Page 5702 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 6 December 2011

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Mitchell—chemical fire

MR COE: My question is for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services. Minister, during the hearing of the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety on 7 November you told the committee that no-one had raised with you any issues about the personal protective equipment which was available for ambulance officers at the Mitchell fire. Minister, did staff or a union raise their concerns with you about the availability of personal protective equipment for ambulance officers during the Mitchell chemical fire emergency?

MR CORBELL: Not that I can recall.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Coe, a supplementary.

MR COE: Minister, you told the standing committee that this concern had not been raised with you. Are you sure that this is the case?

MR CORBELL: It sounds like it is one of those trick questions. I can only give a truthful answer. It is: not that I can recall.

MR SMYTH: Supplementary, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: Minister, what are your reasons for attempting to downplay the concerns of ambulance officers about the availability of personal protective equipment during the Mitchell chemical fire emergency?

MR CORBELL: I did not play it down. I was asked a question: had the issue been raised with me. I said, “Not that I could recall.”

MR SMYTH: A supplementary, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: Minister, will you now check your diary to see whether you have had meetings to discuss such an issue and, if so, will you then correct the record?

MR CORBELL: I love how I have to correct the record in advance of checking the facts. My answer has been consistent throughout. I cannot recall—

Opposition members interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Order, members! I cannot hear the minister.

MR CORBELL: I cannot recall any—

Mr Coe interjecting—

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