563q, 1577q

Elective surgery, 4275qn

Endoscopes, 1904q

Mental health inpatient unit, 2213qn, 2214qn

Nurse-led walk-in centres, 1791q

Waiting times, 78q, 4446q, 4571q, 4580q

Wards and operating theatres, 510, 830qn

Women’s and children’s, 1204q


Affordability, 1078q

Assistance, 1041

First home owner grant, 3421

Public, 1790q

Independent Living Centre, relocation, 3512qn


ACT Insurance Authority, 1895q

Third-party, 144, 445, 1743

Keaney, Dr M, death, 4770

Land, rent scheme, 849q, 858q, 861q, 883q

Legislative Assembly


Administration and Procedure, 5103

Estimates 2009-2010, 2607, 2628

Health and Disability, 4592

Planning and Environment, 4588

Privileges 2009, 2280

Public Accounts, 142, 1394, 3867, 5465

Reports, government responses, 4587

Papers, 91, 341, 885, 1923, 2333, 3466, 4204, 4357, 4744, 5468

Points of order, 597

Standing and temporary orders, 446, 619

Valedictory, 451, 5760

McIntyre, Mr L Snr, death, 1035

Motor vehicles

Duty, 1047

Legislation, 2551

Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4523

Planning, Deakin swimming pool, 1788q

Political parties, advertising, 2453q

Prisons, needle and syringe program, 2568q, 2860q

Proctor, Ms D, death, 4770

Rates and Land Tax Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5273

Rates and Land Tax Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5425

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 282, 844

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4918

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd

Assets, 572

Corporate intent, 884, 1924

Management, 3839

Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 144, 445

Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1743, 2551

Scowcroft, Dr WR, death, 1372

Seniors, Club 55, Tuggeranong, 4671qn

Smoking (Prohibition in Enclosed Public Places) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4528, 5416, detail 5422

Social welfare

Carers and volunteers, 328q

Emergency relief, 991q

Utility concessions, 1488qn

Superannuation, government investments, 5047qn


Duties, 2547

GST, payments and revenue, 1380, 4339q, 4440q, 4342q, 4347q, 4461q

Landholder duty, 2039

Legislation, 4527, 4918, 5066

Motor vehicle duty, 1047

Payroll, 4523, 5039qn, 5846qn

Property transactions, 2672q

Rates and land, 5273

Utilities, 2088q, 4458q

Territory-owned corporations, operations, 3981, 4199

Treasury, staff survey, 2223qn

Tuggeranong, air quality, 2229qn

Unlawful Gambling Bill 2009, prin 4524

Waste disposal, radioactive storage sites, 4672qn


Cotter Dam, 4732q, 4821q

Prices, 2207qn

Restrictions, 2198qn

Supply, 4921


Action plan, 2219qn

Gender impact statements, 5031qn

Workers Compensation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5275, 5721, detail 5726


ACT Corrective Services, death in custody, 4276qn

ACT Health

Agency nurses, 3965q

Litigation costs, 1511qn

Salary packaging, 2223qn

Staff, 2224qn, 2225qn

ACT Policing

Investigative powers, 1715, 1717

Vehicles, 3152qn

ACT public service

Travel, 1510qn, 1512qn, 1513qn, 1515qn, 1516qn

Review, 233

ACTION bus service, occupational health and safety, 4189q

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Commissioning, 758q

Contractors, 831qn

Death in custody, 3211q

Delays, 5358

Infection rates, 5457q

NSW prisoners, 3693q

Radio frequency identification bracelets, 5446q

Review, 5321q

Security system, 1569q, 1657q

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), detail 426, 432

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2121, detail (Auditor-General) 2655, 2669, 2717, (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2790, (Department of Treasury) 3012, (ACT Health) 3057, (Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services) 3072, (Department of Justice and Community Safety) 3090

Armstrong, Mr M, congratulations, 5007

Auditor-General’s Office, funding, 2811


Debate, 2121

Deficit, 979q

Operating result, 2682q

Prospects, 887

Savings, 1988q

Calvary Public Hospital, sale, proposed, 2317q, 2411, 2426, 2441, 2446, 2576q, 2858q, 2967q, 3958q, 4419, 4474, 4722q, 4724q, 4767, 4837q, 4955q, 5098q, 5171, 5180q, 5197q, 5202, 5322q, 5551q, 5686q

Canberra Hospital

Car park, 3291, 3647

H1N1 influenza (swine flu), deaths, 3372, 3385

Tuberculosis exposure, 4813, 4848, 4823q, 5188q, 5813qn, 5814qn

Waiting times, 4446q

Canberra stadium, green energy, 5688q

Capital works, project management, 4215

Children, childcare fees, 4971q

Cigarettes and tobacco, control, 5413, 5418

Clare Holland House

Ownership, 4962q, 5006

Sale, proposed, 2411, 2426, 2441, 2446, 4419, 4474, 5091q, 5552q, 5686q

Courts, Director of Public Prosecutions, staffing levels, 1847qn


Antisocial behaviour, 4445q

Infringement notices, 5548q

Organised, 3557, 4654qn

Outlaw motorcycle gangs, 1686, 1711

Drugs, random testing, 5489


Reform, 1793q

Stimulus package, 483q, 1090q



Closures, 4152

Restorative justice, 3772

Students, behaviour, 4384

Vocational, 1300q

Education Amendment Bill 2009, detail 4384

Emergency Services Authority, headquarters, 4067q

Environment, building sites, 1848qn

Finance, government expenditure, 426, 432

Fireworks, ban, 3582q, 3687

Gaming, sale of Labor clubs, 3349q, 3462q

Gas-fired power station, proposal, 324q


Accountability, 233, 3008

Advertising, 4274qn

Appointments, 1063

Attorney-General, motion of serious concern 498

Minister for Education and Training, 3966q

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2487

Portfolio responsibilities, 116


Breast screening, 1901q

e-health initiatives, 5051qn

Expenditure, 631q

General practitioners, 1311, 1327, 1336, 1419q, 3903

H1N1 influenza (swine flu), 2563, 3372, 3385

Home-based palliative care, 4969q

Kippax family practice, closure, 1621

Mental, planning, 609, 4372

Organ donors, 1030

Ovarian cancer, 1030

Performance indicators, 687, 698

Tuberculosis, 4813, 4823q, 4848, 5188q, 5813qn, 5814qn

Heart Foundation, charity dinner, 5007


Bed occupancy rates, 76q

Elective surgery, 4275qn

Waiting times, 4446q, 4570q, 4582q

Wards and operating theatres, 510, 829qn

Women’s and children’s, 1204q

Human rights, Four Geneva Conventions of 1949, 3185

Industrial relations, portable long service leave, 5320q

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1063

Land, rent scheme, 861q, 876

Legislative Assembly


Administration and Procedure, 1860

Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 4152

Justice and Community Safety, 5358

Privileges 2009, 2274, 2298, 3792

Language, “you’re a liar”, 2085


Behaviour, 3792

Doszpot, Mr S, leave of absence, 3523

Hanson, Mr J

Inaugural speech, 35

Leave of absence, 709

Staff, Manderson, Mr R, departure, 4255

Personal explanations, Hanson, Mr J, 510

Points of order, 332, 470, 479, 570, 755, 851, 862, 974, 975, 1086, 1087, 2354, 2445, 3455, 3488, 3544, 3566, 3583, 3687, 3824, 4212, 4332, 4457, 4581, 4726, 4822, 4823, 4836, 4956, 5084, 5181, 5188, 5195, 5315, 5317, 5542, 5700

Questions on notice, unanswered, 2327q

Sitting calendar, 302, 5677

Sitting hours, 4255

Standing order 55, 2354

Valedictory, 450, 5752

Multiculturalism, ministerial decisions, 5456q

Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, funding, 825qn

Planning, hospital car park, 2459q

Political parties, Labor Party, 3996

Prisons, Alexander Maconochie Centre, 201q

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) (Random Drug Testing) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5489


Drink driving, 1847qn

Mobile phones, 1847qn

Random drug testing, 5489

Well Station Drive extension, 4807

Smoking (Prohibition in Enclosed Public Places) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5413, detail 5418

Sport, facilities, 1452

Taxation, GST payments, 4342q

Territory and Municipal Services, Department, budget review, 3830q


Community life, 3752, 3762

Vietnam Veterans Day, 3280

Youth, plan, 5448q


ACT Corrective Services, death in custody, 4276qn

ACT public service

Account payment arrears, 2252qn

External facilitators, 2256qn

Positions, 2258qn

Promotional activities, 2253qn

Staff training, 4261qn

Travel, 1509qn, 1515qn, 1521qn, 4260qn

ACTION bus service, occupational health and safety, 4189q

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Commissioning, 759q

Death in custody, 3212q

Exiting prisoners, 4646qn

Familiarisation period, 1650q

NSW prisoners, 3693q

Policies, 3157qn

Security system, 1570q, 1657q

Update, 1564q

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), detail 431, 433

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2139, detail (Auditor-General) 2719, (Chief Minister’s Department) 2730, 2762, (Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services) 3075, (Housing ACT) 3085, (Department of Justice and Community Safety) 3095

