Page 1229 - Week 03 - Thursday, 31 March 2011

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(3) In accordance with the recommendations made in the Review of Industrial Relations Arrangements for the ACT Community Sector report, the ACT Government will fund a project with two key components: IR information dissemination service; and an IR support service.

The body will operate within the ACT and Commonwealth legislative framework comprising the national workplace relations system, and with regard to the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010.

(4) Secretariat support is not provided as part of the project. The Department of Disability Housing and Community Services is developing the procurement process.

(5) Funds are subject to procurement, funds are yet to be allocated to a community organisation for the project.

(6) A one-off amount of $100,000 has been allocated to this project in 2010-11.

Public service—performance indicators
(Question No 1401)

Mrs Dunne asked the Minister for Industrial Relations, upon notice, on 15 February 2011:

(1) In relation to the Chief Minister’s Department Half Yearly Performance Report 2010-11, Output 1.3, Industrial Relations Policy, what was the nature of the advice that the Department gave to the Minister in relation to Accountability Indicator (a), Provide advice to Government on developments in the national workplace safety agenda.

(2) If any recommendations were made, what were they.

(3) What was the Minister’s response to those recommendations referred to in part (2).

(4) What follow-up action was taken, or will be taken, by the Department.

Ms Gallagher: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

The Chief Minister’s Department advises Government on the recommendations, activities and decisions of the Workplace Relations Ministerial Council (WRMC) and of Safe Work Australia (SWA). SWA is a statutory agency that is jointly funded by the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments. It has primary responsibility for improving work health and safety and workers’ compensation and is developing national model work health and safety laws.

Since its establishment, Safe Work Australia has worked with all Australian jurisdictions to prepare a model Act and model Regulations on work safety. It has also prepared a package of priority model codes of practice and subsidiary guidance material to facilitate a nationally consistent approach to compliance and enforcement and has conducted and published research to inform the development of future policy in this area.

In the above context, the Department has contributed to the development of best practice regulatory approaches in a variety of fora and has advised Government on the content and

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