15 Feb 2011 - 8 Dec 2011 Speech Indexes

Subject Indexes       All years


detail, debated at the detail stage; mnrs, ministerial response; mnst, ministerial statement; mso, motion for the suspension of standing orders; mwc, motion of want of confidence; perexp, personal explanation; prin, debated at the in-principle stage; q, question; refcom, reference to committee;



Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, education, 488q

ACT public service

Annual leave, 846qn, 877qn, 1243qn, 1249qn, 1259qn, 1261qn

Freedom of information requests, 5528

Job cuts, proposed, 3800, 3808

Positive culture, 3937

ACT Teacher Quality Institute Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2943, 3951, detail 3953

ACTEW Corporation Ltd

Investments, 3568qn

New dwelling connections, 4426qn

Water, 3895q

Advertising, government, 388qn, 395qn, 397qn, 398qn

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, detail (Economic Development Directorate) 2901, 2917, 2929, (Training and Education Directorate) 3125, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 3161

Arts, festival funding, 5284q

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Disabled students, 1435q

Education services, 1478

Youth workers, 939q


Secondary bursary scheme, 4464qn

Special needs transport program, 4465qn

Program management and funding, 837qn, 847qn, 868qn, 1260qn


Action plan, 4068q

Export market, 5173q

Calwell, planning, 4980

Canberra Convention Bureau, funding, 1249qn

Canberra festival, event scheduling, 488q

Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate, invoices, 6042qn, 6043qn

Children and Young People (Education and Care Services National Law) Consequential Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4841


Childcare, 317

Protection, 1338q, 1441q

Civic, development, 3760q

Commonwealth public service, cuts, proposed, 5872

Convention centre, evaluation, 5283q

Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5526


Penalties, 5526

Youth justice system, 1033

Cycling, electric bikes, 6109qn

Design and Review Panel, 1276qn

Diplomatic service, land tax and rates, 5229qn

Disasters, recovery, 4893q

Economic Development Directorate

Advertising, 5234qn

Consultants, 5234qn, 5644qn

Programs, 6057qn

Staff, 6056qn

Travel, 5233qn


Business failures, 4067q

Businesses and families, 5538q

Conditions, 5007q

Cost of living, 3676

Exports, 3381q

Global situation, 3488

Policy, 5815q


Administrative on-costs, 5640qn

Canberra Institute of Technology, 2009qn, 2011qn, 4063q, 4321q, 4449qn, 4451qn

Counsellors, 2252q, 2278q

Course statistics, 3597qn

Funding, 4439qn

Indigenous, 488q

Information technology software, 1274qn

Knight report, 4529q

NAPLAN testing, 4717

Preschools, 2635q, 2641q, 2833q, mnrs 4599, 4824qn, 5124, 5607


Arawang primary school, mnrs 4599

Behaviour management programs, 2007qn

Capital funding, 3991qn

Catholic, 1742, 4317q, 4319q, 4828q

Chaplaincy program, 2008qn, 3993qn

Child protection policy, 1338q, 1441q

Community halls, 3604qn

Farrer primary school, 3006q

Infrastructure, 4439qn

Investment, 3003q

Libraries, 5641qn

Non-government, 4438qn

Staff cutbacks, 5169q

Suspensions, 2646q

Tharwa preschool, 2635q, 2641q, 2833q

Waramanga preschool, mnrs 4599

Science, 1424q, 2024q


Disabled, 1542, 5239qn, 5640qn

Expulsions, 5005q

Needs, 2092q

Suspensions, 372qn, 5645qn


Enterprise bargaining, 5837

Generally, 2943, 4438qn, 4448qn

Quality, 3951, 3953

Registration, 490q, 503q

Training, 5639qn

Tertiary, 3518q, 3664q

Education Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5124, 5607

Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Bill 2011, prin 4841

Education and Training Directorate

Advertising, 4816qn

Consultants, 5235qn

Record keeping, 2324, 2329

Travel, 4815qn

Election Commitments Costing Bill 2011 Exposure Draft, refcom 5590

Electricity, maintenance outages, 3983qn

Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011, prin 5531

Employment, underemployment, 4067q


Efficiency, 287q, 2020qn

Feed-in tariff, 4423qn, 5531

Environment, carbon strategy, 4067q


Audits, mnst 4933

Capital funding, 4420qn

Credit card fees, 4796qn

Ethical investments, 5690q

Government expenditure, 3270, 3271, 4072, 4545, 5290, 5294

Home buyer concessions, 4421qn, 4801qn

Lease variation revenue, 4418qn

Online transactions, 5228qn

Pensioner rebates, 4800qn

Revenue, 5626qn, 5627qn

Treasurer’s advance, 4436qn

Floriade, update, 4736q

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5528


Gaming machines, 493q, 5520, 5557

Sports Alive, liquidation, 4751q

Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5520

Gaming Machine (Club Governance) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1883, 2621, detail 2623, 2627


Accommodation, 3273

Advertising, 388qn, 395qn, 397qn, 398qn

Competence and leadership, 2457

Employee car parking, 366qn

Investments, 6081qn

Invoices, 5051, 5066, 5556, 5727, 6042qn, 6043qn

Legal advice, 408qn, 410qn, 411qn

Media and communications advisers, 415qn, 416qn, 417qn

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, mc 5433

Ministerial staff, 357qn, 359qn, 360qn

Office building, 3360q, 3363q, 3368q, 3769, 3784, 3987qn, 4604, 5663, 5813q

Publication costs, 4437qn

Regulatory impact statements, 3582qn, 3583qn, 3984qn

Shareholdings, 4894q

Government Procurement Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5910

Gungahlin, leisure centre, 4441qn


Affordability, 2021qn, 2262q, 2277q, 3243q, 3524q, 4066q, 4182q

Ceiling insulation, 1652qn

Display villages, 3190qn, 3579qn

Downlights, 6110qn

First home buyers, 4421qn, 4799qn

Home buyer concessions, 6044qn

Home insulation program, 421qn

Lighting regulations, 1653qn

Low income households, 4373

Residential property transactions, 5633qn

Industrial relations

Australian Education Union, 5546q

Enterprise bargaining, 5837

Insurance, community organisations, 4892q

Labor Party, election commitments, 835qn, 843qn, 848qn, 862qn-862qn, 1245qn, 1257qn, 1258qn

Lakes, recreational activities, 6121q

Land, rent scheme review, 3578qn

Land Tax Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3948

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 75, 1542, 3871, 3880

Public Accounts, 2658, 5523

Documents, tabling, 5211

Members, Smyth, Mr B, mc 4330, 4363

Ministerial statements, Auditor-General’s report No 10, 4933

Papers, 304, 953, 1344, 1972, 3267, 3272, 3278, 4072, 4365, 4546, 4895, 5175, 5295, 5727, 5968

Points of order, 1619, 5418

Questions on notice, 53q, 4069, 4193q, 4895q, 5286q

Rulings, dissent, 1621, 1623

Live in Canberra, campaign, 5240qn

Marriage, equality, 5455

Molonglo, waste depot, 3190qn, 3601qn

Murphy, Mr J, death, 2046

National Arboretum Canberra, 5224qn

Opposition, policy costs, 5404q


Calwell, 4980

Community gardens, 2016qn

Coombs, 3602qn

Crace, supermarket site, 5245qn

Development applications, 420qn, 886qn, 887qn

Downer shopping centre, 886qn

Dwelling numbers, 885qn

Griffith, 6112qn

Guidelines, 1788q

Hawke review, 1055q

Interference, alleged, 3229q, 3232q, 3238q, 3255q, 3384q, 3641q, 3643q, 3895q

Jacka, 6085qn

Jamison Group Centre, 1492, 1503

Kambah Village, 1617

Leases, 77, 433qn, 942q, 1572q, 1973

Mingle, 3191qn, 3603qn

Molonglo, 54q

Sun shadow diagrams, 2019qn

Supermarket competition, 4287, 4797qn

Territory plan, 78, 741q

Throsby, 3340

Urban form analysis, 434qn

Planning and Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1164, 1899

Planning and Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 5569

Planning and Development (Lease Variation Charges) Amendment Bill 2011,

Roads, Hibberson Street, Gungahlin Town Centre, 6115qn

RSPCA, funding, 5433


Australian Football League, 1974

Facilities, 5621qn

Football, 4269

Funding, 2012qn

Grants, 1653qn

Policy, 1699q, 2799, 2804

Recreational activities, 5285q, 6121q

Sportsgrounds and ovals, 5284q, 6039qn

Support, 4905

St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Braddon, heritage listing, 6084qn

Superannuation, territory liability, 3914

Swimming pools, fencing, 828qn


Families, 5974

GST, 5534q, 5555q, 5802q

Land, 3948

Payments, 5624qn, 5632qn

Payroll, 5219qn

Property rates, 4419qn

Quinlan review, 4892q

Revenue, 4422qn, 6094qn

Utilities, 3567qn

Teachers, casual, 3600qn


Events, 4178q

Policy and funding, 6046qn

Trade, United States, 5274q

Transport, rail freight services, 6106qn

Treasury Directorate

Advertising, 5631qn

Annual report, 5295

Consultants, 6032qn

Travel, 6032qn

Waste, Molonglo depot, 3601qn

Water, Productivity Commission report, 4893q

Weston Creek, community festival, 5470, 5478, 5666

World Plumbing Day, celebration, 795

You Are Here festival 2012, 5622qn


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Bolt, Mr A, comments, 4591

Businesses, 5825q

Child abuse, 5825q

Criminal justice system, 2657q

Education, 5728, 5827q

Health services, 4123

NAIDOC Week, 3565

Networks, 5826q

ACT Corrective Services, Official Visitors, 6101qn

ACT Policing, property crime, 2832q

ACT public service

Enterprise bargaining, 4539q

Indigenous staff network, 5826q

ACTION bus service, real-time passenger information system, 4328q

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Drugs, 5730, 5826q, 5966q

Solaris Therapeutic Community, 5963q

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, detail (Territory and Municipal Services Directorate) 2752, (Economic Development Directorate) 2912, 2926, (Health Directorate) 3066, (Education and Training Directorate) 3122, (Housing ACT) 3154

Arts, funding, 4233, 4246

Asbestos, removal, 6050qn

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, restraints, use, 3378q

Bolt, Mr S, court judgement, 4591

Bushfires, preparation, 5159q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, support, 5825q

Export market, 5174q

Canberra, community facilities, 3908q


Abuse, 5825q

Kids Assist program, 5483

Children and Young People (Education and Care Services National Law) Consequential Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4845

Citizens Advice Bureau, activities, 5215

Civic, development, 3763q

Computer games, classification, 3365q

Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 6004


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, appearances, 2657q

Sentencing, 6004

Crime, statistics, 3655q


Businesses and families, 5538q

Conditions, 5006q

Exports, 3383q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, 5728, 5827q

Behaviour management programs, 6084qn

English as a second language, 5846

Knight report, 4530q

Priorities, 5692q


Investment, 3005q

Therapy assistance program, 3376q


National concession card, 3255q

Needs, 2092q

Teachers, enterprise bargaining, 5834

Tertiary, 3520q, 3666q

Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Bill 2011, prin 4845

Electoral, campaign finance, 2785, 2989q

Electoral (Donation Limit) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2785

Emergency services, station relocations, 5395q


Electricity prices, 2264q, 2267q

Solar, 3913q


ACT Climate Change Council, 4891q

Ecological footprint, 4086

Recycling bins, 4059q

Sustainability, 3897q

Festival of Young Ideas, awards, 5615

Floriade, update, 4737q


Chief Minister, meetings, 2815q

Initiatives, 3647q

Ministerial responsibilities, 5756

Openness, 2636q, 5269q


Asbestos, 6050qn


Breast, 4963, 4974

Treatments, 5166q

General practitioners, 4752q

Neonatal intensive care, 3308

Nurse-led walk-in centre, 3513q

Organ donations, 5108

Vision loss, 4790

West Belconnen community centre, 3975

Work safety, 5669, 5714q

Hospitals, elective surgery, 4050q


Affordability, 3243q

Energy efficiency, 2276q

Nation building stimulus, 4671q

Public, 5558

Immigration, asylum seekers, 4322q

Industrial relations

Enterprise bargaining, 5834

Long service leave, 5925

Insurance, management liability, 3459

International affairs, Japan, Nara, sister city, 4874q

International Men’s Week, functions, 2337

Legislative Assembly

Accommodation, 2821q

Inaugural speech, 2034

Legislation, disallowance, 4629, 4640

Points of order, 2817, 3652, 3902, 4053, 4182, 4335

Valedictory, 6026

Lions Club, Gungahlin, activities, 5107

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5925

NAIDOC Week, activities, 3565

Paperworks, social business, 3842

Planning, Scullin shops, 2407q

Rabaul and Montevideo Maru Society, commemoration, 3696


Majura parkway, 2212, 2242

Motorcycle Awareness Week, 4935

Parking strategy, 3424

Segways, 4660q

Sharp AM, Dr P, death, 4122, 4485

Social welfare

Asylum seekers services card, 4672q

Community concessions, 3236q

Community groups, 5215

Targeted assistance, 5306

Sport, Special Olympics ACT, 4724

Superannuation, unclaimed, 4266

Tourism, events, 4178q

Trade, United States, 5276q

Transport, public, 3752q, 5176

Warehouse Circus, performance, 5614

Waste, large items, 5025q

Women, status, 4883q

Work Health and Safety (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 5669, 5987

Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Bill 2010, detail 4920

World Refugee Day, celebration, 2195

YMCA, anniversary, 5333

Young Canberra Citizen of the Year, awards, 5387q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Criminal justice system, 2657q

Detainees, 3765q, 3915q

Reconciliation, 4370

Youth, 5819q

ACT Corrective Services, Official Visitors, 6101qn

ACT Health Council, reports, 3486

ACT Policing, lasers, 3362q

ACT public service

Feedback and complaints, 1630qn

Governance, 3452

Staffing, 3401

Workplace bullying, 5759, 5886, 6124q

ACTION bus service

Adshel bus shelters, 372qn

Cancellations, 374qn, 495q, 503q, 2023q

Data, 290q, 1277q

MyWay card, 4446qn

Wheelchair accessible buses, 437q

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander detainees, 3765q, 3915q

Capacity, 5278q, 5442q

Crisis support unit, 439q

Drugs, 2662, 4228

Governance, 1335q, 1408, 2365

Needle and syringe program, 2653q, 4695

Review, 1292, 2676

Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1763

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1944, detail (Chief Minister’s Directorate) 2723, (Territory and Municipal Services Directorate) 2744, (Economic Development Directorate) 2925, (Health Directorate) 3058, (Sustainable Development Directorate) 3097, (Community Services Directorate) 3144, (Housing ACT) 3153


Community arts officers, 6090qn

Fitters Workshop, 4191q

Funding, 4658q

Mix it Up exhibition, 3311

Arthritis ACT, activities, 3311

Asbestos, management strategy, 722, 6050qn


Appointment, 3905q, 5511

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 898

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Assaults, 35q, 1633qn, 1655q

Complaints, 1342q, 1567q

Detainees, 1655q

Education services, 5385q

Human rights, 165q

Inquiry, 1339q

Lockdowns, 1656q

Review, 3231q, 4734q

Strip searches, 3508q, 5266q

Vocational and educational programs, 1466, 1640qn

Youth workers, 1657q


Clean economy strategy, 1907q

Debate, 1944

Calvary Public Hospital

Agreement, 5808q

Options, 1147

Ward 2N, 3576qn

Calwell, planning, 4983

Canberra Hospital

Amputee and prosthetic services, 1271qn

Outdoor spaces, 3569qn

Canberra Tamil Association, activities, 5338

Cerebral Palsy Alliance, launch, 107


Abuse, 3750q

Care and protection, 5950q


Centres, government-owned premises, 1632qn

Regulations, 1554q, 1557q

Staff, 1436q, 1560q

LYNX program, 739q

Official Visitor, 6102qn

Transport services, 4517q

Civic, graffiti, 5804q

Coroners Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4111

Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 6003


Coroner’s Court, 378qn

Self-incrimination, 4093, 4097

Sentencing, 6003


Domestic violence, 2988q, 3623q

Graffiti, 5804q

Cycling, Molonglo Valley, 3619qn

Dangerous Substances Amendment Bill 2010, prin 722

Deane’s Buslines, patrons, 373qn

Disability services

Children, 381qn

Provision, 380qn

Disabled persons

Housing, 5960q

Insurance, 3832, 3836

National strategy, 1311, 1313

Sailability ACT, 995


Alexander Maconochie Centre, 4695

Cannabis, 1645qn

Legislation, 5903

Remembrance ceremony, 4723



Catholic, 4318q

Counsellors, 2253q

Lanyon high school, 4121

Tharwa preschool, 2636q, 2641q

Science, 1426, 2024q


Disabled, 1453

Expulsions, 5005q

National concession card, 1486

University of Canberra, 4770

Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Bill 2011, prin 1521

Election Commitments Costing Bill 2011 Exposure Draft, refcom 5587

Elmir, Ms B, congratulations, 796

Employment, social procurement, 2880


Costs, 1699q

Efficiency, 288q, 1438q, 1440q

Feed-in tariff, 1336q, 1441q

Low income households, 2257q

Policy, 597q, 1052q

Solar, 5014q


Asian honey bee, 1560q

Climate change, 933q, 1185q, 5162q, 5955q

Commissioner, 3905q, 4880q

Ecological footprint, 4075

E-waste, 4527q, 5035q

Genetically engineered crops, 3617qn

Greenhouse gas emissions, 1060q, 1432q, 1657q, 2024q

Indoor air quality, 5157q, 6120q

Mitchell chemical fire, 4045q, 4055q, 4060q, 4173q

Sustainability, 3900q

Families, services, 286q, 1331q, 1332q

Finance, ethical investment, 2812q, 5691q

Fitters Workshop, music venue, 2998q

Floriade, update, 4737q

Food (Nutritional Information) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1380, 3736, detail 3739, 3742