Belconnen Remand Centre, conditions, 767q

Budget, debate, 2139

Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payments) Bill 2009, prin 4540

Byrne, Ms B OAM, death, 3530

Calvary Public Hospital, sale, proposed, 5551q

Canberra Hospital, disabled patients, 5534q

Canberra stadium, green energy, 5689q

Capital works, project management, 4219

Children, childcare

Costs, 5544q

Disabled, 2154, 2164

Policy, 5537q

Compensation, workers compensation, 1042, 2921, 3437, 4136, 4562

Courts, prosecution errors, 2208qn

Crime, restorative justice, 3832q

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3434

Disabled persons

Children, 2154, 2164

Employment, 245

Policy framework, 3970

Drugs, needles and syringes, 4662qn


Management, 1953

Stimulus package, 477q


Australian early development index, 5694q

Language, 679

Students, behaviour, 4378

Education Amendment Bill 2009, detail 4378

Employment, disabled persons, 245

Energy, solar, 5558q

Erindale, planning, 5520

Finance, government expenditure, 431, 433

Fireworks, ban, 3571q, 3583q, 4584q, 4635

Gaming, sale of Labor clubs, 3346q, 3870


Accountability, 3002

Advertising, 4644qn

Attorney-General, motion of serious concern 488, 497

Community consultation, 3627

Latimer House principles, 354

Minister for Education and Training, mc 3716

Ministerial responsibilities, 4634, 5618

Rental properties, 4260qn

Griffith, Throsby Court, 1510qn

Health, occupational health and safety, 2922

Holidays (Family and Community Day) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4539


Calvary Public Hospital, 5551q

Canberra Hospital, disabled patients, 5534q

Dischargeable patients, 1573q, 1667q


Causeway, 763q

Community sector, 1363

Construction, 4194q

Currong apartments, 3365

Home ownership policies, 2881

Maintenance contracts, 5408

Non-government providers, 4481

Public, 480q, 755q, 839qn, 1767, 4207, 4212, 4266qn, 4279qn, 4341q, 4459q

Solar hot-water heaters, 5051qn

Stimulus package, 2697

Transitional services, 4269qn

Housing ACT

Asbestos removal, 2216qn

Facility management, 1846qn, 3508qn

Fire extinguishers, 3160qn

Properties, 2216qn

Rent arrears, 2188qn, 2246qn

Housing Review Committee, operations, 4266qn

Human rights, universal declaration, 211

Industrial relations

Long service leave, 2919, 3163, 3542, 3545, 4133

Maternity leave, 963, 1000

Security officers, 2035

Work safety, 3212q, 3351q, 3456q, 3885, 3888

Insurance, terrorism, 1164

Land, rent scheme, 950

Legislative Assembly

Committees, Public Accounts, 3870, 5408


“Puss in boots”, 4080

“Spac attack”, 2758

Members, Hargreaves, Mr J, resignation from ministry, mnst 4287, 4634

Ministerial statements, practices, 265

Papers, 92, 3843, 4362, 4595

Points of order, 414, 472, 484, 485, 499, 597, 974, 995, 1016, 1085, 2758, 3587, 3644, 5449, 5559

Questions on notice, 1993, 2327q

Standing and temporary orders, suspension, 868

Valedictory, 453, 5753

Long Service Leave (Community Sector) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4133, 4565

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Bill 2009, prin 2919, 3542, detail 3545


National Multicultural Festival, 880q, 1016, 3580q

Youth, 1202q, 1310q, 1984q

Planning, Tuggeranong and Erindale, 5520

Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3930

Prisons, Alexander Maconochie Centre, 201q

Reid, Hon Margaret, AO, 2912

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 847


Gungahlin Drive extension, mnrs 20

O’Malley, mnrs 21

Speed limits, 1183


55 Plus Club, 1149qn

Elder abuse programs, 2214qn

Empowerment and inclusion, 350

Positive ageing, mnst 1217, 2991

Spastic Centre, support, 2912

Tuggeranong, planning, 5520

Women, Alexander Maconochie Centre, 4646qn

Work Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2922, 3885, detail 3888

Workers Compensation (Default Insurance Fund) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2921, 3437

Workers Compensation (Default Insurance Fund) Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 4136, 4562

Workers Compensation (Terrorism) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1042, 1164

World Refugee Day, commemoration, mnst 2344

Youth, multicultural services, 1202q, 1310q, 1984q


ACT Greens, policies, 9

ACT public service, review, 221

Actew China, losses, 1496qn


Directors, 2182qn

Executive remuneration, 1496qn, 4333q

ACTION bus service

Belconnen bus interchange, 2311q

Concession fares, 2873

Fleet, 3962q

Adoption Amendment Bill 2008, prin 1029

Adoption Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4300

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Delays, 5369

Exiting prisoners, 4646qn

Infection rates, 5457q

Review, 5322q

Anti-Poverty Week, activities, 4507, 4515

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), refcom 142, prin 402, detail 408, 417, 437

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 3), prin 1400

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2098, detail (Legislative Assembly Secretariat) 2633, (ACT Executive) 2638, (Auditor-General) 2663, 2666, (Chief Minister’s Department) 2724, (Department of Treasury) 3019, declaration of urgency 3043, (Home Loan Portfolio) 3053, (Territory Banking Account) 3056, (Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services) 3072, (Department of Education and Training) 3114, (ACT Insurance Authority) 3131, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 3135, (Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission) 3139, (Legal Aid Commission) 3142

Aussie Junk, recycling contract, 5452q

Boden, Dr R OAM, 3911


Community sector, 1652q

Debate, 2098

Efficiency dividend, 2965q

Information, 1732

Prospects, 897

Bushfires, Victoria, 460, 912

Byrne, Ms B OAM, death, 3525

Calvary Public Hospital, purchase proposal, 5200

Canberra international airport

Master plan, 3683q

Noise, 2673q

Capital works, projects, 589, 4222

Chief Minister’s Department, staff, 2217qn


Abuse, 4754

Adoption, 1029, 4300, 5616, 5683q

After-school and vacation programs, 5040qn

Autistic, 820qn, 821qn

Institutional care, 5057

Kinship carers, 4723q, 4956q

Playgrounds, 1490qn

Protection, 5022qn

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2556

Civil Partnerships Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5743

Clifford, Mr J, retirement, 1857

Cotter Dam

Advertising campaign, 5082q, 5100q

Cost, 3951q, 4048q

Enlargement, 4066q

Project management, 4181q

Crime, child abuse, 4754

Deakin pool, lease breach notice, 4441q

Duties Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2546

Duties Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5065


Management, 1943

Non-profit sector, 2501

Outlook, 261

Policy, 4618

Recession, 1194q, 1256

Revenue base, 1595

Stimulus package, 531, 737

Sustainability, 117


AST scores, 1498qn

Australian early development index, 5696q

Education, languages, 2626qn

Enrolments, 1497qn

Interstate students, 5830qn

Investment, 1967

Languages, 683, 1489qn

Literacy and numeracy, 1833qn

National literacy centre, 3161qn


After-school care, 1839qn

Birrigai, 196q

Bullying, 4576q

Census, 2218qn

Closures, 167, 5132

Early childhood, 756q

Equity fund, 5831qn

Narrabundah primary school, 1843qn

Performance monitoring, 2831, 2863

Planning regulations, 972q

Procurement and purchasing policies, 5589

Reporting, 4051q

Restorative justice, 3770

Satisfaction survey, 3499qn

Sizes, 4192q

Synthetic turf, 3822q

Telopea Park primary school, 470q

Stakeholders, 1412q, 1427q

Student performance data, 4819q


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 4662qn

Behaviour, 4315, 4376, 4383

School leaving age, 1899q

Special needs, 1287q

Transfer requests, 2217qn

Truancy, 4178q, 4669qn

Sustainability, 853q

Teachers, 4018, 5535q

Universities admissions index, 1523qn

Education Amendment Bill 2008, prin 167

Education Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4315, detail 4376, 4383

Education Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), 4914

Education (Participation) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4692

Education and Training, Department, programs, 1842qn


Concessions, 2846q, 4262qn

Solar, 3449q


Air quality, 5091q

Carbon emissions, 1079q

Emissions trading scheme, 335q

Energy and water efficiency programs, 4568q, 4594q

Grasslands, 1557, 1789q, 1804q

Green economy, 117

Greenhouse gas reduction, 3919

Hot-water systems, 3735

Urban street trees, 4451q, 4867

Facebook, fraudulent site, 2158

Families, data collection methods, 3155qn


Credit cards, 2451q

Government expenditure, 402, 408, 417, 437, 1230, 1400

Government revenue collection, 3339q

Home loans, 3497qn

Parliamentary budget officer, 5103

Financial Management Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1542

Financial Management (Budget Review) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5601

Fireworks, ban, 4586q

First Home Owners Grant Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1189, detail 1191

First Home Owners Grant Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 3925

