Page 2808 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 29 June 2011

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on what the legislation’s title is. That sets out the process for community contributions to be made from the revenue of gaming machines. I think it is all very clear.

MR SPEAKER: Supplementary, Mr Seselja?

MR SESELJA: Thank you, Mr Speaker. My supp is to the Chief Minister. Chief Minister, what steps have you taken to determine whether it was technically and morally appropriate for the Labor Party to receive funding from the community contributions gaming model and to ensure that in future political parties are not eligible to accept funds from community contribution schemes of poker machine operators?

MS GALLAGHER: The Labor Party does not receive funds that are part of the community contributions that clubs are required to make, as I understand it, and I have checked that in the past. The Labor Club fulfil—in fact, they over fulfil—their requirements in the community contributions as required under the appropriate legislation, and donations to political parties are not part of that and explicitly are exempt from that, I think, by the legislation.

Indeed I note that the Liberal Party receives donations from time to time from licensed clubs—and, indeed, the Greens, I think, have received funding from the CFMEU, and the majority of their money comes from licensed clubs as well. As I understand it, those are not part of the community contribution requirements of clubs.

Indeed, following your comments today, Mr Seselja, on the radio, where you made a number of allegations that this was money being given to the Labor Party that should be provided to the community—

Members interjecting—

MS GALLAGHER: I think Mr Seselja was trying to imply that under the community contributions model the Labor Club was trying to claim that donations to the Labor Party fitted community contributions. And they do not. In fact, I have got a list of the community contributions from the Canberra Labor Club. They are extensive; in the last financial year they exceed $1.485 million to over 50 community organisations in the ACT. Indeed, I note—

Mr Hanson: Shame. Shame on you.

MS GALLAGHER: Exactly what for, Mr Hanson? Exactly what for? (Time expired.)

Members interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Smyth has the floor.

MR SMYTH: My supplementary is to the Minister for Community Services. Minister, what steps have you taken to determine whether it was technically and morally appropriate for the Labor Party to receive funding from the community

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