Food, production, 4566


Attorney-General, mc 580, 1408

Government, office building, 5813q

Minister for Health, 49q, mc 126

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, mc 5432

Office accommodation, 170q


Asbestos, 6050qn

Asthma, 1867

Autism, 1364

Breastfeeding, 376qn

Cancer, breast, 4968

Carers, 375qn

Electroconvulsive therapy, 1983qn, 3187qn

Home and community care program, 1999qn

Kava, 1989qn

Life expectancy, 1563q

Mental health, 2996q, 3577qn, 5482, 6099qn

Midwives, 1556q

Nurse-led walk-in centre, 3515q

Nutritional information, 1380

Organ and tissue donations, 633, 3310

Palliative care, 5036, 5046

Performance reports, 1087

Post-traumatic stress disorder, 4723

Respecting patient choices, 437q

Smoking, 4777

Social determinants, 3298

Spinal cord injuries, 3575qn

Suicides, 378qn

Work safety, 5714q, 5759

Health Amendment Bill 2011, prin 981, detail 990


Calvary Public Hospital

Agreement, 5808q

Options, 1147

Ward 2N, 3576qn

Canberra Hospital

Amputee and prosthetic services, 1271qn

Outdoor spaces, 3569qn

Elective surgery, 2087q

Junior doctors, 606q

Waiting lists, 33q, 42q, 166q


Affordability, 938q, 1796q, 2085q, 2262q, 2277q, 3524q, 4066q, 4181q

Allawah, Bega and Currong flats, 743q, 769q

Demand, 2095q

Disabled persons, 5960q

Emergency accommodation, 44q, 439q

Energy and water efficiency, 1438q, 1440q, 2277q, 4532q, 4645q, 5021q, 5396q

Homelessness, 598q, 1196q, 1343q, 2826q

Investment, 2081q

Low income households, 4370

Narrabundah long-stay caravan park, 299q

Nation building stimulus, 4671q

Northbourne flats, 5554q

Public, 604q, 5279q, 5563

Residential tenancy disputes, 3570qn

Social plan, 2077q

Supported accommodation, 5549q, 6123q

Waiting list, 3007q, 3373q, 3623q

Youth, 3643q

Housing ACT

Asbestos, 6103qn

Causeway tenants, 3188qn

Energy efficiency program 2000qn

Lease transfers, 5440q

Properties, 1643qn, 1644qn

Human rights

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, 165q

Iran, 107

Legislation, 176q

Sri Lanka, 5755

Vulnerable people, 927

Workplace surveillance, 214, 218


Asylum seekers, 2336, 5170q

SIEV X, anniversary, 4723

Industrial relations

Bullying, 4887q, 5759, 5886, 6124q

Security industry, 4749q

International affairs, Sri Lanka, 542, 2336

Lake Burley Griffin, heritage issues, 2398q

Land, rent scheme review, 3578qn

Lanyon Valley, library, 2056

Legislative Assembly

Business, 210


Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 715, 1887, 4515, 4770, 5603

Estimates 2011-2012, 705, 710, 714

Health, Community and Social Services, 1147, 1344

Justice and Community Safety, 1543, 2365

Privileges 2011, 5511

Public Accounts, 898, 1180

Testimony, public interest immunity, 2961

Dissent from ruling, 758

Documents, tabling, 5708

Matters of public importance, International Women’s Day, 789

Points of order, 472, 623, 2085, 3008, 3201, 3203, 3344, 3510, 4183, 4533, 4659, 4881, 5397, 5398, 5549, 5701, 5714

Question time, rostered ministers question time, 3862

Questions on notice, 5723

Rulings, dissent, 1622

Sitting pattern, 5943

Speaker, mwc 3209

Standing and temporary orders, 2963, 4755, 5932

Libraries, Lanyon Valley, 2056

Lockyer, Mr D, retirement, 996

Motor vehicles

Electric, 6035qn

Registration, 6079qn, 6088qn


Activities, 151, 159

Advisory body, 5535q

National Multicultural Festival, 877qn, 1340q

Narrabundah long-stay caravan park, options, 299q

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 898


Calwell, 4983

Draft strategy, 4652q

Draft variation 306, 4739q

Eastern broadacre zone, 3621qn

Glebe Park, 2259q

Griffith, 3509q, 3528q, 3758q

Guidelines, 1789q

Hawke review, 1055q

Hume, 379qn

Infrastructure, 3616qn

Kingston foreshore, 5701q

Master plans, 436q

Molonglo, 54q

Northbourne Avenue, trees, 1429

Rural leases, 942q, 1572q

Territory plan, 741q

Variations, 5392q

Woden Valley, 2644q

Prisons, prisoners, mental health, 5482

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1686, detail 1693

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1681

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3960, detail 4314, 4387


Drivers licences, 6071qn

Driving fines, 6080qn

Gungahlin Drive extension, 6072qn

Isabella Drive, 226, 229

Majura Parkway, 2219, 2245, 2820q, 5637qn, 6037qn

Parking, 3427, 6089qn

Safety, 1180, 5634qn

T2 lanes, 5442

Vulnerable users, 602q

RSPCA, funding, 5432


ACT Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing, 1581

Older Persons Assembly, 4538q

Support services, 1097, 1106

Sharp AM, Dr P, death, 4120, 4484

Smoking in Cars with Children (Prohibition) Bill 2011, prin 4777

Social welfare, respite care, 1344


Boxing, 796

Canberra Raiders, 797

Grants, 1653qn

Policy, 1701q

Rugby league, 797

Sullivan, Mr J, death, 4325q

Taxation, carbon, 3378q


City cycle loop, 5272q

Deane’s Buslines, 373qn

Eastern regional task force, 3896q, 4473q

Freight, 3242q

Greenhouse gas emissions, 1432q, 1657q, 2024q

Infrastructure, 3653q

Kingston rail station relocation, 4446qn

Oil price projections, 374qn

Planning, 6047qn

Public, 4188q, 4828q, 5184

Quinlan review, 4892q

Rail services, 4200, 4217, 6105qn

Services, 1784q, 4525q

Sustainable, 2406q, 3900q

Taxis, wheelchair accessibility, 1041, 1071, 5822q, 6125q

Tuggeranong 55 Plus Club, support, 542

Volunteers, participation rates, 1862

Women, Tuggeranong Evening VIEW Club, 5337

Work Health and Safety Bill 2011, prin 3890, 4093, 4097

Work Health and Safety (Bullying) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5759

Work Health and Safety (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 5987

Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Bill 2010, prin 927, detail 4918, 4927

Workplace Privacy Bill 2010, prin 214, detail 218


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, 5819q

Homelessness, 3643q

Implementation plan, 1579

LYNX program, 739q

National Youth Week, 1568q

Services, 286q, 1331q, 1332q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander elected body, report, 6034qn

Reconciliation, 4366

ACT Chinese Australian Association, funding, 4674q

ACT public service, annual leave, 875qn, 1254qn

Advertising, Live in Canberra campaign, 4674q

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, detail (Community Services Directorate) 3148, (Housing ACT) 3155


Ainslie Arts Centre, 5244qn

Community arts officers, 6091qn

Fitters Workshop, 4191q, 5136

Funding, 4245, 4658q

Live community events, 5243qn

Loxton review, 4189q, 4190q, 4191q

Megalo Print Studio, 5136

Programs, 5646qn

Public database, 2559qn

Public works, 6042qn

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Assaults, 33q, 286q, 436q, 607q, 889q, 906, 943q, 1232qn

Bullying, alleged, 3903q

Closed-circuit television, 2577qn

Complaints, 1183q, 3837

Detainees, 742q

Education services, 5384q

Human rights, 164q, 304q, 4553

Inquiry, 931q, 1050q, 1053q, 1186q, 1201q, 3250q, 3372q, 3385q

Lockdowns, 1059q

Oakton report, 3512q

Operations, 3289

Personal duress alarms, 1055q, 1806q

Restraints, use, 3377q

Reviews, mnst 2677, 3230q, 3666q, 3751q, 3758q, 3994q, 5247q, 5248q

Safety, 177q, 284q, 889q

Security protocols, 737q, 739q, 2025q

Staff, 289q, 293q, 504q, 888q, 889q, 941q, 3240q, 3246q, 3385q

Strip searches, 3508q, 5265q, 5441q, 6122q

Youth workers, 178q, 934q, 939q


Energy concessions, 4467qn

Program management and funding, 858qn

Rental rebate, 4471qn

Sewerage rebate, 4468qn

Taxi subsidy, 4470qn

Water rebate, 4469qn

Canberra, community facilities, 3907q

Canberra Hospital, obstetrics unit, 5438q

Chifley wellness centre, landscaping, 5953q, 5970q


Abuse, 3750q, 3996q

Adoption, 6092qn

After-school and vacation care, 3916

Care and protection, 3918, 4042q, 4046q, 4053q, 4056q, 4162, 4180q, 4184q, 4326q, 4365q, 4516q, 4519q, 4521q, 4527q, 4649q, 4657q, 4677q, 4871q, 4878q, 4884q, 4886q, 4894q, 5018q, 5020q, 5025q, 5247q, 5248q, 5250, 5382q, 5385q, 5393q, 5543q, 5545q, 5548q, 5805q, 5949q, 6053qn, 6124q


Costs, 294q, 307, 1802q

Flynn childcare centre, 2998q

Places, 5712q, 5783

Playschools, 2827q

Rebate, 3905q, 3910q, 4473q

Workers, 1236qn

Disability services, 382qn

Kinship carers, 1231qn, 1232qn, 2572qn

LYNX program, 738q

Official Visitor, 6102qn

Programs, 6091qn

Sexualisation in advertising, 274

Therapeutic protection facility, 1994qn

Transport services, 4517q

West Belconnen childcare services, 1116

Children and Young People (Death Review) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 230, detail 547

Children and Young People (Education and Care Services National Law) Consequential Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4274, 4862

Children and Young People (Transition from Out-of-Home Care) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5921

Community services, volunteers, 2647q

Community Services Directorate

Accounts, 4530q, 4535q

Advertising, 4814qn

Annual report, 5305

Consultants, 4814qn

Funding, 4442qn, 4443qn

Staff, 6054qn

Travel, 4813qn


Diversionary framework, 80, mnst 2435

Youth justice, 80, 201, 1010, 5769, 5814q

Disability, Housing and Community Services, Department, activities, 349qn

Disability services

Children, 382qn

Independent living, mnst 507

Intentional communities, 677

Provision, 380qn

Respite homes, 2013qn

Disabled persons

Housing, 5960q

Insurance, 3835

Services, 3496

Economy, cost of living, 2295


Playschools, 2827q

Schools, therapy assistance program, 3374q

Students, national concession card, 3253q

Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Bill 2011, prin 4847, detail 4855


Mature age, 771

Women, 428qn

Energy, concession rebate, 422qn


Clean Up Australia Day, 677

Management plans, 2582qn

Recycling batteries and light bulbs, 2

Families, services, 285q

Families ACT, funding, 1238qn

Finance, student transport program, 4802qn

Fitters Workshop

Activities, 3316

Inquiry, 5542q, 5619

Gambling, bookmaking, 5670


Advertising, 390qn

Employee car parking, 363qn

Invoices, payments, 5165q

Legal advice, 401qn

Media and communications advisers, 413qn

Minister for Community Services, mwc 4491

Ministerial staff, 352qn

Regulatory impact statements, 3586qn

Health, hearing impairment, 3974


Affordability, 2082q

Allawah, Bega and Currong flats, 743q, 769q

Demand, 2095q

Disabled persons, 5960q

Emergency accommodation, 44q, 439q, 888q

Energy and water efficiency, 2275q, 5021q, 5287q, 5396q

Homelessness, 598q, 1196q, 2826q, 3642q

Low income households, 4377

Nation building stimulus, 4669q

Northbourne flats, 5552q

Ownership, 3766q

Public, 603q, 5279q, 5566

Refugees, 1253qn

Rental, 386qn

Supported accommodation, 2012qn, 5549q, 6123q

Waiting list, 3008q, 3192q, 3373q, 3457, 3623q

Youth, 1995qn, 3642q

Housing ACT

Asbestos, 6103qn

Causeway tenants, 3189qn

Complaints, 1255qn

Energy efficiency program 2000qn

Lease transfers, 5440q

Property sales, 387qn

Rents, 1256qn

Human rights

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, 164q, 304q

Vulnerable people, 976

Immigration, asylum seekers, 4321q

Industrial relations, community sector workers, 5439q

Labor Party, election commitments, 824qn, 825qn, 859qn, 870qn, 1228qn, 1261qn-1261qn

Lanyon Homestead, vandalism, 4192q

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 3476, 5136, 5604

Health, Community and Social Services, 1204, 4304

Matters of public importance, International Women’s Day, 783

Papers, 2677, 3918, 4565

Points of order, 5793, 5795

Questions on notice, 1237qn, 2102, 2278, 5723

Valedictory, 6023

Libraries, Lanyon Valley, 3317

Master Builders Association, function, 3454

Megalo Print Studio, inquiry, 5542q, 5619

Multicultural Affairs, Office of, work experience, 5030q


Advisers, 4674q, 5535q, 5620

Community language grants, 4676q

National Multicultural Festival, 236, 877qn, 3884, 5281q

Northern Bridging Support Services, invoices, 5165q


Flynn community centre, 4552

Live community events, 3294

Race and Sports Bookmaking (Validation of Licences) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5670

Scouts Australia, functions, 2200


Employment, 5032q

Facilities, 5032q

Government commitments, 4463qn

Living costs, 5031q

National card, 5033q

Older Persons Assembly, 4536q

Support services, 1103

Tuggeranong centre, 5033q

Sharp AM, Dr P, death, 4482

Social welfare

Asylum seekers services card, 4672q

Carers charter, 4564

Respite care, 1204

Vulnerable people, 4272, 4863

Sullivan, Mr J, death, 4325q

Taxation, families, 5985

Transport, services, 4522q

Tuggeranong, seniors centre, 5033q


Participation rates, 1864

Volunteering ACT, support, 3009q


Employment, 428qn

Funding, 500q

Remuneration equity, 716

Safety, 876qn

Status, 4881q

Violence, 3918

Women’s Information and Referral Centre, services, 5436q

Women’s Legal Centre, accommodation, 5438q

Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Bill 2010, prin 976, detail 4863, 4926

Working with Vulnerable People (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 4272, 4933

Young Canberra Citizen of the Year, awards, 5387q


Advisory Council, 1234qn

Care, 4042q, 4046q, 4053q, 4056q, 4162, 4180q, 4184q, 4274, 4326q

Diversionary practices, 80

Education and accommodation program, 1977

Family services program, tender process, 890q

Homelessness, 3642q

Housing assistance, 1995qn

Justice system, 80, 3476, 5769, 5814q

LYNX program, 738q

Services, 285q, 1996qn, 1997qn

Support, 2575qn


ACT Corrective Services, Hamburger review, 1430

ACT Motor Trades Association, support, 3843

ACT Policing, staffing, 2645q

ACTION bus service

Accidents, 4434qn

Bus stops and shelters, 3591qn

Buses, 4811qn

Cancellations, 497q, 503q

Compensation payments, 6041qn

Data, 292q

Distances travelled, 3591qn

Drivers, 6058qn

MyWay card, 1566q, 3988qn

Patronage, 6063qn

Real-time passenger information system, 4329q

Statistics, 3588qn

ACT public service, annual leave, 1251qn, 1252qn, 1254qn

Alexander Maconochie Centre, needle and syringe program, 4178q

Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1758

Animals, welfare, 1758, 1985qn

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1948, detail (Chief Minister’s Directorate) 2738, (Territory and Municipal Services Directorate) 2739, (Sustainable Development Directorate) 3092, (Community Services Directorate) 3147, (Housing ACT) 3152, (ACT Public Cemeteries Authority) 3157


Canberra Area Theatre awards, 537, 678

Public works, 6041qn

Radford College display, 937

Australian Anglo-Indian Association of Canberra, achievements, 679

Australian Hotels Association, awards, 2757, 2937

Barilaro, Mr J, election, 1000

Belconnen waste recycling facility

Fire, 4454qn, 4455qn, 4796qn

Improvement notices, 4447qn

Ben Donohoe Run and Walk for Fun, event, 5217

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Assaults, 287q, 607q

Bullying, alleged, 3902q

Inquiry, 1054q, 1186q, 1201q, 1340q, 3373q

Lockdowns, 1059q, 1656q

Security protocols, 739q

Staff, 293q, 888q, 940q, 3242q

Youth workers, 178q, 1657q


Debate, 1948

Program management and funding, 850qn, 851qn, 855qn, 858qn

Calvary Public Hospital, community open day, 1511

Canberra, community facilities, 3909q

Canberra Chronicle, congratulations, 4403

Canberra Club, anniversary, 240

Canberra Southern Cross Club, community support grants, 3699


Care and protection, 1338q, 1441q, 4048q, 4056q, 4184q, 4365q, 4522q, 4527q, 4657q, 4735q, 4743q, 4886q, 5020q, 5392q

Childcare rebate, 3906q

Flynn childcare centre, 2998q

KidSafe ACT, 1136

Civic, development, 3762q

Community Services Directorate, ministerial intervention, 4739q

Cotter Dam, workplace bullying, alleged, 5824q

Courts, youth justice, 5814q

Diplomatic service, land tax and rates, 5229qn

Disasters, Japan, earthquake and tsunami, 1867

Domestic Animal Services, dogs, 343qn


Business failures, 4067q

Cost of living, 5163q


Burgmann College, 5751

Canberra Institute of Technology, 4064q

English as a second language, 5853


Child protection policy, 1338q, 1441q

Covenant College, 339

Flynn primary school, 2543

Official visits, 2334

St Francis Xavier college, 5617

Staff cutbacks, 5169q

Trinity Christian school, 5481

Students, national concession card, 3254q

Electoral, campaign finance, 2991q


Efficiency, 1440q

Feed-in tariff, 4317q, 4327q

Peak oil, 963

Solar, 6039qn


Community gardens, 648

Greenhouse gas emissions, 1434q

Mount Rogers, 4728

Recycling e-waste, 854qn

Sustainability, 3902q

Trees, management, 1309

Waste management, 1217


Credit card fees, 4796qn

Speed camera revenue, 5229qn

Freemasons Association, support, 3313

Fusion Canberra, disadvantaged young people, 5106

Gambling, gaming machines, 493q


Building vacancy rates, 1789q

Cabinet solidarity, 2414q

Cross-border relations, 1347

Executive, 2268q

Initiatives, 3646q

Minister for Health, mc 132

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, mc 5406, 5434

Office building, 2828q, 4612



Breast, 4938

Lung, 5898

Support groups, 5217

Mental health, 2995q

Services, 2099q

HeartKids, charity, 106

Heritage Festival, events, 1628


Calvary Public Hospital, community open day, 1511

Waiting times, 2653q


Demand, 2097q

Emergency accommodation, 45q

Energy and water efficiency, 1440q

Homelessness, 599q

Low income households, 4376

Ownership, 3768q

Public, 603q, 5561

Refugees, 1253qn

Rental, 386qn

Waiting list, 3008q, 3192q, 3374q

Housing ACT

Complaints, 1255qn

Property sales, 387qn

Rents, 1256qn

Industrial relations, workplace bullying, 5824q

International affairs

Belarus, 3972

Iran, 4403

Labor Party, election commitments, 852qn, 853qn, 855qn, 856qn, 859qn, 860qn, 861qn, 1637qn

Legislative Assembly

Committees, Planning, Public Works and Territory and
Municipal Services, 261, 1553, 3483

Interjections, 2594

Personal explanations, 3769

Points of order, 494, 2408, 2414, 3763, 4057, 4636, 4650, 4759, 4885, 5009, 5010, 5425