Gaming, sale of Labor clubs, 3202q, 3325, 3359, 3746, 3867


Accountability, 221, 3007

Achievements, 4712

Community consultation, 3615

Latimer House principles, 359

Minister for Education and Training, mc 3720

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2485

Ministerial code of conduct, 3478

Self-government legislation, 2405, 2519, 2529

Gungahlin, Regional Community Service, 5181q, 5328q

Health, Kippax family practice, closure, 1630

Hospitals, dischargeable patients, 1562q, 1577q


Community providers, 5189q

First home owner grants, 1189, 1191, 3925

Public, 4209, 4342q

Transitional services, 4268qn

Industrial relations

Go home on time day, 5381

Long service leave, 3537, 3547, 4948, 4953

Maternity leave, 959, 999

Insurance, third-party, 444

International affairs

East Timor, 4125

Ethiopia, 5616, 5683q

Land, rent scheme, 948

Legislative Assembly

ACT Labor-Greens parliamentary agreement, 81

Anniversary, ceremonial sitting, 2176


Administration and Procedure, 359, 5104

Climate Change, Environment and Water, 294, 1159, 1393, 2717, 3181, 3914, 3919, 4291

Estimates 2009-2010, 1748

Health and Disability, 1167

Justice and Community Safety, 3916, 5369

Privileges 2009, 3173, 3782

Public Accounts, 142, 3867

Documents, 797


Conduct, 1139, 3782

Hunter, Ms M, inaugural speech, 153

Staff, Manderson, Mr R, departure, 4250

Statements, 9

Ministerial statements, practices, 266

Points of order, 973, 2457, 4957, 5677

Question time, supplementary questions, 3810

Speaker, election, 3

Standing and temporary orders, suspension, 797, 866, 5671

Valedictory, 448, 5754

Long Service Leave (Community Sector) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4948, detail 4953

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Bill 2009, prin 3537, detail 3547

Marlow Cottage, refurbishment, 2230qn

Marriage, civil partnerships, 5743

Motor vehicles

Duty, 1045

Legislation, 2550

National Multicultural Festival, management, 5698q

Nicholls, shopping centre car park, 1348

Pace Farm, battery hens, 3956q

Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4989

Pead, Mr J MBE, death, 5271


Canberra international airport, 1974q

Giralang shops, 4055q

Local shops, 2025

National Circuit, Forrest, 2565q

Schools, 972q

Villages, 1813

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd, assets, 573

Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 444

Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2550


Footpaths, 5185q

Lanyon Drive, 5087q

Social welfare

Homelessness, 4001

Utility concessions, 1488qn

Spalding, Ms M, death, 1534

Sport, funding, 3567q

Summernats, behaviour, 65q


Duties, 2546

Legislation, 5065

Motor vehicle duty, 1045

Payroll, 4989

Territory and Municipal Services, Department, budget review, 3681


Light rail system, 1038

Nightlink taxi service, 5546q


Management, 626q

Radioactive storage sites, 4672qn

Water, supply, 4938, 5312q

Water and Sewerage (Energy Efficient Hot-Water Systems) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, detail 3735

Wensing, Ms V, Telstra business woman of the year, 4519


Alexander Maconochie Centre, 4646qn

Beryl refuge, 5447q, 5559q

Young Women’s Christian Association, 80th birthday, 4388


Yogie awards, 5482

Youth Week, 1669, 1684


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, health, 2082q

ACT Heritage Council, assessments, 3577q

ACT Legal Aid, funding, 326q

ACTION bus service, Redex trial, 5150, 5157

Albert Hall, management, 1487qn

Animal Diseases Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1888

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), detail 411, 419, 424

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 3), prin 1408

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2145, detail (Auditor-General) 2639, (Chief Minister’s Department) 2733, (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2785, (Shared Services Centre) 2958, (Superannuation Provision Account) 3054, (ACT Planning and Land Authority) 3120

Arts and letters

Events, 699, 927, 929

Finances, 1418q

Local productions, 5476

Auditor-General’s Office, funding, 2809

Aussie Junk, recycling contract, 2316q, 5451q


Cycleways, 4668qn

Route monitoring, 4282qn

Brindabella Christian College, car park, 4674qn


Committee report, 2366

Debate, 2145

Building (Energy Efficient Hot Water Systems) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1614

Bushfires, Victoria, 465


Small, 3395

Supermarkets, 4409, 4888

Calvary Public Hospital, sale, proposed, 4438

Canberra Connect, feedback, 2239qn

Canberra Symphony Orchestra, appreciation, 5384

Cats, desexing, 1199q


Burial alternatives, 1104

Environmental consultations, 1843qn


Abuse, 4747

Adoption, 5684q

Institutional care, 5061

Civic, street furniture, 5045qn

Clare Holland House, sale, proposed, 4438

Cotter Dam

Advertising campaign, 5082q

Call-in powers, 4205

Crawford, Mr K, death, 4251


Bill posting, 3169, 3591

Child abuse, 4747

Crimes (Bill Posting) Amendment Bill 2008, prin 544

Dangerous Substances and Litter (Dumping) Legislation Amendment Bill 2008, prin 550, detail 553

Deakin pool, lease, 1569q, 4442q, 4460q

Economy, stimulus package, 858q



Campbell primary school, 5019qn

Enrolments, 198q

Planning regulations, 989q

Telopea Park primary school, 474q, 643q

Teachers, professional development, 5536q

Eggs, battery cage farming, 3662, 3697q

Eggs (Cage Systems) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1994, 3662, 4095, detail 4098, 4102, 4107

Electoral, campaign finance, 5346, 5351


Feed-in tariff, 4736q

Heating efficiency, 2852q

Solar, 5558q


Air pollution, 2589, 4667qn, 5090q

Building temperature settings, 5827qn, 5827qn, 5828qn

Carbon sequestration, 3943

Cemeteries and crematoria, 1843qn

Cigarette littering, 1845qn

Conservation management agreements, 2241qn

Ecosystem connectivity map, 2242qn

Energy efficiency, 840qn, 1276, 1285, 1614, 1718, 1833qn, 2186qn, 2187qn, 2400, 3313, 3465, 3647, 3730, 3734, 3737, 4570q, 4574q, 4612, 5019qn, 5020qn, 5049qn, 5050qn

Greening the local economy, 5044qn

Hot-water systems, 1614, 2400

National Recycling Week, 4773

Rangers, 2242qn

Sustainable House Day, 3901

Travelling to work options, 2243qn

Trees, 1658q, 2185qn, 4448q, 4852, 4868, 4872, 4873, 5402qn

Waste management, 3263

Erindale, planning, 5516


City centre marketing and improvements levy, 2614qn

Government expenditure, 411, 419, 424, 1151, 1234, 1408

Fire, regulations and emergency plans, 5775qn


Community consultation, 3617

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2472, 2493


Government shopfront, 2240qn

Planning, 4523

Hawker, planning, 1009


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, 2082q

Animal diseases, 1888

Asbestos, 4734q, 5048qn

Home-based palliative care, 4969q

Heritage, historic places and objects, 4281qn

Horse paddocks, management, 5805qn


Calvary Public Hospital, 4438

Waiting times, 4573q


Affordability, 5461q

Community providers, 5190q

Construction, 4195q

Energy efficiency, 5050qn

Public, 4211, 4341q, 5089q, 5314q

Solar hot-water heaters, 5050qn

Stock, 5002

Unit titles, 1466

Housing ACT

Energy efficiency ratings, 5811qn

Maintenance contracts, 5406, 5455q

Solar hot-water systems, 5810qn

Immigration, refugees, 5110

Information technology, open source software, 5400qn

International affairs, Ethiopia, 5684q

Kingston, Green Square, 93


Leases, 1484qn

Rent scheme, 956

Legislative Assembly


Campaign Finance Reform, 5346, 5351

Estimates 2009-2010, 2366

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, 2940, 3039, 3169, 3177, 3591, 5635

Privileges 2009, 2627

Public Accounts, 723, 1151, 1862, 2067, 2072, 2943, 3429, 3917, 3924, 4679, 5370, 5406, 5409

Members, Le Couteur, Ms C, inaugural speech, 158

Papers, 5747

Points of order, 2441, 2456, 4054

Privilege, identifying an individual, 2613qn

Question time, supplementary questions, 3811

Standing and temporary orders, 52

Valedictory, 451, 5758

Molonglo Valley, bushfire regulations, 2240qn

Motor vehicles, abandoned, 1875, 1886

National Folk Festival, 4062q

National Multicultural Festival, 1026

Neighbourhood Watch, community information, 5044qn

Nicholls, shopping centre car park, 1344

Pace Farm, battery hens, 1089q, 3954q, 4198q, 4674qn

Parkwood farm, cage doors, 5804qn


Approval process, 70q

Building Code of Australia, 3452q

Bunda Street, 1981q

Commercial developments, 2244qn

Crace, 4958q

Deakin pool, lease, 1569q, 4442q, 4460q

Development applications, 841qn, 2185qn

Development applications, call-in powers, 2695

East Gungahlin, 1528qn

Federal government, 4825q

Giralang shops, 4053q

Gungahlin, 4523

Hawker, 1009

Inspection fees, 3345q, 3465q

Local shops, 2013, 2028

Multi-unit housing, 3177, 3811, 3820

Outer suburbs, facilities, 2716

Redevelopment policy, 2940

Schools, 989q

Service stations, 5539q

Subordinate legislation, 1779

Tuggeranong and Erindale, 5516

West Macgregor, 2678q, 2744q

Woden master plan, 1795q

Planning and Development (Notifications and Review) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5495

Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3929

Planning and Development Amendment Regulation 2009 (No 2), motion to disallow 1388

Poultry, battery cage system, 1994, 3647


Aussie Junk, 2316q, 3207q

Batteries and light bulbs, 2967q

Ride to Work Day

Community breakfast, 4392

Success, 4640


Bunda Street, 5046qn

Car parks, 5045qn

Cycle lanes, 4668qn

Footpaths, 5184q

Funding, 2458q, 2573q

Lanyon Drive, 5084q

Motorcycle safety, 5828qn

Speed limits, 1181

Users, protection, 5341

Well Station Drive extension, 4803

Roads and Public Places Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1875, detail 1886

Sport, swimming lessons, 1305q

Superannuation, government investments, 5047qn

Supermarkets, competition policy, 4337q

Sustainable House Day, promotion, 3901

Territory and Municipal Services, Department, budget review, 3670

Transport, environmentally sustainable targets, 5690q

Tuggeranong, planning, 5516

Unit Titles Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1466


Glebe Park recycling bins, 1526qn

Illegal dumping, 550, 553

Landfills, 1527qn, 3829q

Management, 632q, 760q, 3263, 4186q, 4196q

Water and Sewerage (Energy Efficient Hot-Water Systems) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2400, 3313, detail 3730, 3734, 3737

Water, supply, 5313q

WorkCover, review, 4830q


Adoption Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4303

Advertising, Live in Canberra campaign, 2387

Alexander Maconochie Centre, delays, 5357

Animal Diseases Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1891

Arts and letters

Belconnen, support, 3688q

Theatre awards, 924

Battery cage eggs, Parkwood, 4729q


Health, 1977q

Services, 2084q


Preparation, 3453q

Victoria, 913


Supermarkets, competition, 4336q, 4403, 4418

Trade mission outcomes, 5325q

Byrne, Ms B OAM, death, 3528

Calvary Public Hospital, purchase proposal, 4726q, 5094q, 5096q, 5181q, 5195, 5684q

Canberra Hospital, 4448q

Canberra Raiders, games, 2388

Charnwood, carnival, 1238


Abuse, 4758

Adoption, 4303

Childcare policy, 5539q

Institutional care, 5063

Clare Holland House, sale, proposed, 5094q, 5556q, 5684q

Cotter Dam

Briefings, 4183q

Cost, 4823q


Antisocial behaviour, 4443q

Bill posting, 3165

Child abuse, 4758

Disabled persons, employment, 239, 249


Non-profit sector, 2496, 2509

Policy, 4614

Stimulus package, 471q, 638q

Sustainability, 126, 2580q


Australian early development index, 5696q

Early childhood, 4183q

Language, 675, 686


Bullying, 4574q

Cooperation, 3584q

Investment, 854q, 3341q

Performance monitoring, 2841

Planning regulations, 976q

Restorative justice, 3764, 3773


Behaviour, 4313

Special needs, 1206q, 4837q

Teachers, professional development, 5536q

Truancy, 4179q

Education Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4313

Education (Participation) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4696

Electoral, campaign advertising, 5585

Employment, disabled persons, 239, 249


Feed-in tariff, 4734q

Solar, 78q, 5556q


Climate change, 2461q

Emissions trading scheme, 5609

Green economy, 126, 2580q

Green power, 1800

Greenhouse gas, 5236

Exhibition Park Corporation Repeal Bill 2009, prin 1865

Family and Community Day, legislation, 5072

Finance, global crisis, 1080q, 4348q

Gambling, legislation, 4686


Activities, 764q

Policy, 194q

Government Agencies (Campaign Advertising) Bill 2008, detail 5585

Hawker, planning, 1137


Animal diseases, 1891

General practitioners, 1575q

Initiatives, 1425q, 1977q

Kippax family practice, closure, 1618, 1634

Mental, 3835q, 4363

Hike4Hunger, food security, 4387

Holidays (Family and Community Day) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5072


Calvary Public Hospital, 4726q, 5094q, 5096q, 5181q, 5195, 5684q

Canberra Hospital, 4448q

Clare Holland House, 5094q, 5556q, 5684q

Waiting times, 4448q, 4572q


Affordability, 1308q, 3212q, 5459q

Land rent scheme, 2683q

Public, 5088q, 5455q

Human rights, universal declaration, 190

Industrial relations, long service leave, 3538

Legislative Assembly


Justice and Community Safety, 1860, 5357

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, 2386, 3165, 3174, 4290, 5715

Deputy Speaker, 10

Members, Dunne, Mrs V, statements, 1477

Self-government legislation, 2323q

Valedictory, 5761

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Bill 2009, prin 3538

Motor vehicles, abandoned, 1879

National Multicultural Festival, stallholder costs, 5318q

Nicholls, shopping centre car park, 1341


Hawker, 1137

Multi-unit housing, 3174

Outer suburbs, facilities, 2710

Schools, 976q

Villages, 1822


Footpaths, 5186q

Safety, 1665q

Users, protection, 5343

Well Station Drive extension, 4809

Roads and Public Places Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1879

Seniors, empowerment and inclusion, 343

Social welfare, carers and volunteers, 328q

Spalding, Ms M, death, 1539


Community participation, 4899

Media coverage, 5479

Supermarkets, competition policy, 4336q, 4403, 4418

Transport, sustainable options, 3848

Unlawful Gambling Bill 2009, prin 4686

Waste, management, 4188q

Water, Cotter Dam, 4823q

West Belconnen Health Cooperative Ltd, establishment, 5382

WorkCover, review, 4830q


ACT public service

Freedom of information, 1759

Review, 229, 805

ACTION bus service, Redex trial, 5160

Alcohol, violence, 4070

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), detail 439, 443

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2114, detail (Auditor-General) 2648, (Chief Minister’s Department) 2753, (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2780, 2951, allotment of time 3050, (Department of Justice and Community Safety) 3093, (Department of Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water) 3099, (Actew Corporation Ltd) 3133, (Cultural Facilities Corporation) 3139

Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1610, 3751

Budget, debate, 2114


Victoria, 467

Warnings, 4118

Business, licensed premises, 4655qn

Censorship, legislation, 725

Civil Partnerships Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3648, 4789, 4793

Civil Partnerships Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5733

Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 725

Cotter Dam, water security, 4035, 4079

Courts and Tribunal (Appointments) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4493, detail 4504

Courts and tribunals

Independent legal arbiter, 2042, 2064

Legislation, 4991


Alcohol related violence, 4070

Drug arrests, 4656qn

Organised, 3620

Outlaw motorcycle gangs, 1691

Crimes (Assumed Identities) Bill 2009, prin 4233

Crimes (Murder) Amendment Bill 2008, prin 557, detail 566, 568, 4161

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3440

Economy, stimulus package, 739

Education, schools, planning regulations, 1033

Electoral, campaign advertising, 3896, 5528, 5563, 5565, 5569, 5574, 5584

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1111, detail 1122, 1126, 1130

Emergencies (Bushfire Warnings) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4118


Carbon sequestration, 3940

Energy efficiency, 3310, 4608

Grasslands, 1552

Greenhouse gas, 5108, 5245, 5257

Switch to Green conference, 4004

Urban street trees, 4864

Exhibition Park Corporation Repeal Bill 2009, prin 1864

Families, civil partnerships, 3648, 4789, 4793

Festivals, celebrations, 1604


Government expenditure, 439, 443

Government revenue, penalty units, 4295

Financial Management (Board Composition) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5213, detail 5228, 5232

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2008, prin 643, detail 658, 665, 674


Accountability, 229, 2358

Appointments, 1060, 1069, 1108

Latimer House principles, 321, 355

Government Agencies (Campaign Advertising) Bill 2008, prin 1642, detail 5528, 5563, 5565, 5569, 5574, 5584

Hartley Lifecare, support, 3628

Health, organ donors, 1033

Human rights

Four Geneva Conventions of 1949, 3191

Universal declaration, 189

Immigration, citizenship ceremony, 3494

Industrial relations, legislation, 5436, 5443

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1060, detail 1069, 1108

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 3195

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 3), prin 4991

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 4), prin 5436, detail 5443

Law Officer Amendment Bill 2008, prin 3407, detail 3413

Law reform, gender issues, 4789, 4793, 5014qn, 5015qn, 5016qn, 5017qn

Legal Profession Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5076

Legislation (Penalty Units) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4295

