Page 2197 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 21 June 2011

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discussions with Minister Burch about organising additional sporting challenges for young people in my electorate. The first one we will be organising will be a special soccer tournament for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their families; so stay tuned for more details.

The ACT has always provided a home to people from all backgrounds and countries and we must continue to work to ensure that everyone feels welcome.

Downer Community Association

MR HANSON (Molonglo) (9.58): I rise tonight to talk about the Downer Community Association, which I visited on 6 June. I note that Ms Le Couteur sparks up and pays attention as a proud Downer resident. We did discuss you on that evening, with compliments.

I was invited to attend that meeting on 6 June at the Downer Community Centre at Frencham Place in Downer. The first point I would like to make is what a friendly bunch of people the Downer Community Association are. They have a very good way of conducting their meetings; it is around a square table, which we eventually found. It was actually hidden in the wall, but that is a whole different story. There were nibbles and wine, and I was really impressed with the way they conduct their meetings—professionally, but also making sure that they enjoyed the evening well.

I was also taken by the practical perspective that the Downer Community Association had on matters. I think there is a tendency that community organisations can be somewhat one eyed, and I found that the Downer Community Association, in discussing a number of issues, in particular planning issues, took a very reasonable and level-headed approach to the issues that they were discussing. I was very impressed.

A particular highlight was that I was presented with a book called Downer at 50, that has been compiled by Jennifer Garden, Miles Boak and Denys Garden. I was lucky enough that Denys and Miles were there that evening and signed the copy for me.

To the members of the Downer Community Association, to Miles Boak, the convenor; to Di Fielding, the secretary, to Denys Garden, the treasurer, to Steve Sedgwick, the public officer, to Robyn Unger, the centre liaison officer, to Amit Barkay, the centre maintenance, and to Patti Kendall, Maurice and Margot Lynch, Meg Boyd, Brian Callahan and Barbara Burns, congratulations on the efforts you make towards the Downer community. Well done on what you are doing, and thank you for the evening that we spent together on 6 June.

Cystic fibrosis

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (10.00): On 28 May I had the pleasure of attending the 65 roses for Cystic Fibrosis ACT gala night. The night was emceed by Sky News Canberra team member David Speers and the entertainment was provided by Annie and the Armadillos, Tony Haley and the Eden Dance Academy.

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