Question time, rostered ministers question time, 3860, 3865

Questions on notice, 4192q, 4199q

Rulings, dissent, 1622

Speaker, mwc 3202, 3218

Valedictory, 6021

Libraries, National Library of Australia, 4792

Lifeline, bookfair, 4265

Lin, Dr G, tribute, 6021

McHappy Day, acknowledgement, 5616

Mitchell chemical fire, 5702q

Motor vehicles

Accidents, 856qn

Registration, 3988qn, 6059qn

Multiculturalism, National Multicultural Festival, 1342q

Municipal services

Mowing contracts, 385qn

Property maintenance, 651, 668, 673

Murphy, Mr J, death, 2052


Llewellyn Choir, 3562

MusicACT, launch, 4595

Order of Australia Association, ACT student citizenship awards, 5339, 5481

Palmer, Mr C, tribute, 5481

Parkwood Road recycling estate

Fire, 3811, 3822

Risk management, 3651q, 3659q


Community space, 2396q, 2418q, 3192q

Hawke review, 1189q

Inner north Canberra, 261

Interference, alleged, 3238q

Jamison Group Centre, 1488, 1504

Scullin shops, 2410q

Tuggeranong, 5028q

Planning and Development (Lease Variation Charges) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2187, 2497

Red Nose Day, sudden infant death syndrome, 2198

Revolve, site cleaning costs, 3592qn

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1681

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3954, detail 4314, 4389, 4392


Barry Drive, 6073qn

Gungahlin Drive extension, 1772, 3661q, 5959q, 6125q

Infrastructure, 3544

Majura parkway, 2215, 2244

Motorcycle Awareness Week, 4939

Parking, 1224, 3405, 3439, 3516q, 3593qn, 3596qn, 3989qn, 4448qn, 4810qn, 5627qn

Red light camera revenue, 5230qn

Resurfacing, 5955q, 6126q

Street sweeping program, 4812qn

T2 lanes, 5376, 5451

Traffic infringements, 3592qn, 3593qn, 5627qn

Rotary Club of Belconnen, anniversary, 1725

Royal National Capital Agricultural Society, support, 5481

RSPCA, funding, 5267q, 5406, 5434, 5551q, 6118q

Salvation Army, Belconnen spring fair, 5105

Scripture Union Australia, contributions, 1370


Belconnen senior citizens club, 5752

Facilities, 5032q

Skuja, Mrs A, birthday, 1866

Social welfare, community concessions, 3236q


ACTTAB Tony Campbell memorial race day, 4121

Canberra Raiders, 3453

Support, 4917

Taxation, carbon, 3378q, 4829q

Territory and Municipal Services Directorate

Clothing allowance, 3596qn

Consultant’s reports, 3759q

Mowing program, 1253qn

Tongue, Mr A, tribute, 3453


Freight, 3243q

Greenhouse gas emissions, 1434q

Gungahlin, 5085, 5094, 5105

Public, 3754q, 4186q, 5178

Services, 1784q

Sustainability, 3902q

Trees, removal and replanting, 3597qn


Belconnen recycling facility, 4444qn, 4447qn, 4454qn, 4455qn

Draft strategy, 492q

Recycling and garbage bins, 4432qn, 4433qn

Yarralumla Nursery, staff, 854qn


Care, 4048q, 4056q, 4184q

Justice system, 5814q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Criminal justice system, 2655q

Detainees, 3765q, 3915q

ACT Ambulance Service

Bullying, alleged, 499q

Performance, 426qn

ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal, 826qn

ACT Corrective Services

Governance, 3522q

Hamburger review, 1426q, 1430q

ACT Fire Brigade, performance, 426qn

ACT GardenSmart, rebates, 6083qn

ACT Health, performance reports, 3486

ACT Health Council, reports, 3484

ACT Policing

Liquor related callouts, 803qn

Operation Unite, 5719q

Property crime, 2830q

Recruitment, 5722q

Specialist response and security business unit, 880qn

Tasers, 3361q, 3386

ACT public service

Annual leave, 833qn, 1269qn, 1270qn, 1271qn

Feedback and complaints, 809qn, 815qn

Staffing, 3358

ACTION bus service

Accidents, 4434qn

Bus stops and shelters, 3591qn

Buses, 4811qn

Compensation payments, 6041qn

Distances travelled, 3591qn

Drivers, 6058qn

MyWay card, 3988qn, 4446qn

Patronage, 6063qn

Real-time passenger information system, 4328q

Statistics, 3588qn

Advertising, government, 393qn, 394qn


Liquor licences, 424qn, 1993qn, 2570qn, 4365

Regulation, 1202q

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander detainees, 3765q, 3915q

Burnet report, 1326q

Capacity, 4324q, 5277q, 5442q, 6121q

Crisis support unit, 439q, 440q

Detainee payments, 1999qn

Drugs, 441, 498q, 608q, 801qn, 1328q, 1423, 4011, 4225

Governance, 2362, 2371, 2373, 2393q, 3192q

Identity bracelets, 296q

Management, 1416

Prisoners, 1643qn

Review, 1287, 2668, 5239qn

Revolt, 2389q

Staff, 2251q, 3764q


Dogs, euthanasia, 6074qn

Kangaroos, cull, 3573qn

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, detail (Territory and Municipal Services Directorate) 2892, Justice and Community Safety Directorate) 3083, (Sustainable Development Directorate) 3108

Auditor-General, appointment, 3904q, 3915q, 4005, 5518

Bail Amendment Bill 2010, prin 24

Belconnen waste recycling facility

Fire, 4454qn, 4455qn, 4796qn

Improvement notices, 4447qn

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Human rights, 2537, 2539

Inquiry, 2964

Operations, 3281

Black Mountain nature reserve, recreational events, 2584qn


ACT energy wise home energy rebate, 4466qn

Capital works, 2822q

Program management and funding, 834qn, 873qn, 874qn, 875qn


Fire management unit, 2840, 2848

Preparation, 5158q, 6119q

Victoria, 5720q

Business Names Registration (Transition to Commonwealth) Bill 2011, prin 4760

Calwell, planning, 4990

Canberra Hospital, pastoral services, 4805qn

Canberra nature park, mountain bikes, 6075qn


Care and protection, 4663q

Deaths, 547, 681, 687, 689

Civic, graffiti, 5804q

Civil Unions Bill 2011, prin 5911

Computer games, classification, 3365q

Coroners Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2350, 4111

Cotter Dam, workplace bullying, alleged, 5824q

Couranga and Tralee homesteads, 3607qn, 4798qn


Bail, 24

Coroner’s Court, 379qn, 2350

Criminal matters, 255, 425qn

Director of Public Prosecutions, 3013q

Evidence, 692, 3556, 3855, 5253, 5257

Fines, 5125

Law officers, 3629, 3632

Legal costs, 346qn

Penalties, 2773, 5273q, 5349, 5356

Sentencing, 4678

Sexual assault counselling communications, 2949

Solicitor-General, 2353

Supreme Court, 3526q

Uniform evidence law, 1320

Witnesses, 3851, 5150

Youth justice system, 187, 1023

Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1612, detail 1666, 1671


Counter-terrorism laws, 2945

Domestic violence, 2988q, 3623q

Graffiti, 5804q

Manslaughter, 5273q, 5398q

Statistics, 3655q

Crimes (Certain Penalty Increases) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3465, 5196

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 446, 5914

Crimes (Penalties) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2773, 3722, 5349, detail 5356

Crimes (Protection of Witness Identity) Bill 2011, prin 3851, 5150

Crimes (Sentencing) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4678

Criminal Proceedings Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 255, 2517, detail 2524

Cycling, Molonglo Valley, 3619qn

Director of Public Prosecutions, performance measures, 3624q

Discrimination Amendment Bill 2010, prin 4247

Dogs, euthanasia, 6074qn

Drugs, cannabis seizures, 371qn

Economy, cost of living, 98, 2303, 3685

Education, schools, violence, 2006qn

Electoral, casual vacancies, 1524

Electoral (Casual Vacancies) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1159

Electoral (Donation Limit) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2776, detail 2787

Electoral Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1161

Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011, prin 5683, detail 5988, 5997

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 328, detail 333

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3019, detail 3033

Emergency services

Station relocations, 5394q

Telephone warnings, 3587qn

Volunteers, 6057qn

Emergency Services Agency

Flooding, 5004q

Headquarters, 1562q, 2989q, 3649q, 4869q, 4872q, 4877q, 5016q, 5280q, 5721q


Auditors, 5235qn

Costs, 1698q

Efficiency ratings, 885qn

Electricity prices, 2264q, 2266q

Feed-in tariff, 328, 333, 1336q, 1441q, 1904q, 3019, 4317q, 4327q, 4804qn, 5988

Low income households, 2255q

Peak oil, 959

Policy, 596q, 1052q, 1067q

Solar, 821qn, 3000q, 3911q, 5012q, 6039qn, 6077qn


ACT Climate Change Council, 4889q

Car use, 2390q

Cities for climate protection program, 3605qn

Climate change, 933q, 1067q, 1185q, 2004qn, 5162q

Commissioner, 1182, 3904q, 4879q

Community gardens, 2601

Ecological footprint, 4079

E-waste, 4526q, 5035q

Greenhouse gases, 3532, 4825qn, 4899

Heritage issues, 3607qn

Indoor air quality, 5157q, 6119q, 6120q

Low emissions industries, 4170q

Mitchell chemical fire, 4022, 4044q, 4060q, 4091, 4172q

Murray-Darling Basin plan, 2107

Nature reserves, 4896

Noise pollution, 5245qn

Plastic bag ban, 5264q


Batteries and light bulbs, 1

Bins, 4058q, 4432qn, 4433qn, 4458qn, 4473q, 4827qn, 6070qn

Solar flares, 1652qn

Strategic assessments, 5246qn

Sullivans Creek, 6052qn

Sustainability, 1824, 1836, 3897q, 3900q

Sustainable transport, 2406q

Urban street trees, 4456qn, 4827qn

Water quality, 3886

Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate

Advertising, 4818qn

Consultants, 4817qn

Travel, 4817qn

Environment Protection Amendment Bill 2010, prin 450

Evidence Bill 2011, prin 692, 1182, 1320

Evidence Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3855, 5253

Evidence (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 4765, 5257

Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2949, 3556


Capital budget initiatives, 367qn

Government expenditure, 2600

Security industry, 2953

Speed camera revenue, 5230qn

Toilet Smart program, 4803qn

Fitters Workshop, music venue, 2997q

Fitzgerald, Mr A, death, 1518

Food, production, 4569


Advertising, 393qn, 394qn

Attorney-General, mc 576, 616, 1416, 5497

Building management, 3987qn

Community councils, 5647qn

Electronic documents, 1396

Employee car parking, 364qn, 365qn

Legal advice, 407qn, 408qn

Media and communications advisers, 415qn, 801qn

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, mc 5409

Ministerial staff, 356qn, 357qn

Office accommodation, 4017

Openness, 2140, mnst 2422

Regulatory impact statements, 3583qn, 3584qn, 3586qn


Blood-borne viruses, 1372

Cancer, breast, 4972

Mental, 4806qn

Rehabilitation services, 4808qn

Health Amendment Bill 2011, prin 246

Hospitals, local network, 246


Energy and water efficiency, 2313, 4532q

Home insulation program, 427qn

Low income households, 4385

Residential tenancy disputes, 3571qn

Tenancies database, 2344, 3638, 3692

Unit titles, 2346, 4788

Human rights

Detentions, 2668

Incompatibility statement, 70, 5668

Legislation, 176q, 725

Privacy policy, 1057q

Workplace surveillance, 210, 218

Industrial relations, bullying, 4887q, 5824q, 6124q

Insurance, third-party, 249

Islam, Mr I, human rights, 5668

Justice and Community Safety Directorate

Advertising, 5231qn

Consultants, 5231qn

Funds transfer, 5226qn

Travel, 6031qn

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1163, 1894

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 2955, 3504

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 3), prin 5125, 5260

Kangaroos, cull, 3573qn

Labor Party, election commitments, 812qn, 813qn, 814qn, 821qn, 822qn, 823qn, 832qn, 833qn, 846qn, 849qn, 850qn, 862qn

Lake Burley Griffin, water quality, 3886

Land, block 2, section 22, Phillip, 3603qn

Law Officers Bill 2011, prin 2353, 3629, detail 3632

Law Reform Advisory Council, reports, 4366

Legal Aid Amendment Bill 2010, prin 281

Legal profession, community legal centres, 4618, 4624

Legislative Assembly

Assistant Speaker, ruling, dissent, 5423, 5429

Business, 624, 3461

Casual vacancies, 1524


Estimates 2011-2012, 703, 708, 2600, 4073

Justice and Community Safety, 1524, 1617, 1659, 2362, 2371, 2373, 3916

Membership, 2380, 5663

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, 2110

Privileges 2011, 4005, 4092, 5518

Testimony, public interest immunity, 2963

Dissent from ruling, 757

Documents, tabling, 5707

Language, “coward”, 1446


Burch, Ms J, leave of absence, 4767

Gallagher, Ms K, leave of absence, 278

Leave of absence, 2967, 5947

Porter, Ms M, leave of absence, 3, 442, 906

Smyth, Mr B, mc 4353

Papers, 72, 304, 505, 953, 1723, 1968, 1972, 2107, 2110, 2677, 3018, 3277, 3278, 3533, 3671, 3769, 3916, 3920, 4072, 4073, 4116, 4547, 4550, 4565, 4754, 4901, 5175, 5299, 5305, 5731, 5968

Points of order, 468, 473, 574, 964, 965, 1325, 1334, 1441, 1446, 2146, 2151, 2254, 2399, 2401, 2469, 2470, 2508, 2695, 2698, 2832, 2990, 3392, 3663, 3726, 4152, 4188, 4196, 4331, 4332, 4352, 4355, 4358, 4667, 5015, 5399, 5419, 5705, 5714, 5962

Question time, rostered ministers question time, 3861

Questions on notice, 53q, 54q, 827qn, 3384, 4192q, 4199q, 4895q, 5286q, 5723

Sitting pattern, 5943

Speaker, mwc 3198, 3220

Standing and temporary orders, 1660, 2529, 2685, 3019, 4017, 4193, 5968

Valedictory, 6007


Civil unions, 5911

Equality, 5464

Mickelburgh, Dr M, death, 2193

Mitchell chemical fire, 4828q, 5403q, 5695q, 5702q, 5718q, 5730q, 6118q, 6124q

Motor vehicles

Accidents, 857qn

Drivers licences, concessions, 5221qn

Electric, 6036qn

Registration, 3988qn, 5222qn, 6059qn, 6079qn, 6088qn

Murray-Darling Basin Authority, report, 5716q

Namadgi national park, walking tracks, 2587qn

Nature Conservation Act, 823qn

Office of Regulatory Services, administration, 1894

Parkwood Road recycling estate

Fire, 3666q, 3815, 3821

Risk management, 3652q

Peter Cullen Trust, funding, 6083qn


Calwell, 4990

Chief executive, 3237q

Civic, 5078

Community gardens, 2601

Community space, 2395q, 2416q, 3192q

Cycling and walking projects, mnrs 2057

Draft strategy, 4651q, 4744q

Draft variation 306, 4738q

Eastern broadacre zone, 3621qn

Erindale, 2607, 5649

Giralang, block 475, section 79, 3667

Glebe Park, 2258q

Griffith, 3509q, 3528q, 3756q, 3769q

Gungahlin Town Centre, 5299

Interference, alleged, 3749q

Kambah Village, 2607

Kenny, 3606qn

Kingston foreshore, 5700q

Leases, 4548

Molonglo valley, 5950q, 5965q

Multi-unit residential developments, 6114qn

North Weston ponds, 2410q

Northbourne Avenue tree removals, 2591q

Pitch and putt course, 3463

Scullin shops, 2408q, 3192q

Shopping centres, 4141

Short-term rentals, 5629qn

Spence shops, 4012

Supermarkets, 3648q, 3667, 4369, 4455qn

Territory plan, 4548

Throsby, 3332

Tuggeranong, 5027q

Turner, 5299

Variations, 5391q

Woden Valley, 2643q

Planning and Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, detail 2614

Planning and Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 5747, detail 5749

Prisons, corrections officers, 5236qn

Public Sector Management (One ACT Public Service) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2533

Residential Tenancies (Databases) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2344, 3638, 3692

Revolve, site cleaning costs, 3592qn

Road Transport (General) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5917

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2957, 3964, 4386, 4391

Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 249


Barry Drive, 6073qn

Construction costs, 5643qn

Drivers licences, 6072qn

Driving fines, 6080qn

Gungahlin Drive extension, 3660q, 6073qn

Infrastructure, 3537

London Circuit, 2581qn

Majura parkway, 2223, 2820q, 5638qn, 6037qn


Infringements, 5628qn

Places, 6107qn, 6114qn

Revenue, 3593qn, 3596qn, 3989qn, 4448qn, 4810qn

Strategy, 3410, 3422, 3516q

Red light camera revenue, 5230qn

Safety, 4459qn, 5295, 5635qn

Segways, 4660q

Speed detection systems, 2957

Street sweeping program, 4813qn

T2 lanes, 5447

Traffic infringements, 3592qn, 3593qn

RSPCA, funding, 5267q, 5380, 5409

Security, terrorism, 4580, 4586

Security Industry Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2953

Self-government, legislation, 465

Social welfare, low income households, assistance, 1806q

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2010 (No 2), prin 29

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1880, 3551

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 4762

Taxation, carbon, 3378q, 4829q

Territory and Municipal Services Directorate

Advertising, 6033qn

Clothing allowance, 3597qn

Consultants, 3759q, 6045qn

Fire management unit, 2642q, 4318, 4828q

Parks and reserves, expenditure, 6060qn

Travel, 6033qn

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2945, 4580, detail 4586


Carbon tax, 3378q, 4829q

City cycle loop, 5272q

Eastern regional task force, 3896q, 4473q

Freight, 3242q

Gungahlin, 5090

Infrastructure, 3654q

Kingston rail station relocation, 4446qn

Planning, 6047qn

Public, 3752q, 4184q, 4523q, 4828q, 5181

Rail services, 4205, 4213

Sustainability, 3900q, 4457qn

Taxis, wheelchair accessibility, 5822q, 6125q

Trees, removal and replanting, 3597qn

Unit Titles (Management) Bill 2011, prin 2346, 4788


Belconnen facility, 4444qn

Bins, 4058q, 4432qn, 4433qn, 4458qn, 4473q, 4827qn, 6070qn

Charity discounts, 6070qn

Collection and disposal, 6065qn

Draft strategy, 491q

Large items, 5023q

Lights and batteries, 6067qn

Recycling, 4826qn

Statistics, 6066qn

System costings, 6064qn


Free grey water hose program, 819qn

Murray-Darling Basin, 609q

National reform, 1231qn

Prices, 1701q

Quality, 3886

Secondary uses, 1844, 1852

Women’s Legal Centre, accommodation, 2824q

Work safety, compliance, 817qn

Workplace Privacy Bill 2010, prin 210, detail 218

Youth, justice system, 187, 1023


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Child abuse, 5825q

Sport, 5901

Youth, 5819q

ACT Corrective Services, governance, 3521q

ACT public service

Annual leave, 877qn, 1259qn, 1261qn

Enterprise bargaining, 4541q

Positive culture, 3923

ACT Teacher Quality Institute Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3948

