Page 48 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 13 February 1990

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DR KINLOCH (4.49), by leave: I move:

That paragraph (2) of the terms of reference of the committee's inquiry into commercial and domestic waste management be amended by omitting "on the first sitting day of 1990" and substituting "by the last sitting day in March 1990".

May I comment that it is unfortunate that the committee is not able to table its report today as was scheduled. A number of circumstances, mainly personal, have arisen to hinder the committee's progress towards releasing the report.

MR MOORE (4.50): It is interesting that this motion comes up now because the committee would easily have had a chance to present that document on time had the Government not decided to decimate committees in the way it did. I thought I would take this opportunity to point out that, in this particular circumstance, the Committee on Conservation, Heritage and Environment had the opportunity to continue the work that had been done - so much work - on this waste management inquiry, and to bring to a speedy resolution the very important and integrated concepts - that were rapidly gaining agreement in that committee prior to the time that the committee was changed so that only one of the original members was left on that committee.

I will not refer to the personal matters that Dr Kinloch has spoken of. They have added some delay to that particular committee, but they are a very minor part of the particular delay and what has really happened here is something entirely different. I would draw the Assembly's attention to that, and suggest that, in consideration of the committee system, the Government take very careful note of some of the problems it has created here in its very hasty, knee-jerk reaction to the committee system, in the hope that it will show some consultation in putting these matters together.

It is very difficult to consult with this Government. I attempted to make an appointment with Mr Kaine for a week, last Friday, and was assured that that appointment would be gained in the week. If I was to relay the whole of that story to the Assembly, which I will not do, the way his staff had dealt with it would be of great embarrassment to Mr Kaine.

Mr Kaine: You might have a hard time getting any appointment if you keep that up.

MR MOORE: If you wish me to, I shall. I am not doing that. So I would hope that they would consult widely about that committee. I am quite happy to discuss it with you

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