Legislative Assembly


Administration and Procedure, 715, 718, 2066

Campaign Advertising, 1648

Climate Change, Environment and Water, 5108

Justice and Community Safety, 1759

Records, access, 287

Select, proposed, 4554, 4631

Documents, 803, 1750

Legislation, government amendments, 1053

Library, 2184qn


Interests, declarations, 5658, 5661

Rattenbury, Mr S, inaugural speech, 274

Parliamentary budget officer, 715, 718

Points of order, 3300, 5212

Question time, supplementary questions, 3807, 3811

Speaker, election, 3

Standing and temporary orders, suspension, 619, 803

Marriage, civil partnerships, 5733

Planning, schools, 1033

Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3936

Policing, assumed identities, 4233

Political parties, campaign advertising, 1642, 1648


Australian Baseball League, 5259

Facilities, 1449

Triathlon, 3494

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3199

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5372

Territory and Municipal Services, Department, budget review, 3728

Territory-owned corporations, operations, 3990

Water and Sewerage (Energy Efficient Hot-Water Systems) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3310

Water, supply, 1437, 4554, 4930


ACT Gambling and Racing Commission, inquiry, 5311q

ACT Neighbourhood Watch, 25th birthday, 4389

ACT public service

Consultants, 5840qn, 5840qn, 5841qn, 5841qn, 5842qn, 5842qn, 5843qn

Corporate credit cards, 5831qn, 5832qn

Invoices, 5834qn, 5835qn, 5836qn, 5837qn, 5838qn

Management courses, 2233qn

Positions, 2257qn, 2258qn, 2259qn, 2260qn, 2261qn, 2615qn, 3153qn, 3154qn

Review, 216, 235, 5838qn

Staff training, 4261qn

Strategic and functional review, 804, 806

Travel, 1491qn, 1493qn, 4260qn, 4643qn

ActewAGL, executive salaries, 4334q

ACTION bus service

Demand responsive trial, 5026qn

Redex trial, 5157

Timetable, 5026qn


Government agencies, 170

Political parties, 819qn, 820qn

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Delays, 5363

Familiarisation period, 1650q

Radio frequency identification bracelets, 5445q

All Saints Anglican Church, Ainslie, anniversary, 4904

Anti-Poverty Week, Vinnies night patrol, 4633

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), prin 397, detail 411, 416, 423, 439

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 3), prin 1404

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2088, detail (Legislative Assembly Secretariat) 2634, (ACT Executive) 2635, (Auditor-General) 2652, 2658, (Chief Minister’s Department) 2721, 2727, (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2774, (Department of Treasury) 3031, declaration of urgency 3043, (Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water) 3102, (Department of Education and Training) 3119, (ACT Land Planning Authority) 3123

Arts and letters, Sardelic, Mr A, 3999

Auditor-General’s Office, funding, 2670q, 2803, 2810

Australian Anglo-Indian Association, ball, 4123

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Emerson, Dr C, 5380

Battle of Britain, commemoration, 3999

Boden, Dr R OAM, 3911


Borrowing program, 2564q

Committee report, 2300, 2379

Debate, 2088

Deficit, 62q, 970q

Efficiency dividend, 1972q

Prospects, 903

Strategy, 193q, 341q, 1732

Building, universal design criteria, 5397qn

Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Bill 2009, prin 5374, detail 5379

Bushfires, Victoria, 458, 918


Development impact statements, 5035qn

Grocery prices, 5818qn

Liquor licences, 5821qn

Outdoor cafe licences, 5798qn, 5799qn, 5800qn, 5801qn

Regulations, 5820qn

Supermarkets, competition, 4406, 4452q, 4874, 4890, 4895, 5817qn

Byrne, Ms B OAM, death, 3525

Calvary Public Hospital, sale, proposed, 1474, 2309q, 2437, 4330q, 4432, 4566q, 4722q, 4954q, 5179q

Camp Quality, fundraising, 4519

Campbell, Mrs V, activities, 5007

Canberra Business Council, awards, 4768

Canberra Hospital

Disabled patients, 5533q

Tuberculosis exposure, 4845

Canberra Times fun run

Participation, 4123

Results, 4249

Capital works, projects, 581, 599, 4230, 4457q

Chief Minister’s Department, advertising, 5774qn


Care and protection, 1562q, 5056

Centres, 5824qn

Childcare fees, 5193q, 5700q

Policy, 5539q

Swimming skills, 5034qn

Workplace playschool facilities, 5397qn

Clare Holland House, sale, proposed, 2437, 4432

Clifford, Mr J, retirement, 1856

Climate Change (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets) Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 174

Cotter Dam

Briefings, 4183q

Cost, 3948q, 3952q, 3954q, 3958q, 4045q, 4050q, 4175q, 4822q

Project management, 4177q

Water security, 4040

Courts and Tribunal (Appointments) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4496


Domestic violence, 5481

Outlaw motorcycle gangs, 1697

Development Application (Block 20 Section 23 Hume) Assessment Facilitation Bill 2008, prin 364, detail 384, 389

Disabled persons, Sailability organisation, 1474

Duties (First Home Owner Exemption) Amendment Bill 2008, prin 176


Debt to commonwealth, 4442q

Growth, 5844qn

Management, 1947

Recession, 1192q, 1257

Revenue base, 1600

Stimulus, 469q, 535, 625q, 732, 789, 1077q, 1093, 5039qn

Sustainability, 128


University of Canberra, 3633


Boards, 2080q

Closures, 4157

Ethnic, 3634

Fetes, 4769, 5126

Non-government, 3238

Students, behaviour, 4318, 4377

Education Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4318, detail 4377

Education Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), 4915

Eggs (Cage System) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4089


Advertising, 3897, 5527, 5530, 5563, 5567, 5569, 5574, 5587

Finance, 5306, 5350, 5352

Electricity, renewable sources, 5396qn

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1109, detail 1123, 1132


Carbon sequestration, 3939

Energy efficiency, 1282, 1722, 3304, 3729, 3735, 5031qn, 5036qn

Green economy, 128, 5024qn

Greenhouse gas, 174, 5240

Noise pollution, 5825qn

Plastic bag levy, 5033qn

Recycling, 4770

Trees, 2613qn, 4872

Erindale, planning, 5514

Facebook, fraudulent site, 2075


Annual reports, 5314q

Departmental assets and liabilities, 5777qn, 5778qn, 5779qn, 5780qn, 5781qn, 5783qn, 5785qn

Departmental energy and communication costs, 5786qn, 5787qn, 5788qn, 5789qn, 5791qn, 5792qn, 5795qn

Government expenditure, 397, 411, 416, 423, 439, 1228, 1404, 4583q, 4818q

Government loans, 5844qn

Interest rates, 5681q, 5701q

Investments, 5029qn, 5037qn

Financial Management (Board Composition) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5218

Financial Management (Budget Review) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5602

Fireworks, ban, 4586q

First Home Owners Grant Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1187

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2008, prin 648

Galilee day program, funding, 5081q


Labor clubs, sale, 3201q, 3316, 3332, 3336q, 3359, 3444q, 3873

Legislation, 4681

Websites, compliance audit, 1895q

Garema Place, outside goods displays, 3823q

Gas-fired power station,

Proposal, 321q, 364, 384, 389

Task force, 818qn


Accountability, 216, 235, 2347, 4259qn, 4643qn, 5038qn

Attorney-General, motion of serious concern 506

Chief Minister, 4

Community consultation, 3611, 5395qn

Latimer House principles, 317

Minister for Education and Training, mc 3706

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2463, 2494

Ministerial briefings, 5775qn

Ministerial code of conduct, 3480

Policies, 1525qn

Portfolio responsibilities, 102, 5615

Rental properties, 4259qn, 4260qn

Self-government legislation, 2514, 2522

Shopfronts, 5399qn

Website design, 819qn

Government Agencies (Campaign Advertising) Bill 2008, prin 170, 1646, detail 5527, 5530, 5563, 5567, 5569, 5574, 5587

Gungahlin United Football Club, awards, 4518

Gutteridge Haskins Davey, Canberra Technology Centre project, 816qn


Cancer Council, relay for life, 1604

General practitioners, 1329

Mental, 5030qn, 5796qn

Tuberculosis, 4845


Calvary Public Hospital, sale, proposed, 1474, 2309q, 2437, 4330q, 4432, 4566q, 4722q, 4954q, 5179q