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Drugs, 1328q

Staff, 3765q

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1956, detail (Economic Development Directorate) 2913, (Education and Training Directorate) 3116, (Community Services Directorate) 3136, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 3160


Loxton review, 4190q

Narrabundah college theatre, 5486

Warakirri prize, 4594

Australian Hotels Association, awards, 2761

Autism Asperger ACT, activities, 1727, 3564

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Disabled students, 1435q

Restraints, use, 3377q

Review, 3758q

Staff, 3246q, 3385q

Youth workers, 939q


Debate, 1956

Program management and funding, 868qn, 1260qn

Business, action plan, 4068q

Calvary Public Hospital, options, 1145

Calwell, planning, 4995

Cane, Ms M, retirement, 797


Abuse, 5825q

Care and protection, 1338q, 4664q, 4747q, 4879q, 4884q, 5247q, 5248q, 5548q


After-school programs, 294q, 305

Rebate, 3906q, 3909q

Regulations, 1557q

Community Services Directorate

Accounts, 4530q

Funding, 4442qn, 4443qn


Penalties, 5273q

Youth justice, 207

Crime, manslaughter, 5273q, 5398q

Diamante Hotel, heritage listing, 2761

Disabled persons

Insurance, 3827

Respite homes, 2013qn

Services, 540, 3498


Administrative on-costs, 5640qn

Awards, 2332

Behaviour management programs, 6084qn

Canberra Institute of Technology, 2009qn, 2010qn, 4063q, 4174q, 4320q, 4449qn, 4451qn, 5750

Efficiency dividend, 2403q

English as a second language, 5842, 5857

Funding, 4439qn

NAPLAN testing, 4709

Preschools, 4824qn, 5605

Scholarships, 541


Arawang primary school, 4010, 4012

Behaviour management programs, 2007qn

Brindabella Christian College, 2761

Canberra Grammar School, 338, 676

Capital funding, 3991qn

Catholic, 1737, 1756

Chaplaincy program, 2008qn, 3993qn

Child protection policy, 1338q

Farrer primary school, 3006q

Fortnightly absence record procedures, 2203

Infrastructure, 4439qn

Non-government, 4438qn

St John Vianney primary school, 3564

St Mary MacKillop Catholic College, 239

Staff cutbacks, 5169q

Suspensions, 2645q

Violence, 2006qn

Students, disabled, 1457, 1538, 5239qn, 5640qn


Enterprise bargaining, 4169q, 4437qn, 4448qn, 5828, 5839

Quality, 3948

Registration, 490q, 503q

Training, 5639qn

University of Canberra, 4767, 4773

Education Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5605

Education and Training Directorate, record keeping, 2319, 2330

Elmir, Ms B, congratulations, 797

Engineers Australia, excellence awards, 5216


Clean Up Australia Day, 675

Tax proposal, 1192q

Federal government, buildings, 1798q

Films, attendance, 338

Finance, Treasurer’s advance, 4436qn

Fitzgerald, Mr A, death, 1366, 1520

Gambling, Sports Alive, liquidation, 4751q


Minister for Health, 745q

Openness and transparency, 2130

Publication costs, 4436qn

Grant OAM, Mr HC, death, 104

Gungahlin, leisure centre, 4440qn

Health, autism/Asperger issues, 1727

Hearing Awareness Week, activities, 3698, 3841, 3970


Calvary Public Hospital, options, 1145

Elective surgery, 2088q, 2090q, 2272q

Junior doctors, 604q

Waiting lists, 46q, 174q, 5703q, 5710q


Priorities, 4301

Supported accommodation initiatives, 2012qn

Human rights, privacy policy, 1057q

Industrial relations

Australian Education Union, 5547q

Enterprise bargaining, 5828, 5839

Labor Party, election commitments, 515, 862qn-862qn, 1257qn-1257qn

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 1538, 3866, 3877,
4767, 4773

Health, Community and Social Services, 1145, 1204, 1888,
1892, 4301

Language, “Do a George Washington”, 3523

Points of order, 5472

Questions on notice, 4192q

Speaker, mwc 3218

Meldrum, Mrs S, death, 104


Activities, 147, 158

Filipino community, 2200

Greek Independence Day celebrations, 994

Municipal services, property maintenance, 669

Murphy, Mr J, death, 2055

Parkwood Road recycling estate, risk management, 3658q

Pegrum, Mr T, recognition, 4934


Calwell, 4995

Erindale, 3315, 3317

Tuggeranong, 5027q

Ride4Epilepsy, cycling event, 4267


Parking strategy, 3433

School speed zones, 5957q

T2 lanes, 5449

Social welfare

Carers Week, 4727

Respite care, 1204

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Association, activities, 3458


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, 5901

ACTSPORT awards, 5108

Australian Masters Games, 5750

Awards, 675

Canberra United Football Club, 5618

Cricket, 1366, 1510

Facilities, 5621qn

Football, 4268

Funding, 2011qn

Oceania Panhellenic Games, 4791

Parliamentary football tournament, 4593

Policy, 2795, 2802

Special Olympics, 5217, 5334

Sportsgrounds and ovals, 6038qn

Support, 4902

St Peter’s Memorial Lutheran Church, golden jubilee, 5334


Gungahlin, 5103

Wheelchair accessible taxis, 1069

Tsoulias, Mrs M, death, 2938

Volunteers, participation rates, 1858

Walk and Talk: City with a Soul, launch, 1511

Water, Cotter Dam, 4934

Women’s Legal Centre, accommodation, 2824q

World Plumbing Day, celebration, 797

YMCA Canberra, activities, 5487


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, 5819q

Justice system, 207


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, youth, 5821q

ACT Ambulance Service, bullying, alleged, 499q

ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal, 825qn

ACT Corrective Services, management, 2270q

ACT Policing, liquor related callouts, 803qn

ACT public service

Annual leave, 875qn, 1267qn-1267qn

Feedback and complaints, 809qn, 815qn, 1630qn

Freedom of information, 1545

Governance, 3449

Performance indicators, 1227qn, 1229qn, 1230qn

Review, 2864

Staffing, 3396

Structure, 2379

Workplace bullying, 5878

ACTEW Corporation Ltd, investments, 3567qn

ActewAGL, online suggestions, 1629qn

ACTION bus service, MyWay card, 1566q, 2024q

Advertising, child sexualisation, 277

Alcohol, liquor licences, 105, 5592, 5598

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Management, 1441

Needle and syringe program, 2651q, 4702

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1939, detail (ACT Executive) 2692, (Chief Minister’s Directorate) 2726, (Territory and Municipal Services Directorate) 2889, (Justice and Community Safety Directorate) 3079, (Sustainable Development Directorate) 3099, (Community Services Directorate) 3138, (ACTEW Corporation Ltd) 3158, (Cultural Facilities Corporation) 3163, (Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission) 3165, (Legal Aid Commission (ACT)) 3168


Fitters Workshop, 5127, 5143

Funding, 4240

Megalo Print Studio, 5127, 5143

Programs, 5646qn

Public database, 2559qn

Asbestos, management strategy, 721

Auditor-General, appointment, 5537q

Australian Philippine Adoptees Festival, tribute, 4722

Bail Amendment Bill 2010, prin 21

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Assaults, 35q, 286q, 436q, 607q, 914, 944q, 1232qn, 1632qn

Closed-circuit television, 2576qn

Complaints, 1184q, 1567q

Detainees, 742q

Disabled students, 1435q

Education services, 1461, 1475, 1480

Human rights, 164q, 2158, 2161, 2539, 2542, 4559

Inquiry, 932q, 945q, 1051q, 1053q, 1186q, 1201q, 1339q, 1368, 2965, 3251q, 3371q

Lockdowns, 1060q, 1656q

Oakton report, 3512q

Operations, 3282

Personal duress alarms, 1057q, 1805q

Restraints, use, 3378q

Review, 2681, 3231q

Safety, 177q, 284q

Staff, 289q, 293q, 889q

Security protocols, 738q, 740q, 2025q

Staff, 504q, 888q, 889q, 3240q, 3248q

Youth workers, 178q, 936q, 940q, 1657q

Brazil, Dr WMH, death, 4400


Capital works, 2824q

Debate, 1939

Program management and funding, 872qn, 873qn, 874qn, 1267qn

Revenue, 1787q

Bushfires, fire management unit, 2850

Cane, Ms M, retirement, 799


Adoption, 6092qn

Care and protection, 4043q, 4046q, 4053q, 4058q, 4153, 4165, 4179q, 4184q, 4326q, 4516q, 4518q, 4528q, 4643q, 4649q, 4657q, 4664q, 4735q, 4871q, 4878q, 4887q, 5018q, 5020q, 5026q, 5383q, 5385q, 5544q, 5548q, 5806q


Conditions, 295q, 314, 1803q, 2936, 5711q, 5779, 5796

Flynn, 2999q

Government-owned premises, 1631qn

Regulations, 1555q, 1558q

Workers, 1236qn, 1436q, 1561q

Kinship carers, 535, 1231qn, 1232qn

Programs, 6091qn

Residential care, 5322, 5330

Sexualisation in advertising, 277

West Belconnen childcare services, 1107, 1121

Children and Young People (Death Review) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 231,
detail 547

Children and Young People (Education and Care Services National Law) Consequential Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4833

Community Services Directorate

Accounts, 4531q, 4535q

Ministerial intervention, 4740q

Staff, 6054qn

Computer games, classification, 3367q

Coroners Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4111


Bail, 21

Director of Public Prosecutions, 3013q

Diversionary framework, 83, 2439

Evidence, 3552

Law officers, 3628, 3632

Legal aid, 278

Legal costs, 345qn

Penalties, 2768, 5354, 5356, 5401q

Self-incrimination, 4094, 4098

Sentencing, 4679

Supreme Court, 3528q

Uniform evidence law, 1315

Witnesses, 5147

Youth justice, 83, 182, 190, 208, 1005, 1031, 1038, 3467, 3479, 5774,
5777, 5814q

Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1602, detail 1665, 1668

Crime, manslaughter, 5401q

Crimes (Certain Penalty Increases) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5190

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 443

Crimes (Penalties) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2768, mso 3720, prin 5354, detail 5356

Crimes (Protection of Witness Identity) Bill 2011, prin 5147

Crimes (Sentencing) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4679

Criminal Proceedings Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2503, detail 2520

Dangerous Substances Amendment Bill 2010, prin 721

Director of Public Prosecutions, performance measures, 3624q

Disability, Housing and Community Services, Department, activities, 348qn

Disability services, independent living, 511

Discrimination Amendment Bill 2010, prin 4253

Drugs, Alexander Maconochie Centre, 4702

Economy, cost of living, 2298, 5162q

Eddy SJ, Father John, death, 5336

Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Bill 2011, prin 4833, detail 4854



Brindabella Christian College, 999

Closures, 2075q

Cranleigh, 2762

Playschools, 2827q

Suspensions, 2647q

Students, national concession card, 1485

Teachers, registration, 490q, 503q


Campaign finance, 2780, 2990q, 4290, 4300

Casual vacancies, 1525

Electoral (Donation Limit) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2780

Electoral (Election Finance Reform) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5345

Electricity, maintenance outages, 3983qn

Emergency Services Authority, headquarters, 5721q


Social procurement, 2877, 2883

Women, 428qn

Energy, solar rebate scheme, 821qn, 3000q


Community gardens, 650

Ecological footprint, 4088

Namadgi national park, 1532

Evidence Bill 2011, prin 1315

Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3552

Fitters Workshop, music venue, 2997q

Food, production, 4575

Free-Rain Theatre, performances, 2542

Ginninderra, police station, 4068


Attorney-General, mc 613, 1441, 5493, 5509

Competence and leadership, 2443

Electronic documents, 1394

Executive, 2269q

Invoices, payments, 5064, 5165q

Minister for Community Services, mwc 4486, 4512

Minister for Health, 48q

Office accommodation, 4018

Openness and transparency, 2143


Cystic fibrosis, 2197

Organ and tissue donations, 622

Hoffmann, Mr B, death, 3695

Hospitals, Canberra Hospital, obstetrics unit, 2097q


Home insulation program, 427qn

Tenancy databases, 3635, 3690

Unit titles, 4783

Human rights

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, 164q

Vulnerable people, 924

Workplace surveillance, 212, 219

Industrial relations, work safety, compliance, 817qn

Insurance, third-party, 600q

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 3500

Labor Party, election commitments, 802qn, 812qn, 813qn, 814qn, 817qn-817qn

Lake Burley Griffin, maintenance, 1128

Law Officers Bill 2011, prin 3628, detail 3632

Legal Aid Amendment Bill 2010, prin 278

Legal profession, community legal centres, 4621

Legislative Assembly

Casual vacancies, 1525


Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 3467, 3479, 3529, 5127, 5143

Health, Community and Social Services, 1205

Justice and Community Safety, 9, 442, 1287, 1525, 1543, 1617, 1660, 1661, 2150, 2595, 2768, 2965, 3318, 3625, 4014, 4272, 4290, 4300, 4515, 5592, 5598, 5651, 5663, 5986

Planning and Environment, 1532

Testimony, public interest immunity, 2963

Dissent from ruling, 754, 764

Interjections, 2593, 2817q


“I do not believe you”, 3265, 3315

“She continues to peddle misinformation”, 3292

“That’s a lie. That’s a lie”, 3722

Matters of public importance, International Women’s Day, 786


Hanson, Mr J, leave of absence, 3500

Smyth, Mr B, mc 4356

Orders of the day, 4831

Papers, 4515

Personal explanation, 613

Points of order, 472, 710, 767, 935, 947, 1056, 1325, 1334, 1342, 1417, 1436, 1561, 1704, 1799, 2264, 2295, 2398, 2399, 2401, 2416, 2639, 3248, 3252, 3364, 3365, 3380, 3392, 3662, 3663, 4048, 4188, 4197, 4331, 4332, 4333, 4348, 4518, 4519, 4648, 4669, 4884, 5006, 5017, 5021, 5025, 5136, 5137, 5156, 5164, 5201, 5329, 5382, 5386, 5399, 5400, 5404, 5405, 5503, 5540, 5692, 5793, 5814, 5871, 5939, 5961

Questions on notice, 827qn, 1237qn, 2102, 2278, 2339

Sitting pattern, 5944

Speaker, 611, mwc 3206, 3222, 5962q

Standing and temporary orders, 2773, 3393, 4018, 4193, 4758, 5931

Valedictory, 6014

Visitors, 5990

Master Builders Association, function, 3454

Megalo Print Studio, open day, 5613


Advisers, 4674q

National Multicultural Festival, 1342q

Municipal services, property maintenance, 671

Murphy, Mr J, death, 2054

Murray-Darling Basin Authority, report, 5718q

Nag, Ms C, death, 3454

Nature Conservation Act, 823qn

Northern Bridging Support Services, invoices, 5165q

OzHarvest, fundraising quiz night, 674

Peter Cullen Trust, support, 5613, 6082qn


Interference, alleged, 3643q

Jamison Group Centre, 1501

North Weston ponds, 2410q

Shopping centres, 4147

Planning and Development (Lease Variation Charges) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2177, 2470, 2486

Presentation Sisters, teaching activities, 3312

Residential Tenancies (Databases) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3635, 3690


Gungahlin Drive extension, 5958q, 6126q

Parking strategy, 3432, 3516q

Resurfacing, 5956q, 6126q, 6127q

Segways, 4661q

Sargeant, Mrs M, retirement, 999

Security, terrorism, 4577, 4587

Security Industry Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4306

Self-government, legislation, 481, 768q

Seniors, national card, 5033q

Social welfare, respite care, 1205

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2010 (No 2), prin 28

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3550

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 5609

Taxation, families, 5970

Territory and Municipal Services Directorate

Fire management unit, 4319, 4828q

Parks and reserves, expenditure, 6060qn

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4110, 4577, detail 4587

Unit Titles (Management) Bill 2011, prin 4783


Cotter to Googong transfer, 827qn

Free grey water hose program, 819qn

Murray-Darling Basin, 610q

National reform, 1231qn

Prices, 1704q


Employment, 428qn

International Women’s Day, 786

Safety, 876qn

Women’s Legal Centre, accommodation, 2825q

Work Health and Safety Bill 2011, detail 4036, 4094, 4098

Work Health and Safety (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 5986

Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Bill 2010, prin 924, detail 4923, 4926

Working with Vulnerable People (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 4930

Workplace Privacy Bill 2010, prin 212, detail 219


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, 5821q

Care and protection, 4043q, 4046q, 4053q, 4058q, 4153, 4165, 4179q, 4184q, 4326q

Justice system, 83, 182, 190, 208, 1005, 1031, 1038, 3467, 3479, 5774,
5777, 5814q

National Youth Week, 1571q

Youth Advisory Council, 1234qn


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, court appearances, 2655q

ACT Ambulance Service, Auditor-General’s report, 1208

ACT Corrective Services, governance, 2270q

ACT Policing, staffing, 2644q

ACT public service

Annual leave, 1246qn-1246qn, 1268qn, 2419, 4071, 4276

Boards and committees, 5623qn

Enterprise bargaining, 4539q, 4541q

Executive contracts, 2103, 3529, 4069, 4543, 5288, 5642qn, 5724

Freedom of information requests, 5331

Governance, 3445

Legislation, 2147

Pay increases, 4418qn

Performance indicators, 1229qn, 1230qn

Positive culture, 3926

Review, 2858

Single agency, 1720

Staffing, 3351, 3395

Workplace bullying, 5883

ActewAGL, online suggestions, 1629qn

Administrative (One ACT Public Service Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 2147

Advertising, government, 391qn, 392qn

Alcohol, liquor licensing, 5594

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Burnet report, 1327q

Drugs, 608q, 744q, 1422q, 1573, 2658

Governance, 2399q

Hepatitis C treatment program, 4795qn

Management, 1333q

Methadone program, 1323q, 1440q

Needle and syringe program, 2651q, 4175q, 4691

Prisoner tattoos, 5696q

Staff, 2250q

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1705, detail (ACT Executive) 2699, (Chief Minister’s Directorate) 2713, (Treasury Directorate) 2980, (Shared Services Centre) 3045, (Superannuation Provision Account) 3050, (Health Directorate) 3063, (Sustainable Development Directorate) 3086, (Community Services Directorate) 3130, (Public Trustee for the ACT) 3169, (Treasurer’s advance) 3172

Asbestos, management strategy, 723


Appointment, 3510q, 5536q, 5578

Legislation, inquiry, 3260

Nominee, 4007

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 897

Reports, government response, 30

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, review, 4733q

Broadcasting, religious freedoms, 2767

Buckingham, Dr J, death, 1000, 1284


Presentation, 1705

Program management and funding, 843qn, 844qn, 845qn, 872qn, 1634qn

Revenue, 1785q

Review, 62

Calvary Public Hospital

Agreement, 5806q

Emergency department, 5809q

Options, 1150, 2078q

Ward 2N, 3577qn

Canberra Hospital

Amputee and prosthetic services, 1271qn

Moveable magnetic resonance imaging scanner, 1983qn

Obstetrics unit, 2098q

Outdoor spaces, 3569qn

Radiation oncology unit, 800

Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate

Advertising, 5233qn

Consultants, 5232qn

Travel, 5232qn

Children, care and protection, 4641q, 4654q, 4664q, 4731q, 4735q, 4741q, 4748q, 5330

