Page 210 - Week 01 - Thursday, 15 February 1990

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difficult. However, I have written to you to suggest a series of methods by which your promise could be achieved. When do you intend to publish that report so that it will be available for public comment?

DR KINLOCH: First of all, I have to say I do not recall any such promise, but I would welcome a further briefing on that from Mr Moore. I certainly did talk to a member of the Canberra Times to suggest that if it were possible we would want the proposals from the committee to be widely shared. There were a number of phone calls to that excellent journalist. I certainly cannot recall any other statement.

Following up a comment Mr Moore made yesterday and his question today, it is quite clear that we could not complete the report in time mainly due to the health problems and absentee problems of a number of people. It was nothing to do with Government policy. It was that there was a huge amount to be done and there were not enough hours of committee meetings to do it. We did not get through enough of the material to be able to issue the report. This morning many of us will have written into our diaries all the forthcoming meetings of that committee. They include Saturdays and they are very long meetings - four hours at one time, three hours another. We will continue to work on that report and when we have completed it, we will present it to the Assembly.

Executive Deputies' Titles

MR BERRY: My question is directed to the Chief Minister, Mr Trevor Kaine. Mr Kaine, would you please advise the Assembly if you have reissued the invitation to the function to honour the Commonwealth Games athletes without the offending title of Parliamentary Secretary for Sport, Recreation and Racing?

MR KAINE: I do not know that I have any idea of what invitations Mr Berry is referring to.

MR BERRY: I will clarify it. I tabled a document yesterday. It was a fax sheet and I have just asked whether it has been reissued.

MR KAINE: As far as I know that error has been corrected, but since I do not have the documents in front of me I cannot be 100 per cent certain. Mr Berry will just have to be satisfied with that.

MR BERRY: I have a supplementary question. Discipline amongst the Government is a pretty important question. Does Mr Kaine have the same confidence in the strength of his leadership as his Federal leader, Mr Peacock? Can this Assembly expect that he will discipline his party colleague - - -

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