Page 4975 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 26 October 2011

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With regard to Ms Bresnan’s assertion regarding item (c), I draw her attention to the statistics on the notice paper, which correct her assertion regarding those numbers. I thank her for her amendment. I note that the proposed review of lymphoedema services is already underway and I congratulate the government on its initiative.

The community response to breast cancer through pink ribbon month is to be applauded. Each of us has the opportunity to support our neighbours, family and workplace through fundraising and spreading awareness.

I commend the motion to the Assembly.

Ms Bresnan’s amendment agreed to.

Motion, as amended, agreed to.


MR SMYTH (Brindabella) (10.41): I move:

That this Assembly:

(1) notes:

(a) that a number of community meetings at Calwell have identified a range of issues, which need to be considered with respect to planning for the Calwell commercial and shopping precinct and surrounding area, including:

(i) planning for new retail and commercial developments to enhance retail trade, including by extending the current building by incorporating a second level;

(ii) specifying land which could be used for additional residential purposes and for new commercial activities, such as a site for a hotel/motel;

(iii) enhancing the link between the Tuggeranong Homestead and the Calwell precinct;

(iv) enhancing the link between the ambulance station and the Calwell retail precinct;

(v) improving amenities for users of public transport and taxis;

(vi) installing and upgrading lighting and security cameras to enhance security and safety;

(vii) installing more pedestrian crossings; and

(viii) upgrading signage around the precinct;

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