Cigarettes and tobacco, smoking in cars, 3849

Civic, graffiti, 6108qn

Commonwealth public service, cuts, proposed, 5872

Community Services Directorate, ministerial intervention, 4739q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, appearances, 2655q

Self-incrimination, 4092, 4096

Dangerous Substances Amendment Bill 2010, prin 723


Alexander Maconochie Centre, 4691

Cannabis, 1645qn

Corrections facility based urine test, 4823qn

Economy, cost of living, 88, 2283, 3505q, 4302, 5154q, 5160q, 5163q


Canberra Institute of Technology, 4174q

Efficiency dividend, 2403q


Closures, 2074q

Non-government, 2254q

Teachers, enterprise agreement, 4168q

Election Commitments Costing Bill 2011, 769, refcom 5611

Electoral (Donation Limit) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2783

Employment, social procurement, 2873, 2884


Carbon tax, 486q, 594q

Climate change, impact, 5954q

Cooleman Ridge, 6104qn

Genetically engineered crops, 3618qn

Mitchell chemical fire, 4054q

Public unleased land, 5907

Tax proposal, 1193q


Budget allocations, 5220qn

Credit rating, 950q

Election commitment costing, 769

Ethical investment, 2569qn, 2811q, 2833q

Fiscal discipline, 1588

Government expenditure, 62, 1343, 2106, 2421, 2596, 2663, 2666, 3017

International visitors, costs, 5402q, 5555q

Legislation, 67, 1969, 1970, 1971

Financial Management (One ACT Public Service) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1720

Fitters Workshop, music venue, 2996q

Food (Amendment) Bill 2011, prin 5903

Food (Nutritional Information) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3727, detail 3739

Gambling, gaming machines, 2807q


Advertising, 391qn, 392qn

Attorney-General, mc 5505

Cabinet solidarity, 2414q

Chief Minister, meetings, 2813q

Competence and leadership, 2447

Cross-border relations, 1361

Electronic documents, 4032

Employee car parking, 364qn

Executive, 2269q

Initiatives, 3645q

Legal advice, 404qn, 405qn, 406qn

Media and communications advisers, 414qn

Minister for Community Services, mwc 4503

Minister for Health, 49q, mc 119, 745q, 1063q, 1191q

Ministerial arrangements, 4731

Ministerial staff, 354qn, 355qn

Office building, 2828q, 3370q, 4417qn

Openness, 2134, 2422, 2636q, 4646q, 5269q

Priorities, mnst 2111

Regulatory impact statements, 3580qn, 3581qn


Asbestos, 3016, 3180

Breastfeeding, 377qn

Canberra after-hours locum medical service, 4428qn

Cancer, 1642qn, 4807qn, 5166q

Carers, 375qn

Chronic healthcare services, 4809qn, 5644qn

Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team, 1272qn

Electroconvulsive therapy, 1983qn, 3187qn

Expenditure, 5227qn

Food safety, 5903

Funding, 4429qn, 5643qn

General practitioners, 4752q

Home and community care program, 1999qn

Hospital in the Home program, 4430qn, 6045qn

Inpatient services, 4806qn

Kava, 1989qn

Life expectancy, 1564q, 2589q

Mental health, 2994q, 3017, 3187qn, 3577qn, 4430qn, 6081qn, 6100qn

Midwives, 1556q, 2590q

Nurse-led walk-in centres, 1636qn, 1991qn, 3513q

Organ and tissue donations, 635, 5122

Palliative care, 5040

Performance reports, 1080

Practitioners, 5726

Respecting patient choices, 437q

Services, 2099q, 4452qn

Sexually transmitted infections, 6096qn

Sleep Laboratory, patients and staff, 6093qn

Smoking, 4781

Social determinants, 3302

Specialist appointments, 1635qn

Spinal cord injuries, 3575qn

Subsidy schemes, 4459qn

Suicides, 378qn, 3265

Health Amendment Bill 2011, prin 984, detail 989

Health Directorate

Advertising, 4819qn

Consultants, 4819qn

Travel, 4818qn


Bed numbers, 774

Calvary Public Hospital

Agreement, 5806q

Emergency department, 5809q

Options, 1150, 2078q

Ward 2N, 3577qn

Canberra Hospital

Amputee and prosthetic services, 1271qn

Moveable magnetic resonance imaging scanner, 1983qn

Obstetrics unit, 2098q

Outdoor spaces, 3569qn

Radiation oncology unit, 800

Elective surgery, 2086q, 2088q, 2260q, 2272q, 4050q, 4171q, 4233, 4810qn, 5634qn

Junior doctors, 604q

Nurses, 1642qn

Waiting lists, 31q, 36q, 41q, 43q, 46q, 162q, 165q, 170q, 174q, 2653q, 4062q, 5688q, 5703q, 5710q


Affordability, 3985qn

Assistance, 3613qn

Boarding houses, 4820qn

Energy and water efficiency, 4644q

Investment, 2080q

Social plan, 2076q

Immigration, refugees and asylum seekers, 5170q

Industrial relations

Bullying, 4542q

Enterprise bargaining, 4539q, 4541q

Long service leave, 4540q

Security industry, 4749q

Workplace safety, 2341, 4539q


Compensation claims, 2577qn

Third-party, 600q, 1173

International affairs, Japan, Nara, sister city, 4874q

Labor Party, election commitments, 531, 769, 802qn, 1637qn, 2583qn

Lake Burley Griffin, heritage issues, 2397q

Land, rates and charges, 1695q

Land Tax Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2343

Legislative Assembly

Chief Minister, election, 2027, 2028


Estimates 2011-2012, 706, 780, 1968, 2596, 5967

Health, Community and Social Services, 1150, 3531

Justice and Community Safety, 5594

Privileges 2011, 4007, 5602

Public Accounts, 897, 1173, 2657, 2663, 3260, 5725

Debates, extension of time, 4260

Dissent from ruling, 760

Documents, tabling, 5207, 5707

Government whip, remuneration, 2634q

Interjections, 2593, 2816q


Disallowance, 4637

Program, 3256

Matters of public importance, International Women’s Day, 791

Members, Smyth, Mr B, mc 4347

Papers, 70, 505, 1972, 2105, 2421, 3017, 3256, 3264, 4365, 4544, 5175, 5290, 5557, 5725, 5727, 5967, 5968

Personal explanations, 1572, 2418

Points of order, 133, 4655, 5871

Questions on notice, 1068, 1810, 2102, 4068, 4895q, 5034, 5286q, 5288qn, 5387q

Speaker, mwc 3205

Valedictory, 6009

Lucre, Mr C, death, 1367

Motor vehicles, registration, 5172q

Murphy, Mr J, death, 2038

Oakey Hill, fuel reduction burn, 6105qn

Payroll Tax Bill 2011, prin 1876, 2157

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 897


Call-in powers, 3293

Gas-fired power station, 5947q

Infrastructure, 2100q, 3616qn

Regional collaboration, 5739

Strategies, 3609qn

Planning and Development (Lease Variation Charges) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1878, 2187, detail 2381, 2383, 2462, 2470, 2480

Public Sector Management (One ACT Public Service) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2533

Public Unleased Land Bill 2011, prin 5907

Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Amendment Bill 2011, detail 4314


Gungahlin Drive extension, 5958q, 6125q, 6126q

Majura parkway, 2233

Parking, 6089qn

Resurfacing, 5955q, 6126q, 6127q

Speed zones, 5957q, 6125q

RSPCA, funding, 5551q, 5611, 6118q

Security Industry Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4309

Sharp AM, Dr P, death, 4116, 4475

Smoking in Cars with Children (Prohibition) Bill 2011, prin 3849, 4781

Social welfare

Community concessions, 3234q

Crisis assessment and treatment team, 4426qn

Targeted assistance, 5319

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 5610


Carbon, 486q, 594q

Change of use charge, 1908q

GST review, 1198q

Increases, 2985q

Land, 2343

Payroll, 1876, 2157

Transplantation and Anatomy Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5122

Waste, Civic recycling bin trial, 6087qn

Water, Cotter to Googong transfer, 827qn

West Belconnen Health Co-op, establishment, 2967

Women, International Women’s Day, 791

Work Health and Safety Bill 2011, prin 2341, 3940, detail 4036, 4092, 4096


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander elected body, report, 6034qn

Detainees, 3766q

ACT Chinese Australian Association, funding, 4674q

ACT Community Languages Association, activities, 4264

ACT Corrective Services, Hamburger review, 1426q

ACT Policing

Operational outcomes, 5365

Property crime, 2832q

Staffing, 2644q

ACT public service

Annual leave, 1251qn

Freedom of information requests, 5331

Job cuts, proposed, 3810

Staffing, 3389, 3394

Workplace bullying, 5889

ACTEW Corporation Ltd, water, 3896q

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander detainees, 3766q

Burnet report, 1326q

Capacity, 4324q, 5277q

Detainee payments, 1998qn

Drugs, 498q, 608q, 744q, 801qn, 1330q, 1423, 1578, 2056, 2661, 4220, 4231

Governance, 2355, 2368, 2376, 2393q, 2401q

Hepatitis C treatment program, 4795qn

Identity bracelets, 296q

Management, 1335q, 1399, 1444

Methadone program, 1324q

Needle and syringe program, 4175q, 4686, 4699, 4704

Prisoner tattoos, 5695q

Prisoners, 1643qn, 2389q

Review, 1291, 2673, 5238qn

Solaris Therapeutic Community, 5964q

Staff, 2251q, 3764q, 5236qn

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1960, detail (ACT Executive) 2696, (Auditor-General) 2703, (Territory and Municipal Services Directorate) 2753, (Health Directorate) 3051, (Justice and Community Safety Directorate) 3067, (Community Services Directorate) 3148

Australia Thailand Association, dinner, 544

Australian Rugby Choir, 4592

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Assaults, 436q, 943q

Inquiry, 3249q

Staff shortages, 941q

Bin Laden, Osama, death, 1724

Bosom Buddies, activities, 2759

Buckingham, Dr J, death, 1286


Capital works, 2822q

Debate, 1960

Program management and funding, 1634qn

Calvary Public Hospital

Emergency department, 5809q

Negotiations, 2078q

Options, 1151

Campbell Page, community services organisation, 996

Canberra City Pipes and Drums, activities, 1627

Canberra Hospital

Moveable magnetic resonance imaging scanner, 1983qn

Obstetrics unit, 2098q, 5438q

Pastoral services, 4805qn

Canberra Weston Creek Rotary Club, activities, 680


Care and protection, 4663q, 4741q, 4879q, 5025q, 5543q

Childcare, 1560q, 1802q, 3905q, 5713q, 5792

Community services, volunteers, 2650q

Community Services Directorate, accounts, 4531q, 4535q

Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 6002


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, appearances, 2657q

Sentencing, 6002

Crime, statistics, 3657q


Army officers, retired, 4794

Australian peacekeeping memorial, 4119

Royal Australian Regiment Foundation, 5618

Widows support group, 4404


Japan, earthquake and tsunami, 1871

Recovery, 4893q

Downer Community Association, meetings, 2197


Alexander Maconochie Centre, 4686, 4699, 4704

Cannabis seizures, 371qn

Corrections facility based urine test, 4823qn

Economy, cost of living, 84, 5164q


Australian National University Medical School, 5756

Playschools, 2828q

Teachers, enterprise bargaining, 5834

Electricity Feed-in (Large-Scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011, detail 5995

Emergency Services Agency, headquarters, 3650q, 4876q, 5018q, 5280q

Employment, underemployment, 4067q

Environment, plastic bag ban, 5264q


Fiscal discipline, 1583

International visitors, costs, 5402q, 5555q

Fitters Workshop, inquiry, 5543q

Food (Nutritional Information) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3729, detail 3739, 3742


Attorney-General, mc 570, 583, 618, 1399, 1444, 5508

Chief Minister, press conferences, 5215

Minister for Community Services, mwc 4509

Minister for Health, 49q, mc 113, 139, 747q, 1062q, 1138, 1190q

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, mc 5416

Office building, 1913q, 3370q

Openness, 2147, 2423, 2428, 2638q, 4648q, 5271q

Priorities, 2128


AIDS Action Council, 4725

Canberra after-hours locum medical service, 4428qn


Breast, 1642qn, 2759, 4965

Screening, 4807qn

Treatments, 5168q

Chronic diseases, 2544, 4808qn, 5644qn

Diabetes, 4940

Funding, 4429qn, 5227qn, 5643qn

General practitioners, 4753q

Hospital in the Home program, 4430qn, 6045qn

Inpatient services, 4806qn

Leukaemia, 543

Mental health, 2993q, 4429qn, 4806qn, 6081qn

Midwives, 1557q

Nurse-led walk-in centres, 1636qn, 1991qn

Organ and tissue donations, 621, 629

Palliative care, 5043

Performance reports, 1074, 1093

Preventative services, 4452qn

Rehabilitation services, 4808qn

Services, 2100q

Sleep Laboratory, patients and staff, 6093qn

Smoking, 4775

Social determinants, 3304

Specialist appointments, 1634qn

Health Amendment Bill 2011, prin 979, detail 990


Bed numbers, 779

Calvary Public Hospital

Emergency department, 5809q

Negotiations, 2078q

Options, 1151

Canberra Hospital

Moveable magnetic resonance imaging scanner, 1983qn

Obstetrics unit, 2098q, 5438q

Pastoral services, 4805qn

Elective surgery, 2087q, 2091q, 2260q, 4051q, 4171q, 4809qn, 5634qn

Junior doctors, 606q

Waiting lists, 32q, 35q, 42q, 43q, 44q, 47q, 163q, 165q, 172q, 175q, 2654q, 4062q, 5689q, 5711q

Industrial relations, enterprise bargaining, 5834

Justice and Community Safety Directorate, funds transfer, 5226qn

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1894

Labor Party, election commitments, 848qn, 849qn, 1250qn, 1633qn

Lambert, Private M, death, 3700

Legacy South Laurel Club, activities, 5484

Legislative Assembly

Business, 3460


Estimates 2011-2012, 709, 2069, 4193

Health, Community and Social Services, 1151

Justice and Community Safety, 2355, 2368, 2376

Dissent from ruling, 758

Documents, tabling, 5708


“I said it is bias”, 2265

“Little hypocrite”, 2639

“Morally corrupt”, 2810


Dunne, Mrs V, leave of absence, 3849

Rattenbury, Mr S, statement, 3976

Smyth, Mr B, leave of absence, 1388, mc 4349

Personal explanations, 1572, 4676, 5723

Points of order, 133, 294, 300, 484, 534, 616, 1192, 1759, 1914, 2145, 2162, 2227, 2265, 2363, 2398, 2399, 2402, 2410, 2474, 2488, 2639, 2650, 2651, 2673, 2695, 2816, 2832, 3248, 3250, 3357, 3379, 3658, 3660, 3763, 3906, 3929, 4065, 4118, 4528, 4643, 4655, 4675, 4677, 4852, 5010, 5015, 5017, 5026, 5047, 5165, 5266, 5386, 5387, 5422, 5433, 5473, 5498, 5541, 5697, 5811, 5818, 5882

Questions on notice, 54q, 1068, 4068, 4895q, 5034, 5286q

Rulings, dissent, 1619

Speaker, mwc 3211, 3225, 5961q

Standing and temporary orders, 4194, 5935

Valedictory, 6024

Megalo Print Studio, inquiry, 5543q

Motor vehicles, registration, 5172q

Murphy, Mr J, death, 2053

Music, Australian Rugby Choir, 4592

Office of Regulatory Services, administration, 1894

Planning, Civic, 5082

Planning and Development (Lease Variation Charges) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2474

Prisons, corrections officers, 5236qn

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1684, detail 1692


Gungahlin Drive extension, 1812, 3659q

Majura parkway, 2230

Parking strategy, 3436

Speed zones, 5957q, 6125q

Vulnerable users, 603q

Rotary Club of Canberra Weston Creek, dinner, 2939

Royal Military College Duntroon, parade, 2338

RSPCA, funding, 5416

Sharp AM, Dr P, death, 4481

SHOUT expo, activities, 2544

Smoking in Cars with Children (Prohibition) Bill 2011, prin 4775

Social welfare

Crisis assessment and treatment team, 4426qn

St Vinnie’s night patrol, 5896


ACT Brumbies, 1973

Australian Running Festival, 1509

Canberra Raiders, 1973


Carbon, 3380q

GST review, 1200q

Territory and Municipal Services Directorate, consultant’s reports, 3760q


Carbon tax, 3380q

Gungahlin, 5094

Volunteering ACT, support, 3011q

Water, secondary uses, 1840, 1851

Weston Creek, community festival, 5466, 5479


ACT Corrective Services, Hamburger review, 1427, 1431q

ACT Policing

Property crime, 2830q

Recruitment, 5721q

ACT public service, Hawke review, 50q, 179q

ACTION bus service, real-time passenger information system, 4330q

Alcohol, regulation, 1202q

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Governance, 2402q

Needle and syringe program, 2652q

Review, 1299

Solaris Therapeutic Community, 5965q

Staff, 3764q

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, detail (ACT Executive) 2694, (Chief Minister’s Directorate) 2730, (Community Services Directorate) 3143


Funding, 4659q, 5284q

Loxton review, 4188q

Public display, 1782q


Appointment, 3511q

Inquiry, 268

Nominee, 4001

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 894

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Assaults, 921

Bullying, alleged, 3903q

Inquiry, 949q, 3252q, 3385q

Review, 3751q

Security protocols, 740q

Staff, 3249q

Strip searches, 3508q

Youth workers, 935q

Broadcasting, religious freedoms, 691

Budget, assessment, 1792q

Business, export market, 5173q

Calvary Public Hospital, agreement, 5806q

Canberra Hospital, obstetrics unit, 2098q


Care and protection, 4049q, 4181q, 4520q, 4649q, 4654q, 4732q, 4884q, 5019q, 5385q

