
Tuesday, 13 February 1990

Deputy Clerk of the Assembly

Question time (Statement by Speaker)

Questions without notice:

Executive Deputies

Adult video industry

Tuggeranong swimming complex

Executive Deputies

Proposed weapons legislation

Teaching staff

Executive Deputies

Interstate freight bans

Executive Deputies

Very fast train project

Executive Deputies :

ACT for Birth seminar

Child care centre, Parliamentary Triangle

Personal explanations

Privilege (Statement by Speaker)

Annual reports:

Parole Board of the ACT

ACT Electricity and Water Authority

Interim Territory Planning Authority

Priorities Review Board (Ministerial statement)

National health policy on alcohol (Ministerial statement)

Alliance Government's legislation program (Ministerial statement)

Executive Deputies (Matter of public importance)

Conservation, Heritage and Environment - standing committee

Tenancy of Commercial Premises - select committee

Discharge of orders of the day

Discharge of orders of the day

Motor Traffic (Amendment) Bill 1990

Motor Vehicles (Dimensions and Mass) Bill 1990

Motor Traffic (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1990

Alliance Government's objectives and program

Adjournment: Release of Nelson Mandela

Answers to questions: Grass cutting (Question No 75)

Wednesday, 14 February 1990

Small meeting room (Statement by Speaker)

Publications Control (Amendment) Bill 1990

Tuggeranong swimming complex

Question time: Executive Deputies

Questions without notice:

Residential development

Skills testing

Land use

AIDS-related legislation

Executive Deputies

National capital plan

Community use of schools

National capital plan

Waste disposal

Planning procedure

Recycled oil

National capital plan

Planning of open space

Suspension of standing and temporary orders

Business of the Assembly - management

National capital plan (Matter of public importance)


National capital plan



Inner city residents

National capital plan


Thursday, 15 February 1990

Death of Mr Justice G.J.F. Yuill

Death of Mr A.J. Woods

Clinical Waste Bill 1990

Trustee (Amendment) Bill 1990

Taxation (Administration) (Amendment) Bill(No 3) 1989

Rates and Land Tax (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1989

Priorities Review Board

Questions without notice:

Deputy Chief Minister

Gaming and Liquor Authority

Ministerial propriety

University of Canberra

TAFE courses

Tuggeranong educational facilities

Proposed tourist commission

Casino licence

Canberra Development Board

Dog control

Waste management

Executive Deputies' titles

Personal explanations


Informed decisions about medical procedures

Guardianship and management of property

Economic and financial policies (Matter of public importance)

Suspension of standing and temporary

Personal explanation

Occupational health and safety legislation


Adjournment: Summer Nationals racing

Answers to questions:

Electricity supply (Question No 77)


Appendix l: Morning Show (extract 9/290)

Appendix 2: Regional Racing Journal message from Minister responsible for racing

Appendix 3: Australian Labor Party "Shadow Ministry"

Appendix 4: Minister for Finance and Urban Services policy speech

Appendix 5: ACT Office of Sport Recreation and Racing invitation to function to
honour Commonwealth Games athletes