Canberra Hospital, 4845, 5533q

Clare Holland House, 2437, 4432


Affordability, 5461q

Energy efficiency, 5031qn, 5036qn

First home owner grants, 1187, 2884, 3682q

Land rent scheme, 2844q, 2900, 2964q

Public, 755q

Housing ACT, plumber visit program, 5031qn

Human rights

Four Geneva Conventions of 1949, 3188

Universal declaration, 184

Immigration, refugees, 5125

Industrial relations, maternity leave, 967

Infrastructure Canberra Bill 2009, exposure draft, 5501

Land, rent scheme, 849q, 933, 953, 958, 1999, 2011

Land Development Agency, marketing, 2232qn

Legal advice, homeless people, 5773qn

Legislative Assembly

ACT Labor-Greens parliamentary agreement, 82

Anniversary, ceremonial sitting, 2171


Administration and Procedure, 361, 717

Campaign Advertising, 1649

Campaign Finance Reform, 5306, 5350, 5352

Climate Change, Environment and Water, 292

Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 4157

Estimates 2009-2010, 2300, 2379

Justice and Community Safety, 5363

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, 2936

Privileges 2009, 2285

Public Accounts, 3873

Select, proposed, 4548, 4632

Deputy Speaker, 10

Documents, 800

Executive scrutiny, 147

Language, “You stand up here and repeatedly mislead the Assembly”, 4463

Library, 1526qn, 2184qn


Conduct, 1141

Seselja, Mr Z, Leader of the Opposition, appointment, 7

Staff, Manderson, Mr R, departure, 4249

Vehicles, 3898

Ministerial statements, 94

Parliamentary budget officer, 717

Personal reflections, 1185

Points of order, 198, 206, 414, 421, 499, 503, 795, 874, 980, 1086, 1141, 1418, 1718, 1953, 2286, 2287, 2299, 2383, 2489, 2490, 2972, 3203, 3204, 3209, 3210, 3356, 3447, 3488, 3612, 3711, 3826, 3960, 4032, 4046, 4064, 4147, 4348, 4829, 4927, 5454, 5543, 5664

Questions on notice, 1994, 2327q

Speaker, election, 3

Standing order 130, 5445

Standing and temporary orders, 137, 800, 866, 5670

Valedictory, 447

Libraries, Griffith and Kingston, 5024qn

McIntyre, Mr L Snr, death, 1036

Menslink, mentoring program, 4249

Motor vehicles, Motorola vehicular charges, 2232qn

National Multicultural Festival, 1019, 4966q

Nelson, Dr B, retirement, 3634

Nicholls, shopping centre car park, 1351

Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4987

Pead, Mr J MBE, death, 5270


Amaroo, 1495qn

Child-friendly principles, 5035qn

Code track systems, 2230qn

Data centres, 5394qn

Deakin swimming pool, 1788q

Delays, 1286q

Federal government, 4828q

Hospital car park, 2449q

Infrastructure, 5501

Initiatives, 5398qn, 5773qn

Multi-unit housing, 3815

Parliamentary triangle, 4977

Redevelopment policy, 2936

Subordinate legislation, 1782

Swimming pools, 1411q

Tuggeranong and Erindale, 5514

Planning and Development Amendment Regulation 2009 (No 2), motion to disallow 1385

Political parties, campaign advertising, 1646, 1649

Publishing, government costs, 5038qn

Remembrance Day, commemoration, 4904


Cycling infrastructure, 5027qn

Footpath maintenance, 5028qn

Gungahlin Drive extension, 2184qn, 5817qn

Monash Drive, 5037qn

Speed limits, 5395qn

Royal Australian Navy, commemoration, 4390


Empowerment and inclusion, 347

Tuggeranong, 55 Plus Club, 1149qn

Sisia, Ms G, activities, 5379

Spalding, Ms M, death, 1533


Facilities, 3490

Triathlons, 5480

Supermarkets, competition, 4406, 4452q, 4874, 4890, 4895, 5817qn


Payments, 4340q

Payroll, 4987, 5038qn, 5846qn

Revenue, 4439q

Stamp duty, 176

Territory and Municipal Services, Department, budget review, 3564q, 3724, 3728

Territory-owned corporations, operations, 3985


Seedlings, 2613qn

Urban street trees, 4872

Tuggeranong, planning, 5514

Unlawful Gambling Bill 2009, prin 4681

Waste, recycling, 5025qn


Cotter Dam, cost, 4822q

Supply, 4548, 4939

Water and Sewerage (Energy Efficient Hot-Water Systems) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3304, detail 3729, 3735


Gender impact statements, 5030qn

White Ribbon Day, 5481


Menslink mentoring program, 4249

Youth Week, 1681


ACT Gambling and Racing Commission, inquiry, 5312q

ACT public service

Appointments to boards, 3295

Management courses, 2222qn

Review, 226

ActewAGL, executive salaries, 4334q

ACTION bus service, subsidies, 4346q

Advertising, political, 2453q

Alexander Maconochie Centre, delays, 5366

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), refcom 138, prin 391, detail 407, 413, 417, 425, 432, 438, 443

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 3), refcom 1041, prin 1396

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2108, 2113, detail (Legislative Assembly Secretariat) 2631, (Auditor-General) 2642, (Chief Minister’s Department) 2746, (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2947, (Shared Services Centre) 2957, (Department of Treasury) 2960, 3015, declaration of urgency 3045, (Home Loan Portfolio) 3052, (Superannuation Provision Account) 3053, (Territory Banking Account) 3055, (Department of Justice and Community Safety) 3090, (ACT Planning and Land Authority) 3126, (ACT Gambling and Racing Commission) 3129, (ACT Insurance Authority) 3130, (Actew Corporation Ltd) 3133, (Treasurer’s advance) 3143

Auditor-General Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2797

Auditor-General’s Office, funding, 2826


Committee report, 2375, 2387

Debate, 2108, 2113

Information, 1724, 1735

Outcome, 1572q

Prospects, 898

Retail sales, 1976q, 1994q

Strategy, 64q, 198q


Controlled burns, 4058q, 5391qn

Reporting, 4007

Victoria, 462, 908

Warnings, 3653, 3899, 4120


Sale of Labor clubs, 5682q

Small, 3390

Supermarkets, competition, 4415, 4453q, 4458q

Calvary Public Hospital, purchase proposal, 5175

Canberra Hospital, tuberculosis exposure, 5188q, 5189q

Capital works

Outcome report, 4355

Projects, 590, 975q, 4226

Reporting regime, 4673qn


Care and protection, 1662q, 5062

Childcare fees, 5193q, 5458q

Clare Holland House, sale, proposed, 2427, 4462, 5095q

Cotter Dam

Cost, 3949q, 3952q, 3953q, 4050q, 4057q, 4176q

Project management, 4176q, 4181q

Water security, 4071

Courts, independent legal arbiter, 2059

Crime, outlaw motorcycle gangs, 1706

Development Application (Block 20 Section 23 Hume) Assessment Facilitation Bill 2008, prin 373, detail 385, 390

Duties Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2545

Duties Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5064


Debt to commonwealth, 4442q

Growth forecast, 4584q

Management, 1930, 1946, 1957

Outlook, 250

Recession, 1205q, 1247, 1262, 1272, 1421q, 1792q

Revenue base, 1597

Stimulus package, 472q, 526, 626q

Sustainability, 123

Eggs, battery cage farming, 3600


Campaign advertising, 5566, 5585

Campaign finance, 5351

Emergencies (Bushfire Reporting) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4007

Emergencies (Bushfire Warnings) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4120, 3653

Emergencies (ESA Amendment) Bill 2009, prin 3659

Emergency services, warnings, 4064q

Emergency Services Authority, headquarters, 4068q


Green economy, 123

Greenhouse gas, 5254

Erindale, planning, 5512, 5523

Exhibition Park Corporation, board, 2567q

Exhibition Park Corporation Repeal Bill 2009, prin 1863

Facebook, fraudulent site, 2078


Capital grants, 5815qn

Finance, annual reports, 5313q

General government sector, 2612qn

Global crisis, 4350q

Government expenditure, 391, 407, 413, 417, 425, 432, 438, 443, 1155, 1236, 1396, 4272qn, 4582q

Government revenue, penalty units, 4294

Loan interest rates, 5682q, 5701q

Monthly reports, 1607

Treasurer’s advance, 4360

Unclaimed trust money, 2612qn

Financial Management (Board Composition) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3295, 5224, detail 5227, 5235

Financial Management (Budget Review) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5135, 5604

Financial Management Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1541

First Home Owners Grant Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1190

First Home Owners Grant Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 3925

Flanagan, Mr N AO, death, 920

Galilee day program, funding, 5096q

Gambling, racing, 338q, 343q, 5426, 5432

Gaming, sale of Labor clubs, 3203q, 3326, 3357, 3337q, 3445q, 3685q, 3738, 3746, 3861, 3868, 3878

Gaming Machine (Suspension of Transfers) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3651

Gas-fired power station, proposal, 373, 385, 390


Accountability, 226, 2361, 3011

Attorney-General, motion of serious concern 486

Chief Minister, 4

Community consultation, 3602

Minister for Education and Training, mc 3712

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2477

Portfolio responsibilities, 112

Government Agencies (Campaign Advertising) Bill 2008, prin 1646, detail 5566, 5585


General practitioners, 1332

H1N1 influenza (swine flu), 3382

Mental, planning, 615


Calvary Public Hospital, 2312q, 2427, 2975q, 4331q, 4462, 5549q

Canberra Hospital, N1H1 influenza (swine flu) deaths, 3382

Clare Holland House, 5555q


Affordability, 1078q

First home owner grants, 1190, 3925

Home ownership policies, 2893

Land rent scheme, 2847q, 2910

Housing ACT, maintenance, 5408, 5453q


ACT Insurance Authority, 1895q

Third-party, 444

Kangaroos, cull, 2623qn

Land, rent scheme, 858q, 946, 956

Legislation (Penalty Units) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4294