Childcare, 1558q, 1804q

Residential care, 5328

Transport services, 4518q

Community services, volunteers, 2647q

Crimes (Penalties) Amendment Bill 2011, mso 3724

Disabled persons, insurance, 3823


Businesses and families, 5540q

Construction activity, 1064q

Cost of living, 5161q, 5164q

Exports, 3381q

Policy, 5817q


Priorities, 5692q


Closures, 2075q

Therapy assistance program, 3376q


Disabled, 1542

National concession card, 1482, 1487, 3253q

Tertiary, 3517q, 3662q


Campaign financing, 4294, 4300

Casual vacancies, 1526

Emergency Services Agency, headquarters, 3650q


Efficiency, 1438q

Low income households, 2255q

Peak oil, 39q, 969

Solar, 3911q


ACT Climate Change Council, 4889q

Recycling bins, 4058q

Waste management, 1221


Ethical investment, 5656

Fiscal discipline, 1598

Government credit rating, 950q


Attorney-General, mc 5501

Executive, 2269q

Minister for Community Services, mwc 4508

Minister for Health, 1191q

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, mc 5414

Office building, 1911q, 2829q, 3364q


Cancer treatments, 5168q

Organ and tissue donations, 621, 625


Calvary Public Hospital, agreement, 5806q

Canberra Hospital, obstetrics unit, 2098q

Elective surgery, 2091q, 2274q, 4052q

Waiting lists, 175q, 5689q, 5710q


Affordability, 2084q, 3245q

Energy and water efficiency, 1438q

Narrabundah long-stay caravan park, 297q

Nation building stimulus, 4669q

Northbourne flats, 5552q

Ownership, 3766q

Social, 5279q

Supported accommodation, 5550q

Human rights, legislation, 735

Immigration, asylum seekers, 4321q

Industrial relations

Bullying, 4888q

Long service leave, 4540q

Land, rates and charges, 1697q

Legislative Assembly

Accommodation, 2822q

Business, 625

Casual vacancies, 1526


Administration and Procedure, 5942

Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 1542

Estimates 2011-2012, 711, 714, 2066

Health, Community and Social Services, 1204

Justice and Community Safety, 1526, 4294, 4300, 5118, 5262

Privileges 2011, 4001

Public Accounts, 268, 894, 5524, 5656

Debates, extension of time, 4260

Dissent from ruling, 761

Interjections, 2593

Leave of absence, 3839


Behaviour, 4262

Porter, Ms M, leave of absence, 4010

Smyth, Mr B, mc 4340

Personal explanations, 1571, 5966

Points of order, 42, 169, 710, 767, 945, 1192, 1194, 1342, 1704, 1809, 2079, 2090, 2253, 2392, 2638, 2816, 2830, 2833, 3010, 3014, 3199, 3232, 3252, 3366, 3367, 3372, 3379, 3380, 3510, 3520, 3523, 3644, 3658, 3661, 3663, 3725, 3756, 3894, 4047, 4065, 4169, 4177, 4182, 4188, 4190, 4197, 4263, 4351, 4357, 4358, 4518, 4519, 4541, 4642, 4648, 4650, 4651, 4655, 4656, 4664, 4665, 4669, 4675, 4677, 4749, 4885, 5007, 5009, 5014, 5015, 5017, 5026, 5027, 5117, 5155, 5170, 5172, 5267, 5268, 5382, 5386, 5397, 5400, 5404, 5405, 5503, 5507, 5508, 5537, 5538, 5541, 5554, 5590, 5693, 5695, 5699, 5812, 5818, 5893, 5961

Rostered ministers question time, 3858, 3863, 3866, 5945

Speaker, mwc 3222, 5963q

Standing and temporary orders, 2963, 4194, 4757, 5928, 5940

Valedictory, 6013

Visitors, 2029

Mitchell chemical fire, 5403q

Multicultural Affairs, Office of, work experience, 5029q


Activities, 142, 154

Advisory body, 5536q

National Multicultural Festival, 1340q, 5281q

Murray-Darling Basin Authority, report, 5717q

Narrabundah long-stay caravan park, options, 297q

Opposition, policy costs, 5403q

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 894


Community space, 2415q

Draft strategy, 4744q

Infrastructure, 2100q

Molonglo valley, 5950q


Gungahlin Drive extension, 5959q

Parking strategy, 3437

RSPCA, funding, 5414

Self-government, legislation, 475, 753q, 766q


Older Persons Assembly, 4536q

Support services, 1094, 1103, 1107

Tuggeranong centre, 5033q

Social welfare

Low income households, assistance, 1808q

Respite care, 1204

Taxation, increases, 2987q

Tourism, events, 4179q

Trade, United States, 5277q


Infrastructure, 3655q

Public, 4184q

Tuggeranong, seniors centre, 5033q

Volunteering ACT, support, 3009q


Murray-Darling Basin, 609q

Prices, 1703q

Women, funding, 500q

Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Bill 2010, detail 4928

Young Canberra Citizen of the Year, awards, 5390q


Care, 4049q, 4181q

National Youth Week, 1568q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

Detainees, 3765q

Education, 488q, 5827q

ACT Policing, tasers, 3360q

ACT public service

Employment conditions, 13, 20

Freedom of information, 1548

Governance, 3441, 3453

Hawke review, 52q

Job cuts, proposed, 3797, 3807

Legislation, 2153

Positive culture, 3932

Review, 2861

Staffing, 3354, 3398

ACT Teacher Quality Institute Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3949, detail 3953

ACTION bus service

Cancellations, 497q, 503q

Wheelchair accessible buses, 438q

Administrative (One ACT Public Service Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 2153

Advertising, child sexualisation, 276

Alexander Maconochie Centre, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander detainees, 3765q

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1925, detail (Legislative Assembly Secretariat) 2689, (ACT Executive) 2693, (Chief Minister’s Directorate) 2714, (Economic Development Directorate) 2909, (Treasury Directorate) 2972, 2983, (Superannuation Provision Account) 3047, (Education and Training Directorate) 3111, (Community Services Directorate) 3130, (ACT Gambling and Racing Commission) 3156, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 3160, (Treasurer’s advance) 3170


Fitters Workshop, 5141, 5543q

Funding, 4660q

Loxton review, 4191q

Megalo Print Studio, 5141, 5543q


Appointment, 5581

Nominee, 4006

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Assaults, 33q, 436q, 607q, 918, 944q, 1655q

Education services, 5383q

Human rights, 164q, 304q, 2160, 2540, 4561

Inquiry, 3385q

Operations, 3285

Reviews, 2683, 3230q, 3666q, 3994q, 4733q, 5247q

Staff, 3241q

Strip searches, 3507q, 5265q, 6122q

Vocational and educational programs, 1470, 1640qn

Buckingham, Dr J, death, 1283


Capital works, 2823q

Clean economy strategy, 1905q

Debate, 1925


Abuse, 3750q

Adoption, 4402

Care and protection, 4043q, 4157, 4522q, 4870q, 4894q, 5949q, 6053qn, 6124q

Childcare, 295q, 311, 3911q, 5788

Institutionalised, 5487

Kinship carers, 539, 2572qn

LYNX program, 738q

Residential care, 5325

Sexualisation in advertising, 276

Therapeutic protection facility, 1994qn

Transport services, 4517q

West Belconnen childcare services, 1112

Children and Young People (Death Review) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 233, detail 547

Children and Young People (Education and Care Services National Law) Consequential Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4838

Children and Young People (Transition to Independence) Amendment Bill 2011,
prin 3705

Commonwealth public service, cuts, proposed, 3797, 3807, 5872


Diversionary framework, 2441

Penalties, 2774

Youth justice, 194, 1018, 3472, 5764, 5776, 5778


Domestic violence, 2988q, 3623q

Graffiti, 5803q

Crimes (Penalties) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2774

Disability services, independent living, 513

Disabled persons, housing, 5960q

Discrimination Amendment Bill 2010, prin 4250


Construction activity, 1066q

Cost of living, 96, 2290, 3679


Course statistics, 3597qn

English as a second language, 5848

NAPLAN testing, 4713

Preschools, 2635q, 2641q, 2833q, 5607


Catholic, 1746, 4317q, 4320q, 4828q

Counsellors, 2251q, 2278q

Farrer primary school, 3007q

Libraries, 5641qn

Tharwa preschool, 2635q, 2641q, 2833q

Science, 1424q


Disabled, 1448, 1458, 1539

Expulsions, 5004q

Indigenous, 488q, 5827q

National concession card, 1485

Needs, 2093q

Suspensions, 371qn, 2646q, 5645qn


Enterprise bargaining, 5834

Quality, 3949, 3953

Tertiary, 3520q

University of Canberra, 4771

Education Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5607

Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Bill 2011, prin 4838, detail 4853

Education and Training Directorate, record keeping, 2326, 2331

Electoral, campaign financing, 4297

Electoral (Donation Limit) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2781

Employment, social procurement, 2868, 2884


Costs, 1697q, 2268q

Feed-in tariff, 1337q

Peak oil, 40q, 971

Policy, 596q, 1052q

Solar rebate scheme, 3002q


Carbon strategy, 4066q

Climate change, 933q, 1067q, 1185q, 5163q, 5954q

Commissioner, 4880q

E-waste, 4527q

Greenhouse gas emissions, 1061q, 1433q

Indoor air quality, 5157q, 6120q

Low emissions industries, 4169q

Mitchell chemical fire, 4044q, 4055q, 4061q, 4173q

Sustainability, 2390q, 2407q, 3901q

Waste management, 1208

Families, services, 285q, 1331q

Families ACT, funding, 1238qn

Federal government, buildings, 1800q


Ethical investment, 2568qn, 2811q, 5690q

Fiscal discipline, 1592

Government investments, 6080qn

Fitters Workshop, inquiry, 5543q

Fitzgerald, Mr A, death, 1516

Food (Nutritional Information) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3732


Bookmaking, 5672

Gaming machines, 495q

Gaming Machine (Club Governance) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2619, detail 2625, 2628


Attorney-General, mc 5503

Campaign advertising, 10

Competence and leadership, 2452

Cross-border relations, 1358

Invoices, payment, 5062

Minister for Community Services, mwc 4494

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, mc 5415

Office building, 3369q, 3773, 5813q

Openness, 2137, 2423

Shareholdings, 4894q

Graffiti, Civic, 5803q


Cancer, 5109

Life expectancy, 1565q

Midwives, 1556q, 2590q

Sexually transmitted infections, 6096qn

Work safety, 5715q


Affordability, 938q, 1798q, 2263q, 2277q

Allawah, Bega and Currong flats, 744q

Demand, 2097q

Disabled persons, 5960q

Energy and water efficiency, 4534q, 4643q, 5022q, 5397q

Homelessness, 1197q, 1507, 2827q

Investment, 2081q

Social plan, 2076q, 5280q

Waiting list, 3374q

Youth, 3642q

Human rights

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, 164q, 304q

Legislation, 176q, 729

Vulnerable people, 972

Immigration, refugees and asylum seekers, 5171q

Industrial relations

Bullying, 4542q, 4888q

Community sector workers, 5335q, 5439q

Enterprise bargaining, 5834

Security industry, 4750q

Insurance, third-party, 1171, 1177

Labor Party, election commitments, 528, 539

Lake Burley Griffin, heritage issues, 2398q

Land Tax Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3947

Legislative Assembly

Business, 624

Chief Minister, election, 2031


Climate Change, Environment and Water, 1885, 5663

Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 1539, 3472, 3874, 4771, 5141

Estimates 2011-2012, 696, 2063

Justice and Community Safety, 1543, 4297

Privileges 2011, 4006

Public Accounts, 1171, 1177, 5524

Dissent from ruling, 762

Documents, tabling, 5208

Legislation, disallowance, 4634

Members, Smyth, Mr B, mc 4345

Points of order, 2391, 2866, 3521, 5840

Questions on notice, 1810, 5723

Speaker, mwc 3200

Standing and temporary orders, 4196, 5938

Valedictory, 6011

Lynga, Ms P, death, 103

Marriage, equality, 5461

Megalo Print Studio, inquiry, 5141, 5543q

Mitchell chemical fire, 4044q, 4055q, 4061q, 4173q

Multiculturalism, advisory body, 5535q

Murphy, Mr J, death, 2044

Parkwood Road recycling estate

Fire, 3666q

Risk management, 3659q

Payroll Tax Bill 2011, prin 2156


Chief executive, 3237q

Draft strategy, 4653q

Draft variation 306, 4738q

Energy efficiency initiatives, 288q

Glebe Park, 2259q

Griffith, 3510q, 3757q

Guidelines, 1788q

Hawke review, 1055q, 1189q

Kingston foreshore, 5701q

Northbourne Avenue, trees, 1430

Regional collaboration, 5736

Rural leases, 942q

Scullin shops, 2410q, 3192q

Shopping centres, 4145

Supermarket competition policy, 3648q

Territory plan, 741q

Variations, 5392q

Woden Valley, 2643q

Planning and Development (Lease Variation Charges) Amendment Bill 2011,
prin 2169, detail 2385, 2464, 2468, 2477

Public Sector Management Amendment Bill 2010, prin 13, detail 20

Public Sector Management (One ACT Public Service) Amendment Bill 2011,
prin 2531

Race and Sports Bookmaking (Validation of Licences) Amendment Bill 2011,
prin 5672

Roads, Majura parkway, 2820q

RSPCA, funding, 5415

Self-government, legislation, 460, 478, 767q

Seniors, employment, 5032q

Sharp AM, Dr P, death, 4479

Social welfare, targeted assistance, 5313

Sullivan, Mr J, death, 4325q

Swimming pools, fencing, 828qn


Families, 5982

GST review, 1199q

Land, 3947

Payroll, 2156

Teachers, casual, 3600qn


City cycle loop, 5272q

Eastern regional task force, 3896q, 4473q

Greenhouse gas emissions, 1433q

Public, 5187

Services, 1783q

Sustainability, 3901q

Taxis, wheelchair accessibility, 5823q

Waste, draft strategy, 493q


Funding, 502q

International Women’s Day, 539

Status, 4883q

Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Bill 2010, prin 972

Working with Vulnerable People (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 4931


Canteen National Bandanna Day, 5109

Care, 4043q, 4157

Family services program, tender process, 890q

Homelessness, 1507, 3642q

Housing assistance, 1995qn

Justice system, 194, 1018, 3472, 5764, 5776, 5778

LYNX program, 738q

National Youth Week, 1571q

Services, 285q, 1331q, 1996qn

Support, 2574qn

Youth Week, 1364


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, education, 489q

ACT Policing, lasers, 3362q

ACT public service, annual reports, 2420

ACTION bus service

Data, 292q, 1277q

Wheelchair accessible buses, 437q

Administrative (One ACT Public Service Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 2536

Alexander Maconochie Centre, crisis support unit, 440q

Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1375, 1768

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1964, detail (Auditor-General) 2702, (Chief Minister’s Directorate) 2708, (Territory and Municipal Services Directorate) 2748, (Economic Development Directorate) 2919, (Shared Services Centre) 3041, (Sustainable Development Directorate) 3087, (ACT Public Cemeteries Authority) 3157


Ainslie Arts Centre, 5243qn

Fitters Workshop, 5132

Funding, 4236

Live community events, 5243qn

Megalo Print Studio, 5132, 5541q, 5615

You Are Here festival, 2017qn


Appointment, 3904q, 3915q

Inquiry, 265

Legislation, inquiry, 3261

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 891

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Education services, 5384q

Review, 4734q, 5247q, 5248q

Strip searches, 5265q


Clean economy strategy, 1907q

Debate, 1964

Calwell, planning, 4992

Canberra Services Club, loss, 2759

Carrotmob, sustainability activities, 2195


Abuse, 3750q, 3996q

Care and protection, 4871q, 4894q, 5949q

Civic, graffiti, 5804q, 6108qn

Copyright, government information, 1273qn, 1639qn

Couranga and Tralee homesteads, 3607qn, 4798qn

Crime, domestic violence, 2988q, 3623q


Electric bikes, 6109qn

National ride to school day, 544

Ride to work day, 4726

Design and Review Panel, replacement, 1276qn

Diamant Hotel, heritage listing, 2759

Disabled persons, housing, 5961q

Disasters, Japan, earthquake and tsunami, 997

Dogs, euthanasia, 6074qn


Construction activity, 1066q

Cost of living pressures, 106


Indigenous, 489q

Information technology software, 1274qn

Knight report, 4530q


Catholic, 4318q, 4319q

Community halls, 3604qn

Counsellors, 2252q

Science, 1425, 2024q

Tharwa preschool, 2636q

Emergency Services Agency, headquarters, 4874q


Costs, 1698q

Efficiency, 287q, 884qn, 2020qn

Feed-in tariff, 1337q

Peak oil, 39q, 955

Policy, 597q, 1053q, 1067q

Solar, 3003q, 5012q


Asian honey bee, 1559q

Car use, 2392q

Carbon dioxide emissions, 5897

Cigarette butt litter, 1646qn

Cities for climate protection program, 3605qn

City farm workshop, 4401

Climate change, 933q, 1187q, 1332q, 1656q, 5162q, 5954q

Commissioner, 3904q, 4879q

Community gardens, 638, 650, 2607

Ecological footprint, 4084

E-waste, 4525q, 5035q

Greenhouse gas emissions, 1062q

Heritage issues, 3606qn

Illegal dumping, 1273qn

Indoor air quality, 5157q, 6119q

Information technology, impacts, 903

Low emissions industries, 4170q

Management plans, 2581qn

Mitchell chemical fire, 4045q, 4054q, 4061q, 4172q, 4828q, 5718q

Noise pollution, 5245qn

Polystyrene recycling, 429qn

Recycling bins, 4060q, 4473q

SEE-Change, projects, 4726

Solar flares, 1651qn

Strategic assessments, 5246qn

Sullivans Creek, 6052qn

Sustainability, 1833, 2406q, 3900q

Sustainable House Day, 4265


Management, 1306

Urban street trees, 4456qn, 4826qn

Weeds, 1649qn

Families, services, 286q, 1332q

Festival of Young Ideas, awards, 5615


Ethical investments, 2812q, 5659, 5691q

Government procurement, 2665

Reportable contracts, 5249

Statements, audits, 3627

Fitters Workshop

Inquiry, 5541q

Music venue, 2942, 2996q, 5132

Food, production, 4572


Accommodation, 3275

Community councils, 5647qn

Electronic documents, 1389, 1398, 4032

Feedback and complaints, 3319

Hawke review, 2580qn

Invoices, payment, 5056, 5066

Minister for Health, mc 136

Office accommodation, 3, 167q, 3275, 3368q, 3782, 4017, 4605, 5813q

Openness, 2431, 4648q

Graffiti, Civic, 5804q, 6108qn


Life expectancy, 1565q, 2589q

Respecting patient choices, 438q

Women, 5485

Work safety, 5715q


Affordability, 937q, 1798q, 2014qn, 2021qn, 2263q, 3245q, 4183q

Allawah, Bega and Currong flats, 744q

Ceiling insulation, 1652qn

Disabled persons, 5961q

Downlights, 6110qn

Emergency accommodation, 45q, 888q

Energy and water efficiency, 2307, 4534q, 4645q, 5022q, 5397q

Homelessness, 599q, 1197q, 1343q, 2826q

Investment, 2080q

Lighting regulations, 1653qn

Low income households, 4380

Supported accommodation, 5551q, 6123q

Youth, 3643q

Human rights, legislation, 176q

Immigration, refugees and asylum seekers, 5171q

Industrial relations, security industry, 4750q

Information technology

Environmental initiatives, 903

Open source software, 883qn

Software licences, 1638qn

Insurance, community organisations, 4891q

International affairs

Kiribati, 1726, 1869

Somalia, 3695

Japan, earthquake and tsunami, 997

Lake Burley Griffin, heritage issues, 2396q

Lakes, recreational activities, 6121q

Legal profession, community legal centres, 4626

Legislative Assembly


Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 5132

Estimates 2011-2012, 2148

Membership, 1662, 1889, 3321

Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services, 258, 1550, 2380, 3481

