Page 1125 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 2012

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That is the point here. We can see what you are up to. I am not going to enter into it. I am not going to play into it. I am going to ask you to provide the material first. We are going to have a look at it. We will look at how it goes with the caretaker conventions. We will look at how it applies to the legislation that the committee is going to look at around tightening up these procedures for the election campaign—

Mr Seselja: They do need to be tightened, don’t they.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Seselja, order!

MS GALLAGHER: to deal with some of the carrying on we had from you in the last election. That is why that legislation is in there. Let’s move on with question time. Table the documents. Let’s get on with question time. If Mr Hanson, Mrs Dunne, Mr Coe and Mr Doszpot then refer to emails that I do not have, I will subsequently move motions in relation to each and every one of them.

MR SPEAKER: I think we might just pause because the text has not been circulated. Mr Seselja, you would like to speak to the amendment?

MR SESELJA (Molonglo—Leader of the Opposition) (2.37): As I said some time ago, I am happy to table this particular email that has been referred to. I seek leave to do that now.

Leave granted.

MR SESELJA: I table the following paper:

Climate change draft release—Copy of email to various recipients, including attachments, dated 25 September 2008.

We do see a real sensitivity on this issue from Ms Gallagher—to the extent that she is now seeking to rewrite the rules of question time because she is uncomfortable about being asked questions about the politicisation of Treasury by the Labor Party at the last election. She claims to know nothing about these. They are not only in the public domain, but at least one of the staffers, I believe, would have been working in the minister’s office at the time. To claim to know nothing does not stand up.

Ms Gallagher is right: it is serious. It is serious when you are using Treasury as your personal plaything during an election campaign. That is what they were doing and that is what the documents show. They were using the Treasury as if it was part of the ALP organisation. That is unacceptable and we will be asking more questions. But I have tabled the document.

Ms Gallagher’s amendment agreed to.

Motion, as amended, agreed to.

MR SPEAKER: Members, I seek the guidance of the house. The documents requested have now been tabled. Are we going to proceed with question time?

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