Page 2020 - Week 05 - Thursday, 5 May 2011

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(2) Yes.

(3) Yes.

(4) ACTPLA does not assess the development proposal against the Building Code of Australia as this is the role of the building certifier. With respect to the Territory Plan refer to (1) above.

Energy—efficiency ratings
(Question No 1633)

Ms Le Couteur asked the Minister for Planning, upon notice, on 7 April 2011:

(1) Does the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) keep a register of energy efficiency ratings (EERs) for approved developments in the ACT.

(2) Does ACTPLA have historical data of EERs for houses developed and approved by ACTPLA.

(3) Is ACTPLA able to provide numerical data for the numbers of dwellings approved in various calendar years in the ACT; if so, (a) can ACTPLA provide this data, (b) can this data be correlated to EERs for each of those years and (c) is ACTPLA able to guess what percentages of the ACT housing stock are at various EERs.

Mr Barr: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) No. Greater information on individual ratings will be captured when electronic lodgement commences.

(2) All energy efficiency ratings lodged with ACTPLA are held on building files physically or electronically as they relate to either a building approval, prior to March 2008 a development approval, or a sale or lease of a particular property.

(3) Historical data is not readily reported against.

ACTPLA has data on the number of building approvals issued; however, the approval is issued for a piece of building work or a whole building rather than for each individual dwelling in a multi-unit development. In addition, as the Member would be aware, energy efficiency ratings are not compulsory to demonstrate compliance with the Building Code of Australia and a number of buildings are approved using other compliance methods.

Therefore in response to the members specific questions, (a) if years are specified ACTPLA may be able to provide general information on the number of building approvals, but not necessarily the precise numbers of class 1, 2 and 4 dwellings; (b) at present this data cannot be readily correlated to average energy efficiency across all dwellings to which an EER could apply; and (c) ACTPLA could guess but prefers its deductions to be based on adequate analysis, which would need to consider construction types in the housing mix, differences in software, building standards for different classes of building at the time of approval, rates of renovations requiring or not requiring approvals, effective levels of insulation and replacement of other

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