Public Accounts, 3, 265, 442, 891, 1601, 2379, 2657, 2665, 3261, 3319, 3626, 3881, 3883, 4014, 5145, 5249, 5659

Dissent from ruling, 760

Matters of public importance, International Women’s Day, 793

Members, Smyth, Mr B, mc 4359

Points of order, 1559, 2392, 3361, 3648, 4172, 4320, 4526, 5542

Questions on notice, 3384, 5287q

Speaker, mwc 3206, 3217

Standing and temporary orders, 4017, 5968

Valedictory, 6016

Living Green festival, achievements, 4726

Megalo Print Studio

Inquiry, 5132, 5541q

Open day, 5615

Mitchell chemical fire, 4045q, 4054q, 4061q, 4172q, 4828q, 5718q

Molonglo, waste depot, 3190qn, 3601qn

Motor vehicles, electric vehicle plug-in points, 429qn

Municipal services, property maintenance, 661

National Ride to School Day, support, 544

Parkwood Road recycling estate, fire, 3817

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 891


Calwell, 4992

Change of use, 431qn, 432qn, 433qn

Chief executive, 3237q, 3695

Civic, 5069, 5083

Community gardens, 2016qn, 2607

Coombs, 3602qn

Crace, supermarket site, 5245qn

Development applications, 886qn, 887qn

Downer shopping centre, 886qn

Draft strategy, 4651q, 4747q

Draft variation 306, 4738q

Dwelling numbers, 885qn

Erindale, 2610

Giralang, block 475, section 79, 3668

Glebe Park, 2258q

Griffith, 3509q, 3756q, 3769q, 6111qn

Guidelines, 1788q

Hawke review, 1054q, 1187q

Inner north Canberra, 258

Interference, alleged, 3239q

Jacka, 6085qn

Jamison Group Centre, 1497, 1504

Kambah Village, 2610

Kenny, 3606qn

Kingston foreshore, 5700q

Kingston transport depot, 1275qn

Mingle, 3191qn, 3602qn

Molonglo valley, 5952q, 5965q

Multi-unit residential developments, 6114qn

Northbourne Avenue, trees, 1428q, 2591q

Phillip, 3603qn

Rural leases, 942q

Shopping centres, 4131, 4149

Sun shadow diagrams, 2019qn

Supermarkets, 3648q, 3668, 4284, 4455qn, 4797qn

Territory plan, 740q

Throsby, 3337

Urban form analysis, 434qn

Variations, 5390q

West Belconnen landfill site, 431qn

Woden Valley, 2643q

Planning and Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1896, detail 2611

Planning and Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 5744, detail 5748

Planning and Development (Lease Variation Charges) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2173


Cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, 881qn

Driving fines, 6080qn

Gungahlin Drive extension, 1810

Hibberson Street, Gungahlin Town Centre, 6114qn

Infrastructure, 3541, 3654q

London Circuit, 2581qn

Majura parkway, 2226, 2819q

Parking, 3414, 3517q, 6107qn, 6114qn

Safety, 4459qn

Traffic lights, 883qn

Users, 601q, 1277q

RSPCA, funding, 5268q

Sport and recreation, 5285q, 6121q

St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Braddon, heritage listing, 6084qn

Sullivan, Mr J, death, 4325q


City cycle loop, 5272q

Eastern regional task force, 3897q, 4473q

Freight, 3243q

Gungahlin, 5093, 5097

Infrastructure, 3541, 3654q

Rail services, 4215

Sustainable transport corridor study, 4457qn

Taxis, wheelchair accessibility, 5823q

Uranium, sale to India, proposed, 5332


Charity discounts, 6070qn

Civic recycling bin trial, 6086qn

Collection and disposal, 6065qn

Computer equipment, 1987qn

Draft strategy, 491q

Glebe Park recycling bins, 1985qn

Large items, 5024q

Lights and batteries, 6067qn

Management, 1219

Public waste bins, 4827qn

Recycling, 1648qn, 1650qn, 4458qn, 4825qn

Statistics, 6065qn

System costings, 6064qn

Third organic bin, 6069qn

Weston Creek, community festival, 5475


Health, 5485

International Women’s Day, 786

You Are Here festival 2012, 5622qn


Homelessness, 3643q

Services, 286q, 1332q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

ACT public service, staff network, 5826q

Court appearances, 2655q

ACT Policing

Operation Unite, 5719q

Operational outcomes, 5362, 5375

ACT public service

Indigenous staff network, 5826q

Job cuts, proposed, 3789m, 3806, 3811

Alexander Maconochie Centre, Solaris Therapeutic Community, 5963q

Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1766

Budget, assessment, 1795q

Bushfires, preparation, 5158q

Calvary Public Hospital, agreement, 5808q

Canberra, community facilities, 3907q

Cigarettes and tobacco, “Art in, butt out” competition, 3560

Civic, development, 3760q

Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians, forum, 3971

Community services, volunteers, 2647q

Computer games, classification, 3368q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, appearances, 2655q

Supreme Court, 3526q

Crime, statistics, 3656q


Businesses and families, 5540q

Conditions, 5011q

Policy, 5815q


Knight report, 4529q

NAPLAN testing, 4707, 4720

Priorities, 5694q


Investment, 3003q

Students’ needs, 2093q

Therapy assistance program, 3374q

Teachers, enterprise bargaining, 5799, 5841

Tertiary, 3665q

Emergency services, station relocations, 5394q


Electricity prices, 2267q

Low income households, 2257q

Solar, 3913q


ACT Climate Change Council, 4890q

Car use, 2392q

Sustainability, 3899q

Tree planting, 3561

Floriade, update, 4736q


Chief Minister, meetings, 2813q

Initiatives, 3644q

Openness, 4645q


General practitioners, 4753q

Nurse-led walk-in centre, 3515q

Work safety, 4538q

Hospitals, Calvary Public Hospital, agreement, 5808q


Affordability, 2082q, 3525q

Energy efficiency, 2275q

Ownership, 3768q

Retirement villages, 5341

Industrial relations

Australian Education Union, 5546q

Enterprise bargaining, 5799, 5841

Workplace safety, 4538q

International affairs, Japan, Nara, sister city, 4876q

Legislative Assembly

Accommodation, 2822q

Committees, Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal
Services, 3480

Points of order, 5840

Valedictory, 6020

Murray-Darling Basin Authority, report, 5716q

National Multicultural Festival, 5282q

Opposition, policy costs, 5405q

Parkwood Road recycling estate, risk management, 3653q


Community space, 2395q

Draft strategy, 4746q

Infrastructure, 2102q

Molonglo valley, 5952q

Regional collaboration, 5732

Spence shops, 2767

Retirement Villages Bill 2011, prin 5341


Infrastructure, 3546

Segways, 4662q

Seniors, Older Persons Assembly, 4538q

Social welfare

Community concessions, 3234q

Low income households, assistance, 1806q

Sport and recreation

Policy, 1699q, 2788, 2803, 2806

Support, 4914

Trade, United States, 5274q

Transport, public, 3755q, 4524q

Volunteering ACT, support, 3012q

Volunteers, participation rates, 1854, 1865

Waste, large items, 5023q

Women, status, 4881q

Women’s Information and Referral Centre, services, 5436q

Young Canberra Citizen of the Year, awards, 5389q


ACT Greens

Fundraising email, 4406

Policies, 4117

ACT Policing

Operational outcomes, 5370

Specialist response and security business unit, 880qn

ACT public service, workplace bullying, 5859, 5891

Alcohol, liquor licences, 423qn, 1992qn, 2569qn, 5596

Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1760

Animals, kangaroos, cull, 3572qn

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1951, detail (Territory and Municipal Services Directorate) 2754, 2887, (Economic Development Directorate) 2926, (Justice and Community Safety Directorate) 3075, (Sustainable Development Directorate) 3102, (Legal Aid Commission (ACT)) 3167

Australian Republican Movement, event, 5213

Bail Amendment Bill 2010, prin 22

Black Mountain nature reserve, recreational events, 2583qn

Budget, debate, 1951

Bushfires, fire management unit, 2842, 2851

Canberra nature park, mountain bikes, 6075qn

Coroners Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4111


Bail, 22

Criminal matters, 425qn

Evidence, 3554, 5252, 5256

Law officers, 3629, 3634

Legal aid, 280

Penalties, 5356

Sentencing, 4127, 4681

Uniform evidence law, 1318

Witnesses, 5148

Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 1607, detail 1666, 1669

Crime, domestic violence, 1976

Crimes (Certain Penalty Increases) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5192, perexp 5203

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2010, prin 444

Crimes (Penalties) Amendment Bill 2011, detail 5356, mso 3723

Crimes (Protection of Witness Identity) Bill 2011, prin 5148

Crimes (Sentencing) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4127, 4681

Criminal Proceedings Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2509, detail 2526

Cycling, project funding, 1

Electoral, casual vacancies, 1528

Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011, prin 5678, detail 5993

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 323, detail 332

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2205, 3027, detail 3031, 3039

Emergency services, telephone warnings, 3587qn


Concession rebate, 422qn

Feed-in tariff, 323, 332, 2205

Peak oil, 967

Solar, 6076qn


Climate change, action plan, 2003qn

Cooleman Ridge, 6104qn

Ecological footprint, 4089

Greenhouse gas emissions, 4824qn

Namadgi national park, 1529

Sustainability strategies, 1818, 1836

Environment Protection Amendment Bill 2010, prin 449

Evidence Bill 2011, prin 1318

Evidence Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5252

Evidence (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 5256

Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3554

Finance, funding priorities, 1


Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team, 1272qn

Men, 5611

Organ and tissue donations, 637


Standards, 1384, 3714

Tenancy databases, 3637, 3687

Unit titles, 4785

Industrial relations, workplace bullying, 5859, 5891

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1893

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 3503

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 3), prin 5260

Kangaroos, cull, 3572qn

Lake Burley Griffin, maintenance, 1122, 1132

Law Officers Bill 2011, prin 3629, detail 3634

Legal Aid Amendment Bill 2010, prin 280

Legal profession, community legal centres, 4616, 4626

Legislative Assembly

Assistant Speaker, ruling, dissent, 5425

Casual vacancies, 1528


Administration and Procedure, 507, 1892, 2203, 3626, 6006

Justice and Community Safety, 1528, 5596

Planning and Environment, 1529

Papers, 3018

Personal explanation, 3969

Points of order, 2489

Live in Canberra, campaign, 5239qn

Marriage, equality, 5451, 5463

Movember, men’s health campaign, 5611

Namadgi national park, walking tracks, 2587qn

Oakey Hill, fuel reduction burn, 6105qn

Office of Regulatory Services, administration, 1893

Parks Conservation and Lands, employees, 878qn


Civic, 5081

Pitch and putt golf course, Woden, 2056

Throsby, 3326, 3342

War memorials, 1137

Residential Tenancies (Databases) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3637, 3687

Residential Tenancies (Minimum Housing Standards) Amendment Bill 2011,
prin 1384, 3714

Roads, Majura parkway, 2235

Science, attitudes, perexp 3969

Security, terrorism, 4579, 4583, 4589

Security Industry Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4308

Self-government, legislation, 471, perexp 477

Sport and recreation

Policy, 2792, 2805

Support, 4908

Women’s teams, 5899

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2010 (No 2), prin 29

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3550

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 5608

Terrorism (Extraordinary Temporary Powers) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 4579, detail 4583, 4589

Unit Titles (Management) Bill 2011, prin 4785

Water, secondary uses, 1847

Women, sports teams, 5899

Work Health and Safety (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 5986


ACT Corrective Services

Governance, 2271q, 3523q

Hamburger review, 1428

ACT GardenSmart, rebates, 6083qn

ACT Policing

Offences, 3710

Operational outcomes, 5373

ACT public service

Annual leave, 829qn, 830qn, 831qn, 833qn, 1240qn, 1242qn, 1243qn

Employment conditions, 12

Executives, 5642qn

Job cuts, proposed, 3793

Pay increases, 4418qn

Positive culture, 3935

Review, 2854, 2866

Staffing, 3347, 3400, 3403

ACTEW Corporation Ltd, new dwelling connections, 4425qn

Advertising, government, 387qn-387qn

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Capacity, 4324q, 6121q

Drugs, 499q, 1422q, 5825q, 5966q

Governance, 2374

Identity bracelets, 296q

Management, 1413

Methadone program, 1323q, 1440q

Prisoner revolt, 2389q

Review, 1297

Staff, 2250q

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1914, detail (ACT Executive) 2690, 2698, (Auditor-General) 2705, (Chief Minister’s Directorate) 2733, (Economic Development Directorate) 2895, (Treasury Directorate) 2975, (Sustainable Development Directorate) 3093, (Education and Training Directorate) 3122, (Treasurer’s advance) 3173

Arts, public display, 1782q


Appointment, 3511q, 5515, 5537q

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 896

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Complaints, 1182q, 1342q, 1567q

Education services, 1473

Inquiry, 931q, 1050q, 1054q, 1340q

Personal duress alarms, 1806q

Review, 3752q, 3759q

Safety, 284q, 889q

Security protocols, 737q, 2025q

Buckingham, Dr J, death, 1281


ACT energy wise home energy rebate, 4466qn

Assessment, 1795q

Debate, 1914

Energy concessions, 4467qn

Program management and funding, 829qn, 830qn, 834qn, 836qn, 1238qn, 1241qn, 1242qn

Rental rebate, 4471qn

Revenue, 1787q

Secondary bursary scheme, 4464qn

Sewerage rebate, 4468qn

Special needs transport program, 4465qn

Taxi subsidy, 4470qn

Water rebate, 4469qn

Calwell, planning, 4988

Canberra festival, event scheduling, 488q

Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate

Advertising, 5233qn

Consultants, 5232qn

Invoices, 6042qn, 6043qn

Travel, 5232qn

Chifley wellness centre, landscaping, 5953q, 5970q


Care, 4041q, 4515q, 4520q, 4641q, 4656q, 4663q, 4665q, 4669q, 4731q, 4742q, 4887q, 5019q, 5381q, 5545q

Childcare, 1437, 1554q, 4473q

Commonwealth public service, job cuts, proposed, 3793, 5872

Community Services Directorate

Accounts, 4536q

Advertising, 4814qn

Consultants, 4814qn

Travel, 4813qn

Cotter Dam, workplace bullying, alleged, 5824q


Evidence, 5251, 5257

Penalties, 5273q, 5351

Youth justice, 199, 1015, 1036

Crime, manslaughter, 5273q

Crimes (Offences Against Police) Amendment Bill 2011, exposure draft, 3710

Crimes (Penalties) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5351

Criminal Proceedings Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2514

Defence, Korean veterans, 4936

Disasters, Queensland flood relief appeal, 237

Discrimination Amendment Bill 2010, prin 4255

Economic Development Directorate

Advertising, 5234qn

Consultants, 5234qn, 5644qn

Travel, 5233qn

Economy, cost of living, 93, 2278, 2287, 3505q, 3682, 5154q


Canberra Institute of Technology, 4174q, 4321q

Mathematics, 5753


Catholic, 1753, 4320q

Closures, 2074q

Farrer primary school, 3007q

Rosary primary school, 237

Sacred Heart primary school, 4936

St Anthony’s primary school, 994, 5900

St Francis of Assisi primary school, 4937

St Mary MacKillop College, 993

Teachers, enterprise agreement, 4168q

Education and Training Directorate

Advertising, 4816qn

Consultants, 5235qn

Travel, 4815qn

Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Bill 2011, prin 5674, detail 5990, 6000

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2010, prin 320

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3023, detail 3031, 3038

Emergency Services Agency

Flooding, 5003q

Headquarters, 1563q, 2989q, 4869q, 4874q


Auditors, 5235qn

Feed-in tariff, 320, 1903q, 4316q, 4327q, 4422qn, 4804qn

Solar, 5014q


Carbon tax, 486q, 594q

Ecological footprint, 4082

Landfill sites, 418qn

Low emissions industries, 4170q

Plastic bag ban, 5263q

Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate

Advertising, 4817qn

Consultants, 4817qn

Travel, 4816qn

Environment Protection Amendment Bill 2010, prin 449

Evidence Amendment Bill 2011, prin 5251

Evidence (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 5257

Federation of Indian Associations of ACT, launch, 3455


Budget allocations, 5219qn

Capital budget initiatives, 367qn, 368qn

Capital funding, 4420qn

Home buyer concessions, 4421qn, 4801qn

Lease variation revenue, 4418qn

Pensioner rebates, 4800qn

Student transport program, 4802qn

Toilet Smart program, 4803qn

Fitzgerald, Mr A, death, 1515

Gambling, gaming machines, 2807q


Advertising, 387qn-387qn

Attorney-General, mc 1413, 5500

Building management, 3987qn

Cabinet, solidarity, 2415q

Chief Minister, meetings, 2815q

Competence and leadership, 2455

Cross-border relations, 1355

Employee car parking, 362qn-362qn

Invoices, payments, 5059, 5166q

Legal advice, 394qn-394qn

Media and communications advisers, 412qn-412qn, 801qn

Minister for Community Services, mwc 4499

Minister for Health, mc 124

Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, mc 5412, 5430

Ministerial staff, 349qn-349qn

Office accommodation, 3360q, 3364q, 3371q, 3744, 3786, 3788, 3987qn, 4019, 4417qn, 4599, 4614

Openness, 2423, 2426

Priorities, 2121

Health, subsidy schemes, 4459qn

Health Directorate

Advertising, 4819qn

Consultants, 4819qn

Travel, 4818qn

HMAS Canberra, memorial service, 3559

Hospitals, waiting times, 30q, 162q, 167q, 5687q


Affordability, 751q, 1655q, 3526q, 3984qn

Assistance, 3612qn

Boarding houses, 4820qn

Display villages, 3189qn, 3579qn

Energy efficiency, 2315

First home buyers, 4420qn, 4799qn

Home buyer concessions, 6044qn

Home insulation program, 421qn

Low income households, 4382

Northbourne flats, 5554q

Public, 604q

Residential property transactions, 5632qn

Human rights, legislation, 732

Industrial relations, workplace bullying, 5824q

International affairs, Croatia, 2193

Justice and Community Safety Directorate

Advertising, 5231qn

Consultants, 5231qn

Travel, 6031qn

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 3), prin 5258

Labor Party, election commitments, 523, 832qn, 834qn, 835qn, 2583qn

Land, rates and charges, 1694q

Legislative Assembly

Assistant Speaker, ruling, dissent, 5422

Business, 623, 3456

Chief Minister, election, 2027, 2028, 2030


Justice and Community Safety, 2374

Privileges 2011, 5515

Public Accounts, 896

Documents, tabling, 5208

Government whip, remuneration, 2633q

Interjections, 2594, 2819q

Language, “grubby”, 2364, 2372

Legislation, disallowance, 4632

Members, Smyth, Mr B, mc 4343

Points of order, 591, 752, 1328, 1329, 1342, 1442, 1555, 1702, 1809, 2254, 2363, 2371, 2405, 2818, 3247, 3520, 3910, 4047, 4182, 4190, 4263, 4331, 4333, 4341, 4349, 4354, 4357, 4358, 4519, 4650, 4667, 4743, 4757, 4878, 5007, 5009, 5017, 5117, 5155, 5203, 5267, 5418, 5440, 5502, 5503, 5697, 5705, 5818, 5932

