Page 2085 - Week 05 - Thursday, 6 May 2010

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(4) What economic analysis, if any, has been performed by the department or each agency in (a) 2008-09 and (b) 2009-10 to date.

(5) What was the cost of undertaking the analysis referred to in part (4).

Mr Stanhope: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) There were no Regulatory Impact Statements undertaken for the Minister for Transport.

(2) Not applicable.

(3) Not applicable.

(4) Not applicable.

(5) Not applicable.

(Question No 970)

Mr Coe asked the Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, upon notice, on 25 March 2010:

(1) How much has been spent on advertising in 2009-10 to date for the Minister’s department and each agency within the Minister’s portfolio.

(2) On what campaigns was the money referred to in part (1) spent.

(3) What form of media was employed to undertake the advertising.

(4) Which businesses were employed to undertake, or consult on, each campaign.

(5) How many of these are small businesses from the ACT.

Mr Stanhope: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

I am advised that this request would take a considerable amount of time to complete. I am not prepared to divert resources from important core tasks.

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