Legislative Assembly


Administration and Procedure, 3916

Campaign Finance Reform, 5351

Estimates 2009-2010, 1746, 1749, 2375, 2387

Justice and Community Safety, 5366

Privileges 2009, 2294, 2296, 3784

Public Accounts, 61, 138, 1155, 2068, 2944, 3861, 3868, 3878, 3918, 5408

Documents, tabling, 1088

Language, “hypocrite”, 1706

Members, behaviour, 3784

Ministerial statements, 95

Papers, 3600

Personal explanations, 4352

Points of order, 472, 849, 1075, 1291, 1292, 1570, 1797, 2062, 2266, 2267, 2283, 2290, 2309, 2845, 2849, 3455, 3474, 3826, 3950, 4045, 4046, 5455

Privilege, ruling, dissent, 2270

Standing and temporary orders, suspension, 865, 5672

Standing order 276, 2270

Statements, 1740

Valedictory, 448, 5750

Legislative Assembly (Members’ Staff) Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 165

Lissimore, Ms R, council service, 4636

Motor vehicles

Duty, 1043, 1048

Legislation, 2549

National Multicultural Festival, stallholder costs, 5315q

Pace Farm, out-of-order petition, 3600

Petrol, prices, 5693q


Outer suburbs, facilities, 2700

Tuggeranong and Erindale, 5512, 5523

Villages, 1826

Planning and Development Amendment Bill 2009, prin 3928

Political parties

ACT Labor-Greens parliamentary agreement, 2532

Advertising, 2453q

Campaign advertising, 1646

Racing Amendment Bill 2009, 5426, detail 5432

Rates and Land Tax Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5423

Rhodium Asset Solutions Ltd, assets, 573

Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 444

Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Amendment Bill 2009, prin 2549

Roads, footpaths, 3163

Spalding, Ms M, death, 1537

Sport, facilities, 1458

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5372


Duties, 2545

Goods and services, 4339q, 4344q, 4348q, 4440q

Legislation, 5064

Motor vehicle duty, 1043, 1048

Property transactions, 2671q

Utilities, 2087q, 4459q

Territory and Municipal Services, Department, budget review, 3569q, 3677, 3825q

Territory-owned corporations, operations, 3993

Tourism, visitor numbers, 1303q

Treasury, staff survey, 2223qn

Tuggeranong, planning, 5512, 5523

SPEAKER, Mr (Mr Rattenbury)

Balfour, Mr D, death, 843, 1143

Education Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), 4911, mso 4912

International affairs, India, Mumbai attack, 17

Legislative Assembly

Allegations, 4044

Anniversary ceremonial sitting, 2167

Assistant Speakers, 24, 4972

Comments, rulings, 2400


Administration and Procedure, 3427

Privileges 2009, membership, 2382

Daily on Demand, 4677

Documents, tabling, 850, 1787

Hansard, services, 1076


“Arse”, 2533

“Fraud”, 2284

“Liars”, 2896

“Lied”, 3587

“Out and out liar”, 3639

“Sit down, you pommie basher”, 1797

“The Chief Minister could not be straightforward and truthful”, 2903

“Through his ignorance or his dishonesty”, 4896

“You’re a joke, Jon”, 1798

Legislation, amendments, 2157

Matters of public importance, rulings, 5405, 5445

Members, conduct, 4573

Official tie, 149, 271

Papers, 11, 79, 210, 884, 994, 1209, 1311, 1805, 1922, 2582, 2631, 2980, 3215, 3702, 3837, 3966, 4199, 4353, 4587, 4739, 5100, 5462

Points of order, 1077

Privilege, ruling, 2265

Questions, 1803, 3948, 4048, 4059, 5080, 5182, 5310

Standing order 77(i), 2627

Standing order 114, 472

Standing order 115, 2687

Standing order 117(f), 2853

Standing order 130, 5405, 5445

Standing order 180, 2631

Standing order 202, 1085

Standing order 276, 2265

Standing and temporary orders, 192

Valedictory, 454, 5747

Visitors, 756, 1901, 1903, 2039, 2171, 2175, 3685, 3827, 5321, 5450, 5693

Unit Titles Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), 1247


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Health, 2082q

Intergovernmental agreement, 3968

Ngunnawal genealogy, 5701

ACT Heritage Council, assessments, 3577q

ACT public service

20th anniversary, 3574q

Account payment arrears, 2251qn

Annual reports, 2687

Consultants, 5842qn

Disabled persons, 3151qn, 4277qn

Email accounts, 4263qn

Executive contracts, 83, 512, 1209, 1922, 2328, 3215, 3966, 4353, 5101, 5462

External facilitators, 2256qn

Invoices, 5837qn

Positions, 2257qn, 2260qn

Promotional activities, 2255qn, 2256qn

Review, 219

Travel, 1492qn, 1502qn, 1505qn, 1511qn, 1517qn, 4643qn

Actew Corporation Ltd, portfolio responsibilities, 4731q

ACTION bus service

Accompanied children, 4658qn

Belconnen bus interchange, 2311q, 2971q

Benchmarking, 3515qn

Bus stop seats, 2247qn

Calwell, 5400qn

Concessions, 2870, 4659qn

Demand responsive trial, 5026qn

Drivers, 835qn

Fleet, 3961q

Marshals, 3515qn

Nightrider, 1501qn

Park and ride facilities, 5808qn

Patronage, 5806qn

Redex, 5142, 5808qn

Revenue, 3502qn

Seniors, 4659qn

Standing passengers, 4660qn

Student fares, 3501qn

Ticketing, 3516qn

Wheelchair accessible buses, 2247qn


Government jingles, 338q

Political parties, 838qn

Albert Hall

Management, 1487qn

Refurbishment, 2249qn

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Commissioning, 468

Statements, 623

Animal Diseases Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1377, 2540

Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 (No 2), detail 412

Appropriation Bill 2009-2010, prin 2118, detail (Chief Minister’s Department) 2765, (Department of Territory and Municipal Services) 2956, (Shared Services Centre) 2959

Arts and letters

artsACT, funding, 2856q

Belconnen, 3688q

Events, 930

Finances, 1418q

Auditor-General’s Office, funding, 2670q, 2814

Aussie Junk, recycling contract, 2316q, 2577q, 5451q

Bass Gardens, conservation management plan, 2215qn

Battery cage eggs, Parkwood, 4728q


Cycleways, 4669qn

Route monitoring, 4282qn

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, commissioning, 840qn

Black Mountain Peninsula, security, 4652qn


Committee report, 2393

Debate, 2118

Infrastructure investment, 1989q

Services, 2084q

Building, universal design criteria, 5398qn


Back-burning, 4268qn

Controlled burns, 5391qn

Victoria, 457, 915


Supermarkets, 2454q, 4412, 4452q, 4879, 4891

Trade mission outcomes, 5325q

Byrne, Ms B OAM, death, 3523

Calvary Public Hospital, purchase proposal, 4954q

Canberra Connect, feedback, 2240qn

Canberra international airport

Master plan, 1974q, 2319q, 3347q, 3684q

Noise, 2673q

Canberra Technology Park, leases, 4264qn

Capital works

Outcome report, 4356

Programs, 4454q

Projects, 980q

Cats, desexing, 1199q

Cemeteries and crematoria, 1100, 1843qn

Chief Minister’s Department

Advertising, 5774qn

Staff, 2217qn


Accompanied bus travel, 4659qn

Institutional care, 5053

Playgrounds, 1490qn, 4273qn


Pot plants, 838qn

Street furniture, 5045qn

Civil Partnerships Amendment Bill 2009 (No 2), prin 5741

Clare Holland House, ownership, 4962q

Clifford, Mr J, retirement, 1858

Council of Australian Governments, meeting update, 1896q


Independent legal arbiter, 2050

Legislation, 4995


Bill posting, 3587

Drink driving, 3821

Outlaw motorcycle gangs, 1704

Crimes (Bill Posting) Amendment Bill 2008, prin 278, 546

Crimes (Murder) Amendment Bill 2008, detail 570

Cultural Facilities Corporation

Programs, 3592

Report, 770, 2154

Dangerous Goods (Road Transport) Bill 2009, prin 3795, 4242, detail 4245

Dangerous Substances and Litter (Dumping) Legislation Amendment Bill 2008, prin 280, 551, detail 553

Deakin, stormwater network upgrade, 4675qn

Department of Territory and Municipal Services, strategic budget review, 4663qn, 4664qn, 4665qn, 4666qn, 4667qn

Development Application (Block 20 Section 23 Hume) Assessment Facilitation Bill 2008, prin 55, 382, detail 387, 390

Disabled persons

Employment guidelines, 4277qn

Parking permits, 1852qn

Public service, 3151qn

Dogs, control, 5635

Domestic Animals Amendment Bill 2009, prin 5635


Non-profit sector, 2505

Poverty proofing, 4280qn

Recession, 1252

Stimulus package, 538, 628q, 727, 752, 789, 811, mnst 2340, 5471

Stimulus task force, 5039qn

Sustainability, 120, 2580q

Education, schools, closures, 4830q

Eggs, battery cage farming, 3697q

Eggs (Cage System) Legislation Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4081, detail 4098, 4100, 4107


