Page 2737 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 23 June 2009

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I am afraid there is a bit of a hole in terms of land planning generally across the ACT government. I have had responses like this now from a number of relevant government agencies. I think we need a whole-of-government solution to ensure that we protect the few remaining high conservation value lands in the ACT. At present what we are doing is slowly but surely chipping away at them for development.

On a more positive note, the estimates committee has recommended, and the government agreed, that the LDA should maximise solar orientation of new estates consistent with topographical orientation and yield requirements. I am also looking forward to the LDA’s long awaited paper on triple-bottom-line land release.

The centenary of Canberra program is the celebration of 100 years. We should be doing something that will be a legacy for a hundred years, something which is sustainable, and obviously it is a celebration so it should be fun and involve us all. Given that the next 100 years is going to have to have a focus on climate change and sustainability, I would really like to see that as a major theme, not just, as the government said, blended in in some way.

It should be a celebration by Canberra. It should be a celebration which will engage the local arts community, local publishers, local event organisers and theatre companies. The annual Canberra events run by the community could become part of the centenary year and funded additionally and specifically to support additional centenary themes. The National Folk Festival, for instance, could have a special Canberra or 100 years ago theme.

Also in the area of arts, I am pleased to note that this year’s budget provided funds for the bronze foundry at Strathnairn Arts Association, which will allow artists who work with bronze casting to keep their work local. This is an example of reuse because I believe the foundry has been sitting there in bits for 10 or 15 years, something like that.

I also welcome the $7.6 million funding for the Performing Arts Theatre in Woden. However, I would like to see artsACT more specifically involved with the project to ensure that there is community engagement and community access to the new facility. In the future, when it comes to choosing sites for arts facilities that will be in schools or colleges, the education department should not develop these policies in isolation. It should do it in conjunction with artsACT, which is the agency which can identify the community need for facilities.

It is disappointing to see that the per cent for arts program has been slashed and it is, of course, important to continue funding artworks in our city even when economic times become difficult. Art and culture bring benefits to the community and give our city vibrancy and character. I can understand why the Chief Minister wants to reconsider the commissioning and consultation process around the scheme. Public art naturally attracts a wide diversity of opinions, but I would like to see funding for public art be a commitment for the government going forward, not just for the two years of the current funding.

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