Printed material, 3310

Question time, rostered ministers question time, 3863

Questions on notice, 53q, 4068, 5286q

Rulings, dissent, 1621

Speaker, mwc 3193, 3220, 3227

Standing and temporary orders, 4019, 4755, 5934

Valedictory, 6010

Marriage, equality, 5458

Mitchell chemical fire, 5403q, 5695q, 6118q

Motor vehicles

Drivers licences, concessions, 5220qn

Registrations, 5173q, 5222qn

Multiculturalism, community language grants, 4675q

Municipal services, property maintenance, 665

Murphy, Mr J, death, 2041

National Arboretum Canberra, 5224qn

Northern Bridging Support Services, invoices, 5166q

Parkwood Road recycling estate, risk management, 3653q

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 896


Calwell, 4988

Chief executive, 3238q

Civic, 5075

Development applications, 420qn

Erindale, 2610

Gas-fired power station, 5947q

Giralang, 3669

Interference, alleged, 3229q, 3233q, 3240q, 3255q, 3286q, 3641q, 3644q, 3749q, 3894q

Kambah Village, 2610

North Weston ponds, 2413q

Shopping centres, 4138, 4152

Short-term rentals, 5629qn

Strategies, 3608qn

Supermarkets, 3649q, 3669, 4280, 4289

Throsby, 3334

Planning and Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1895

Planning and Building Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (No 2), prin 5742

Planning and Development (Lease Variation Charges) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2163, 2381, 2385, 2460, 2465, 2483, 2500

Public Sector Management Amendment Bill 2010, prin 12

Public Sector Management (One ACT Public Service) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2530


Construction costs, 5643qn

Infrastructure, 3533

Motorcycle Awareness Week, 4936

Parking strategy, 3419

RSPCA, funding, 5412, 5430

Scripture Union ACT, regeneration dinner, 1134

Self-government, legislation, 457


Government commitments, 4463qn

Support services, 1100

Sharp AM, Dr P, death, 4477

Social welfare

Low income households, assistance, 1809q

Targeted assistance, 5309

Sport and recreation, support, 4911

Sportsgrounds, couch grass, 5283q


Carbon, 486q, 594q

Change of use charge, 1911q

Families, 5977

GST, 5534q, 5555q, 5802q

Increases, 2985q, 5632qn

Property rates, 4419qn

Revenue, 4422qn, 6094qn

Utilities, 3567qn

Territory and Municipal Services Directorate

Advertising, 6033qn

Consultants, 6044qn

Fire management unit, 2642q

Travel, 6033qn

TransACT Rocks Movemember, men’s health, 335


Gungahlin, 5100

Rail services, 4209

Treasury Directorate

Consultants, 6032qn

Travel, 6031qn

Treasury Directorate, advertising, 5631qn

Vietnam Veterans Day, service, 3558

Women’s Legal Centre, accommodation, 2826q

Work Health and Safety Bill 2011, prin 3887

World Youth Day, pilgrims, 3310


Care, 4041q

Justice system, 199, 1015, 1036


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, businesses, 5825q

ACT Ambulance Service

Bullying, alleged, 500q

Performance, 426qn

ACT Fire Brigade, performance, 425qn

ACT public service

Annual leave, 846qn, 1243qn-1243qn

Boards and committees, 5623qn

Job cuts, proposed, 3802

Legislation, 2151

Positive culture, 3939

ACTEW Corporation Ltd, water, 3895q

ACTION bus service, MyWay card, 1566q, 2024q

Administrative (One ACT Public Service Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2011, prin 2151

Advertising, Live in Canberra campaign, 4673q

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Burnet report, 1327q

Capacity, 5277q

Drugs, 608q

Governance, 2376, 2394q, 2399q, 3192q

Management, 1333q

Prisoner tattoos, 5698q

Review, 1295

Appropriation Bill 2011-2012, prin 1935, detail (Legislative Assembly Secretariat) 2685, (Auditor-General) 2700, (Chief Minister’s Directorate) 2716, (Economic Development Directorate) 2903, (Treasury Directorate) 2932, 2969, (Shared Services Centre) 3040, (Superannuation Provision Account) 3046, (Territory Banking Account) 3050, (Justice and Community Safety Directorate) 3071, (ACT Gambling and Racing Commission) 3156, (Exhibition Park Corporation) 3164, (Treasurer’s advance) 3171

Arts, public display, 1782q


Appointment, 3510q, 3905q, 5536q, 5574, 5583

Inquiry, 271, 3263

Nominee, 3998, 4008

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 892

Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, mural wall, 3307

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre

Assaults, 287q, 889q

Bullying, alleged, 3903q

Complaints, 1568q

Detainees, 742q, 1655q

Human rights, 2159

Inquiry, 948q

Oakton report, 3512q

Personal duress alarms, 1055q

Review, 3751q

Safety, 177q

Staff, 288q

Youth workers, 934q


Debate, 1935

Program management and funding, 843qn-843qn, 1244qn

Revenue, 1785q

Review, 64


Fire management unit, 2834, 2846, 2852

Preparation, 5159q, 6119q

Victoria, 5720q


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, support, 5825q

Export market, 5174q

Calwell, planning, 4975, 4997

Calvary Public Hospital

Negotiations, 2080q

Emergency department, 5812q

Canberra Convention Bureau, funding, 1249qn

Canberra festival, event scheduling, 488q

Canberra Southern Cross Club

Chefs award, 4590

Community support grants, 3694

Chifley wellness centre, landscaping, 5953q, 5970q

Children, care and protection, 4052q, 4326q, 4517q, 4521q, 4649q, 4653q,
4732q, 5805q

Commonwealth public service, cuts, proposed, 3802, 5872

Convention centre, evaluation, 5283q


Director of Public Prosecutions, 3012q

Youth justice, 204, 1027

Cronan, Mr BJ, death, 4729

Director of Public Prosecutions, performance measures, 3624q

Economic Development Directorate

Programs, 6056qn

Staff, 6056qn


Conditions, 5011q

Cost of living, 2287, 2300, 3507q, 3671, 5156q, 5160q

Exports, 3384q

Global situation, 3492

Policy, 5817q


Efficiency dividend, 2404q


Catholic, 1750

Malkara, 3561

Non-government, 2253q

University of Canberra, 4768

Election Commitments Costing Bill 2011 Exposure Draft, refcom 5589

Electoral (Donation Limit) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2204, 2785

Electoral, campaign finance, 2993q

Emergency services

Station relocations, 5395q

Volunteers, 6057qn

Emergency Services Agency

Flooding, 5004q

Headquarters, 1562q, 2989q, 3649q, 4870q, 4872q, 4877q, 5014q, 5280q

Energy, feed-in tariff, 1904q


Carbon tax, 487q, 595q, 1195q

Commissioner, appointment, 3905q

Molonglo Reach, waterskiing safety, 1140

Plastic bag ban, 5264q

Sustainability strategies, 1829, 1868

Water quality, 3884

Federal government, buildings, 1801q


Ethical investment, 5652

Fiscal discipline, 1595


Expenditure, 2597, 3271

Revenue, 5625qn, 5626qn, 5627qn

International visitors, costs, 5402q

Online transactions, 5228qn


Bookmaking, 5672

Gaming machines, 495q, 2808q

Sports Alive, liquidation, 4751q

Gaming Machine (Club Governance) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 2616, detail 2624


Attorney-General, mc 586, 5505

Building vacancy rates, 1790q

Feedback and complaints, 3320

Invoices, payment, 5048, 5066

Minister for Community Services, mwc 4505

Minister for Health, 1064q, 1191q

Office accommodation, 6, 2829q, 3276, 3360q, 3363q, 3371q, 3778, 4016, 4020, 4609

Openness, 2432

Priorities, 2125

Regulatory impact statements, 3580qn-3580qn, 3983qn

Grant OAM, Mr HC, death, 101


Calvary Public Hospital, 2080q, 5812q

Elective surgery, 2086q, 2262q, 2274q, 4171

Waiting lists, 36q, 40q, 170q, 4063q


Affordability, 748q

Social plan, 2077q

Human rights, privacy policy, 1058q


Compensation claims, 2577qn

Third-party, 600q, 1168, 1175

Labor Party, election commitments, 837qn-837qn, 1245qn

Lake Burley Griffin, water quality, 3884

Land Tax Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3947

Lanyon Homestead, vandalism, 4192q

Legislative Assembly

Business, 624

Chief Minister, election, 2027


Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 3878, 4768

Estimates 2011-2012, 694, 714, 2058, 2597, 3174

Justice and Community Safety, 2376

Membership, 3322

Privileges 2011, 3998, 4008, 4937, 5599

Public Accounts, 271, 892, 1168, 1175, 1663, 1891, 3263, 3320, 3883, 5522, 5525, 5652

Documents, tabling, 336, 5204, 5212, 5705

Government whip, remuneration, 2634q

Interjections, 2816q


“I don’t like liars”, 2072

“You are a grub”, 2071

Members, Smyth, Mr B, mc 4334, 4360

Papers, 3264

Personal explanations, 5828

Points of order, 474, 575, 590, 946, 1325, 1334, 1910, 2169, 2179, 2255, 2372, 2396, 2639, 2809, 3009, 3013, 3037, 3379, 3381, 3662, 3894, 4048, 4183, 4531, 4665, 4667, 5012, 5263, 5399, 5403, 5418, 5704, 5812, 5820, 5821, 5822

Questions on notice, 54q, 2102

Rulings, dissent, 762, 5423, 5426

Speaker, mwc 3214

Standing and temporary orders, 4016, 4020, 4196, 5936

Valedictory, 6018

Lifeline, gala ball, 3973

Mitchell chemical fire, 5402q, 5694q, 5702q, 5730q, 6118q, 6124q

Murphy, Mr J, death, 2048

Muslim community, activities, 3844

National Zoo and Aquarium, expansion, 4789

OzHarvest, trivia night, 1141

Payroll Tax Bill 2011, prin 2154

Pham, Ms Tu, retirement, 892


Calwell, 4975, 4997

Community space, 2417q

Gas-fired power station, 5948q

Interference, alleged, 3230q, 3232q, 3749q, 3895q

Pitch and putt golf course, Woden, 2056

Regional collaboration, 5735

Tuggeranong, 5028q

Planning and Development (Lease Variation Charges) Amendment Bill 2011,
prin 2181, detail 2473, 2493

Race and Sports Bookmaking (Validation of Licences) Amendment Bill 2011,
prin 5672

Raize the Roof ball, support, 1141


Gungahlin Drive extension, 1815

Infrastructure, 3548

Isabella Drive, 219, 228

Majura parkway, 2238

Parking strategy, 3429

RSPCA, funding, 5551q

Self-government, legislation, 467

Seniors, living costs, 5031q

Social welfare, targeted assistance, 5316

Sport, football, 1974

Statute Law Amendment Bill 2011, prin 3550


Carbon, 487q, 595q

Change of use charge, 1908q

Families, 5980

GST revenue, 1198q, 5534q, 5803q

Increases, 2986q, 5624qn

Land, 1696q, 3947

Payroll, 2154, 5219qn

Territory and Municipal Services Directorate, fire management unit, 2642q, 4318

Tourism, policy and funding, 6046qn


Prices, 1701q

Productivity Commission report, 4893q

Quality, 3884

Women’s Legal Centre, accommodation, 5437q


Care, 4052q, 4326q

Justice system, 204, 1027

SPEAKER, Mr (Mr Rattenbury)

ACT public service, annual leave, 1240qn

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, human rights, 2658

Budget, program management and funding, 1238qn

Government, social procurement policy, 5966

Hocking, Mr E, citizen’s right of reply, 1885, 1979

Legislative Assembly

Accommodation, 2821q

Anticipating the outcome of a committee inquiry, 3756

Chief Minister (Mr J Stanhope), resignation, 2027

Citizen’s right of reply, 1885, 1979


Administration and Procedure, 1885

Privileges 2011, 4485

Debates, extension of time, 4271

Gratuitous insults, 3910

Imputations, 3014, 4643, 4651

Interjections, 3755, 4176, 4743, 5649


“Bigoted”, 4641

“Cranky”, 4358

“Grub”, 709

“Grubby”, 3248

“Grubby little soul”, 4197

“Gutless”, 3204

“I do not believe you”, 3315

“I don’t like liars”, 2074

“Lie”, 745

“Misleading in this place”, 593

“References to Mrs Dunne are always unwelcome”, 2407

“Sneaky”, 4197

“So you did lie”, 2079

“Spineless”, 1194

“That is a lie”, 5117

“Unlike Mrs Dunne, I am a keen advocate for community
facilities”, 2407

“We’re calling you a liar”, 1012

“You are a liar”, 5406

“You are breaking the law”, 4519

“You broke the law”, 4167

“You sent someone out to lie for you”, 2145

“You’re a dud, Jon”, 1792

“You’re making it up”, 5400

Offensive words, 2941

Matters of public importance

Debates, similar terms, 5113

Ruling, 2388

Selection process, 3667


Behaviour, 1568

Casual vacancy, 2033

Conduct, 2942, 4733

Hanson, Mr J, suspension, 2265

Mocking, 5820

Oath of affirmation or allegiance, 2033

Office accommodation, 3014

Staff, naming, 2272

Stanhope, Mr J, resignation, 2033

Papers, 54, 504, 951, 1206, 1722, 2103, 2658, 3256, 4069, 4199, 4543, 5287, 5556, 5724

Personal attacks, 5878

Personal reflections, 2083

Privilege, 3997

Question by suspended member, 5263

Question time, policy announcements, 4190


Casting inferences, 3663

Out of order, 3625

Preamble, 2827

Rulings, 1659

Speaker, role, 5962q

Speech clocks, 4271

Standing order 117(e), 169

Supplementary questions, 2809

Valedictory, 6026

Visitors, 38, 174, 491, 671, 1142, 1696, 2028, 2031, 2258, 2813, 2834, 4045, 4872, 5903

Warnings, 612

Richardson AO, Emeritus Professor Jack, death, 2388

Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Bill 2010, detail 4862


ACT public service

Annual leave, 830qn, 831qn, 1242qn, 1243qn, 1251qn, 1252qn, 1267qn

Employment conditions, 16, 20, 301

Executive contracts, 55, 952, 1722

Hawke review, 50q, 179q

Performance indicators, 1227qn

ACTION bus service

Adshel bus shelters, 372qn

Cancellations, 374qn, 495q, 503q, 2023q

Data, 290q, 1277q

MyWay card, 1566q, 2024q

Wheelchair accessible buses, 437q, 438q

Advertising, government, 388qn, 391qn, 396qn, 398qn

Alcohol, driving offences, 1155

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Management, 1419

Review, 1292

Animals, welfare, 1757, 1985qn

Animal Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1757


Public display, 1782q

You Are Here festival, 2018qn

Auditor-General Amendment Bill 2009, prin 622

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, inquiry, 945q

Buckingham, Dr J, death, 1279


Clean economy strategy, 1905q

Program management and funding, 829qn, 831qn, 836qn, 850qn, 851qn, 855qn, 1241qn, 1242qn, 1244qn, 1267qn

Copyright, government information, 1273qn, 1639qn

Deane’s Buslines, patrons, 373qn

Domestic Animal Services, dogs, 343qn

Economy, construction activity, 1064q

Energy, peak oil, 39q


Asian honey bee, 1559q

Cigarette butt litter, 1647qn

Climate change, 1333q, 1656q

Community gardens, 643

Greenhouse gas emissions, 1060q, 1432q, 1657q

Illegal dumping, 1273qn

Information technology, impacts, 899

Landfill sites, 419qn

Molonglo Reach, waterskiing safety, 1142

Namadgi national park, 1535

Recycling, 430qn, 854qn

Sustainability strategies, 1836

Trees, management, 1302

Weeds, 1649qn

Federal government, buildings, 1798q

Finance, capital budget initiatives, 368qn

Fitzgerald, Mr A, death, 1513


Advertising, 388qn, 391qn, 396qn, 398qn

Attorney-General, mc 590, 1419

Building vacancy rates, 1789q

Campaign advertising, 10

Cross-border relations, 1351

Employee car parking, 362qn-362qn

Hawke review, 2580qn

Legal advice, 394qn, 402qn, 403qn, 409qn, 412qn

Media and communications advisers, 413qn, 414qn, 416qn, 417qn

Minister for Health, mc 129, 1142

Ministerial arrangements, 283

Ministerial staff, 350qn, 351qn, 353qn, 358qn, 361qn

Office accommodation, 167q

Office block investment, 1912q


Affordability, 748q, 937q, 1655q, 1796q, 2015qn

Narrabundah long-stay caravan park, 297q

Information technology

Environmental initiatives, 899

Open source software, 884qn

Software licences, 1638qn

Labor Party, election commitments, 519, 812qn, 818qn, 820qn, 837qn-837qn, 852qn, 853qn, 856qn, 860qn, 861qn, 1250qn, 1633qn

Lake Burley Griffin, maintenance, 1130, 1132

Legislative Assembly


Planning and Environment, 1535

Public Accounts, 1178

Language, “grubby little man”, 1143

Legislative program, 57

Papers, 61, 304, 504, 612, 953, 1573, 1723

Points of order, 520, 524, 526, 747, 765, 1190, 1328, 1761

Motor vehicles, electric vehicle plug-in points, 429qn

Municipal services

Mowing contracts, 385qn

Property maintenance, 657

Narrabundah long-stay caravan park, options, 297q

Parks Conservation and Lands, employees, 879qn


Canberra Airport, 1206

Change of use, 431qn, 433qn, 434qn

Hawke review, 1187q

Hume, 380qn

Kingston transport depot, 1275qn

Master plans, 436q

Northbourne Avenue, trees, 1428q

West Belconnen landfill site, 432qn

Public Sector Management Amendment Bill 2010, prin 16, detail 20

Public Sector Management (One ACT Public Service) Amendment Bill 2011,
prin 1873

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1155

Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1689, detail 1691

Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2011, prin 1153, 1683


Cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, 882qn

Gowrie Oval car park, 245

Gungahlin Drive extension, 1776

Isabella Drive, 223

Safety, 1178

Traffic lights, 883qn

Users, 1277q

Vulnerable users, 601q

Self-government, legislation, 453, 483, 753q, 766q

Territory and Municipal Services, Department, mowing program, 1253qn


Greenhouse gas emissions, 1432q, 1657q, 2024q

Licensing legislation, 1153

Oil price projections, 374qn

Services, 1783q

Wheelchair accessible taxis, 1046


Computer equipment, 1987qn

Draft strategy, 492q

Glebe Park recycling bins, 1985qn

Management, 1213

Recycling, 1648qn, 1651qn

Yarralumla Nursery, staff, 854qn