Page 4444 - Week 10 - Thursday, 22 September 2011

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(2) At what rate is this funding indexed per year.

(3) How many places in the program does this Government funding support.

Ms Burch: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) The funding allocated by Disability ACT to Woden Community Services to deliver holiday services in 2011-12 is $650,372.

(a) This funding is provided under a Service Funding Agreement for the period 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2013.

(b) The budget allocation for 2012-13 is $650,372 plus indexation as advised by the ACT Treasury Directorate. The request for information in relation to the budget allocation for the period 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 cannot be provided.

(2) Recurrent funding is indexed annually at the level determined by the ACT Treasury Directorate.

(3) In 2011-12, the Service Provider will be delivering 15,000 hours for the school holiday program and after school care. These annual hours equate to 15 school holiday places per week for 11 weeks and 18 after school care places per week for 41 weeks.

Waste—Belconnen recycling facility
(Question No 1735)

Mr Coe asked the Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, upon notice, on 18 August 2011:

(1) In relation to the rehabilitation of the former Building Waste Recycling facility in Belconnen, how much money has been expended to date.

(2) Who will be undertaking the work and what procurement type, for example, single select or select tender, will be used.

(3) When will the remaining funds be expended.

(4) What will the site be used for once it is rehabilitated

(5) Are there any other tenants at Parkwood Road Recycling Estate that are behind in rental payments or have materials that are not being processed at an expected rate.

(6) How much money has the ACT Government (a) spent on legal and other advice in dealing with and (b) recovered from the liquidators of Building Waste Recycling.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) As of 15 August 2011, invoices received for operations to rehabilitate the site formerly occupied by Building Waste Recycling in the Parkwood Road Recycling Estate totalled $333,578.11 (excluding GST).

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