Page 5730 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 6 December 2011

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development of personalised learning strategies, delivery of cultural competency training for classroom teachers and non-teaching staff, professional learning for teachers to effectively include and deliver Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in the curriculum programs, implementing guidelines developed in collaboration with the Ngunnawal elders for the consistent use of protocols for “welcome to country” and “acknowledgement of country”, partnering with the national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education working group to research best practice in improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student attendance rates, supporting aspiring school leaders to undertake leadership training provided by the Stronger Smarter Institute in Indigenous education and collaborating with the Ngunnawal elders to develop a cultural competency program for the directorate’s senior executive team.

There is significant work being undertaken across all sectors of the Education and Training Directorate to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. There is also substantial effort being made to provide opportunities for all students and staff to learn about the richness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia. Today I have presented a summary of some of that work and the achievements being experienced and, therefore, I commend the first report on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Indigenous education matters, strategic plan 2010-13, to the Legislative Assembly.

Alexander Maconochie Centre—drugs


DR BOURKE (Ginninderra—Minister for Education and Training, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Corrections): Pursuant to a resolution of the Assembly of 21 September 2011, I present the following paper:

Alexander Maconochie Centre—Procedures and practice for the administration of medication—Government response, dated December 2011.

Supplementary answer to question without notice

Mitchell—chemical fire

MR CORBELL: I wish to respond further to a question I was asked during question time today. Mr Smyth asked me about the operator of emergency alert at the ESA headquarters. The answer to Mr Smyth’s question is that the emergency alert operator initially undertook the emergency alert campaign for the Mitchell chemical fire from their place of residence. The operator of emergency alert met all requirements for rostered call-out arrangements and recalled to duty on the night of the Mitchell chemical fire. The officer was not required to be located at the ESA headquarters to undertake an emergency alert campaign but did come to her office workplace in the early hours of the morning.

Emergency alert allows for use via a remote access device which can be operated as effectively at ESA headquarters or other locations, including, for example, at a forward control point. ESA operating arrangements allowed for the use of emergency

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