Page 816 - Week 02 - Thursday, 10 March 2011

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Approximately 70% (or 10.93 FTE) of total available staff time for these 15.45 FTE was occupied by complaint handling activities.

(3) The three projects that remained uncompleted as at 30 December 2010 were:

Development of Commission Tier 2 brochures –promotional brochures for each of the functional areas of the Commission (Children & Young People; Disability; Discrimination; Health; Human Rights; Older People).

Finalisation of the Commission Policy & Procedures Manual – a manual containing up-to-date policies and procedures for the whole of the Commission.

CYPC Colouring-In Book – part of a range of community education tools designed by children of Canberra, and used by the Commission to engage with children, their families, and the people who work with children, during community education/consultation activities.

(4) The projects referred to in part (3) will be completed as follows:

Development of Commission Tier 2 brochures – will be completed by 30 March 2011.

Finalisation of the Commission Policy & Procedures Manual – due to increased complaint numbers and competing priorities this project is unlikely to be completed this financial year.

CYPC Colouring-In Book – will be completed by 30 June 2011.

(5) “Client satisfaction” is measured by surveying a sample of all clients dealt with in a specified time frame twice a year. This financial year the survey was conducted in January and will be conducted in May 2011. Results for each period will be aggregated and reported at the end of this reporting period. Systems have been put in place so that alerts will be triggered in September and April each financial year in future to allow for a mid-year report.

(6) This performance measure is taken from a snapshot in time, over several months. The collection of data as to which clients “qualify” to be identified as requiring intensive decision making, is time consuming. Accordingly this is only done for certain months of the year. This financial year it was from the end of October 2010 to the end of January 2011, which will provide an annual measure.

The percentage of public advocacy clients requiring individual or systemic advocacy, on the other hand, is a measure of whether the client requires interventional action (at whatever level), not necessarily intensive, and this is measured in an on-going manner.

(7) When the PA ACT started collecting data in response to this performance measure in 2009, it was anticipated that about 20% of the 2,500 clients who are brought to the attention of the PA ACT might require advocacy. This was an estimate only. These people are NOT guardianship clients, but people with mental health and other complex disabilities, and children and young people, particularly those in the care of the Territory. At the end of financial year 2009/2010 it was clear that PA ACT were exceeding this target, and so an adjustment was made as to how PA ACT defined and measured needing individual or systemic advocacy.

The result was still considerably above the target. In the next financial year PA ACT will adjust the target as well as the measure and hopefully be able to predict the

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