Page 1847 - Week 05 - Thursday, 11 May 2017

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(4) The total unit entitlement for a block is the sum of the individual unit entitlements and is 100% for any block.

(5) On average, overall, the ratio of fixed charge to variable charge for residential properties is 40:60.

(Question No 147)

Mr Coe asked the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Development, upon notice, on 24 March 2017:

(1) Further to question on notice No 16, dated 16 December 2016, can the Minister advise the number of students enrolled in the 2017 school year at (a) Amaroo Preschool, (b) Franklin Early Childhood School, (c) Harrison Preschool, (d) Ngunnawal Preschool, (e) Gold Creek Preschool (Nicholls), (f) Palmerston District Preschool, (g) Amaroo School (K-10), (h) Gold Creek School (K-10), (i) Harrison School (K-10), (j) Ngunnawal Primary School, (k) Palmerston District School and (l) Gungahlin College.

(2) Can the Minister provide an update on the status of the work to expand the facilities, including the expected completion date, at (a) Harrison School and (b) Amaroo School.

(3) Can the Minister provide an update on the status of the project to establish a new primary school in north Gungahlin, including the expected opening date for the school.

(4) What planning is being done to ensure the needs of families living in Gungahlin are met and that appropriate enrolment pathways are in place following the release of the ACT Population Projections 2017 which showed that Gungahlin’s population is projected to grow by around 19 percent.

Ms Berry: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) School enrolment data is available in the annual Canberra Schools Census available on the Education Directorate at

(2) Works at both Harrison and Amaroo Schools are progressing:

a) Harrison School:

Concrete slabs have been poured for both the ground floor and level 1, the roof trusses are installed as is the internal framing. The installation of building services including power, data, fire and hydraulics have commenced. Construction is expected to be complete in the first half of 2017.

b) Amaroo School:

The procurement process for the construction of new learning spaces and an extension to the gymnasium has been completed. The successful tender is Manteena Pty Ltd. A project start-up has been held and construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2017 in readiness for use from the start of the 2018 school year.

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