HANSARD records and publishes the debates of the Legislative Assembly and the evidence taken during hearings of the Assembly committees.
Debates (HTML) : There is a table of contents for each sitting day and from 1989 onwards the debates are indexed by subjects and by speeches.
Debates (PDF) : Final transcripts published here are the official Hansard transcripts. They may contain minor variations from the proof versions and the printed weekly Hansards. Previous years' Assembly documents are also available.
Committee hearings : There is a table of contents with links to transcripts and videos for committee hearings held in each Assembly term.
During sitting days the Assembly debates can be viewed live through Video on Demand (select Live stream). Previous Assembly sittings or committee hearings can be viewed as well (select Assembly video recordings or Hearing video recordings).
In addition to the daily Hansard, this website also has links to transcripts of question times that have yet to be finalised and published in the weekly Hansard.