Page 4130 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 15 November 2005

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insurers were prepared to recognise what they were now doing and bring premiums down to a reasonable level, we will get this acceptance from New South Wales and we will be able to come under the workers compensation cover that exists in New South Wales, for what is probably a manageable fee.

All that is still down the track, as they say in the trade. Nevertheless, there is a brighter prospect now than there has been before. It will require some legislative change in the ACT in the first instance to deem New South Wales racing as a licensed workers compensation self-insurer in the ACT so that they can cover the ACT, and some amendment to our own Workers Compensation Act to define particular employees so that they can then be covered by New South Wales racing as a self-insurer in the ACT.

I want to congratulate Tom McDonald and his people in the insurance authority who have worked to come to this result. A number of times we have faced what have seemed to be intractable insurance problems, with Summernats, the racing club and a few other not-for-profit organisations that had difficulty during the public liability crisis, and in virtually every case—except, I think, one, if there was one at all—we have been able to find a solution for a particular activity; whether it be enterprise or not was, I think, part of the question that hung over it. Nevertheless, they have done a substantial and significant job for the territory—and done it again for racing. I will report back to the Assembly as soon as we get past the lawyers in cardigans in departments that—

Mr Stefaniak: Have you talked to the harness club, too? That might have some effect if you are amending legislation?


MR QUINLAN: I missed all of that, Bill, but ask me later. Congratulations to the ACT Insurance Authority.

Mr Stanhope: I ask that all further questions be placed on the notice paper.

Auditor General’s report No 6 of 2005

Mr Speaker presented the following papers:

Auditor-General Act—Auditor-General’s Report No 6 2005—Government Procurement, dated 15 November 2005.

Motion (by Mr Corbell, by leave) agreed to:

That the Assembly authorises the publication of the Auditor-General’s Report No 6 2005.


Mr Speaker presented the following papers:

Study trips—Reports by:

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