Page 2739 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 28 June 2011

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“Well, I’m going to be travelling economy” if the previous ways were not wrong and were not indulgent? Why would you need to say that?

Why does the Chief Minister just not come out and rebuke the former Chief Minister, rebuke his leadership style and rebuke some of those policy decisions? In doing so, why does she not also come out and fix this city’s infrastructure problems? Why does she not take on the plans for infrastructure Canberra? Why does she not look for the opportunity to distance herself from this political decision making? Why does she not try and ensure that infrastructure becomes more than a cycle-by-cycle approach, something that will last the test of time and invest in our city’s future according to need rather than according to the political need of the government of the day?

The Canberra Liberals are committed to infrastructure Canberra. We are committed to ensuring that taxpayers’ dollars are invested wisely for the future of the citizens who pay for it and not for the future election prospects of the government of the day. If the Chief Minister is going to criticise in a roundabout way the previous Chief Minister on the level of transparency and openness and public art and taking business class fares, why not do it for something really tangible such as infrastructure as well?

Amendment agreed to.

MR SPEAKER: The question now is that the proposed expenditure for the Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate of $27,082,000 as the net cost of outputs and $3,000,000 as capital injection, totalling $30,082,000 be agreed to.

Proposed expenditure, as amended, agreed to.

Proposed expenditure—Part 1.5—Territory and Municipal Services Directorate—$270,991,000 (net cost of outputs) and $235,826,000 (capital injection), totalling $506,817,000.

MR COE (Ginninderra) (9.24): The Territory and Municipal Services Directorate is to many the public face of government service delivery in this territory. It is TAMS, as it is better known, that has a very strong and tangible impact on the lives of everyone in our city. That is why we need to make sure that we have it funded correctly and that we have the priorities right to ensure that we are getting the best value for money from that directorate so the everyday quality of life for Canberrans is improved through service delivery such that they can see where their taxpayers’ money is being spent.

That is why there is considerable concern amongst many people in my electorate of Ginninderra and across the territory about the priorities of this government and how this government does not seem to understand the concept of core services, the concept of ensuring that the priorities which they are delivering upon are actually the priorities that are wanted by the people of Canberra. A great example of that is the Gungahlin shopfront. This is something which this government has been promising for years and years and years. They went into an agreement with the Greens in 2008 where they said they would deliver a Gungahlin shopfront, yet, as we have seen on so many other

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