Campaign advertising, 5526, 5562, 5564, 5569, 5575, 5587

Losses, 1309


Jobs plan, 5471

Occupational licences, 1093


Air pollution, Tuggeranong Valley, 2595

Cemeteries and crematoria, 1100, 1843qn

Cigarette littering, 1845qn

Conservation management agreements, 2241qn

Emissions trading scheme, 336q

Googong foreshores, 2221qn

Green economy, 120, 2580q, 5024qn

Rangers, 2242qn

Travelling to work options, 2243qn

Trees, 1658q, 1850qn, 2185qn, 2218qn, 4449q, 4857, 4870, 5402qn

Vegetation, 1529qn

Waste management, 3266, 4186q, 4196q,

Weed control, 1482qn

Facebook, fraudulent site, 2077


Departmental assets and liabilities, 5777qn, 5783qn

Departmental energy and communication costs, 5786qn, 5792qn

Global crisis, 1080q

Government expenditure, 412, 4649qn

Government revenue collection, 3339q

Investment facilitation program, 5037qn

Strategic budget review, 4281qn, 4663qn, 4664qn, 4665qn, 4666qn, 4667qn

First Home Owners Grant Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1191

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2008, detail 672

Gaming, sale of Labor clubs, 3205q, 3336q, 3337q, 3445q, 3462q, 3686q

Garema Place, outside goods displays, 3823q

Gas-fired power station

Proposal, 55, 322q, 324q, 330q, 331q, 334q, 382, 387, 390

Task force, 818qn

Gold Creek Homestead, maintenance and repair, 839qn


Accountability, 219, 2352

Activities, 764q, mnst 4708

Advertising, 338q, 4259qn, 4280qn, 5038qn

Attorney-General, motion of serious concern 487, 502

Chief Minister, 4

Community consultations, 3606, 5395qn

Intergovernmental agreements, 3222

Minister for Education and Training, mc 3709

Minister for Planning, admonishment 2475


Appointments, 87, 972, 1285, 1411, 1787, 2564, 3948

Arrangements, 4954

Briefings, 5776qn

Performance, 3831q, 3834q

Responsibilities, mnst 96, 4731q

Policies, 194q, 1525qn

Rental properties, 4259qn

Shopfronts, 5399qn

Territory and Municipal Services portfolio, performance, 1507qn

Website design, 819qn

Government Agencies (Campaign Advertising) Bill 2008, prin 1637, detail 5526, 5562, 5564, 5569, 5575, 5587

Gungahlin, government shopfront, 2240qn

Gutteridge Haskins Davey, Canberra Technology Centre project, 817qn

Hawker, planning, 1005


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, 2082q

Animal diseases, 1377, 2540

Home-based palliative care, 4968q

Heritage, historic places and objects, 4281qn

Horse paddocks

Maintenance, 3518qn

Management, 5805qn


Affordability, 1290q, 1308q, 3212q, 5459q

Cotter Road caretaker’s cottage, security, 3519qn

First-home owners, 1191, 3683q

Land rent scheme, 2582, 2674q, 2683q, 2844q, 2847q, 2852q, 2854q, 2964q

Social, 1775

Human rights, universal declaration, 183

Immigration, refugees, 5115

Industrial relations, long service leave, 3533

Information technology, open source software, 5401qn

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2009 (No 3), prin 4995

Kangaroos, cull, 1195q, 2624qn

Lake Ginninderra, foreshore project, 3503qn


Real estate policy, 2248qn

Rent scheme, 850q, 864q, 878q, 884q, 870, 876, 941, 2004

Land Development Agency, marketing, 2232qn

Legislative Assembly

ACT Labor-Greens parliamentary agreement, 80

Anniversary, ceremonial sitting, 2167, 2178


Campaign Advertising, 1649

Estimates 2009-2010, 2393

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, 3587

Privileges 2009, 2291, 2295, 2300

Reports, government responses, 1578

Legislation program, 515, 3218

Library, 1526qn

Meetings, 15


Hargreaves, Mr J, leave of absence, 2564

Interests, declarations, 5660

Porter, Ms M, leave of absence, 4999

Ministerial statements, 94

Papers, 11, 86, 87, 341, 514, 519, 1210, 2687, 2980, 3218, 4354, 4972, 5464, 5701

Points of order, 337, 510, 672, 732, 747, 849, 1797, 2085, 2265, 2298, 2299, 2355, 2382, 2489, 2490, 2493, 2579, 2580, 2822, 3426, 3713, 3726, 3959, 3960, 4348, 4350, 4352, 4730, 4820, 4896, 4960, 5091, 5181, 5555, 5562

Questions on notice, unanswered, 2327q

Standing and temporary orders, suspension, 865, 870

Valedictory, 446, 5757


Griffith and Kingston, 5025qn

Service, 836qn

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Bill 2009, prin 3533

Marriage, civil partnerships, 5741

Motor vehicles, Abandoned, 1375, 1881, 1885

Mt Ainslie nature reserve, signage, 5023qn

Multicultural affairs, Fringe Festival, 3450q

Municipal services

Funding, 3519qn

Questions, 2576q

National Folk Festival, 4060q

Neighbourhood Watch, community information, 5044qn


Car park, 838qn

Shopping centre car park, 1339, 1349, 1352, 1355

Nolan gallery, future, 2973q

Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, funding, 826qn

Pace Farm

Battery hens, 1089q, 3954q, 4198q, 4674qn

Parkwood farm, cage doors, 5804qn

Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2009, prin 4989

Pead, Mr J MBE, death, 5267

Petrol, prices, 5692q


Bunda Street, 1981q

Canberra international airport, 1974q, 2319q, 2673q, 3347q, 3684q

Canberra plan, 2688

Crace, 4958q

Data centres, 5395qn

Hawker, 1005

Local shops, 2021

National Circuit, Forrest, 2566q

Parliamentary triangle, 4984

Service stations, 5540q

Shopping centres, 5809qn

Villages, 1816

Political parties, campaign advertising, 1637

Prisons, Alexander Maconochie Centre, 204q

Publishing, government costs, 5038qn


Aussie Junk, 2316q, 3207q

Batteries and light bulbs, 2967q

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 (No 2), prin 281

Road Transport (Mass, Dimensions and Loading) Bill 2009, prin 2035, 3274, detail 3430, 3431


Belconnen Way, 837qn

Bunda Street, 5046qn

Bus transit lanes, 4270qn

Car parks, 5045qn

Coulter Drive, 1529qn

Cycling infrastructure, 4669qn, 5028qn

Driver demerit points, 281

Fairbairn Avenue, 1086q

Footpaths, 3501qn, 4133, 5184q

Funding, 2574q

Griffith, Throsby Lane, 1503qn, 1504qn

Gungahlin Drive extension, 2184qn, 5817qn

Kelleway Avenue, 2249qn

Lanyon Drive, 5084q

Macfarland Crescent, Pearce, 1929, mnrs 2264

Motorcycle safety, 5829qn

Nature strips, 3502qn

Oaks Estate bridge, 2857q

Resealing costs, 1835qn

Safety, 1665q

Signs, 1295q

Speed cameras, 835qn, 3516qn

Speed limits, 1172, 1185, 5396qn

Traffic calming, 3514qn

Traffic lights, 5023qn

Truck parking, 1854qn

Tuggeranong Parkway, 836qn

Users, protection, 5334

William Hovell Drive, 2248qn

Roads ACT, services, 2250qn

Roads and Public Places Amendment Bill 2009, prin 1375, 1881, detail 1885

Social welfare, community services, 780

Spalding, Ms M, death, 1531

Summernats, behaviour, 65q

Supermarkets, competition policy, 2454q, 4334q

Taxation, payroll, 4989

Territory and Municipal Services, Department

Budget, 3459q, 3564q, 3569q, 3578q, 3673, 3690q, 3698q, 3728, 3826q, 3830q

Public assets, repairs, 5394qn

School sites, security, 5393qn

Services, 3461q

Tidbinbilla, community workshop, 1853qn


Charter services, 2250qn

Dangerous goods, 3795, 4242, 4245

Environmentally sustainable targets, 5690q

Heavy vehicles, 3274, 3430, 3431

Legislation, 2035

Light rail, 75q, 1799, 2329, mnrs 2263

Sustainable options, 3857

Taxis, 1299q, mnrs 2397, 5545q

Wheelchair accessible vehicles, 1848qn

Trees, seedlings, 2613qn

Waramanga, shopping centre, 5053


Glebe Park recycling bins, 1527qn

Illegal dumping, 280, 551, 553

Landfills, 1527qn, 3829q

Management, 626q, 632q, 641q, 760q, 3266, 4196q, 4186q

Parks and reserves, 1508qn


Irrigated sites, 3517qn

Queanbeyan supply, 1093

World Refugee Day, commemoration, 2395