Page 4052 - Week 12 - Thursday, 20 October 2005

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(e) To provide the Minister with a copy of the Minutes of each AWAC meeting and to report annually to the Minister on the activities and achievements of the Committee.

(4) The most recent Animal Welfare Advisory Committee meeting was on 15 December 2004.

(5) There has been no formal work undertaken by the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee since the December 2004 meeting, as the Chair of the AWAC resigned his membership in February 2005. Consequently, a process to select and appoint a new Chair is being progressed with a recommendation currently being prepared for Government. It is expected that the appointment process will be finalised and the Committee able to resume meetings before the end of the year.

While there has been no formal work undertaken by the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, Environment ACT has recently sought out-of-session advice from AWAC members about the membership of various sectoral working groups for the implementation of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy.

(6) There has been no formal advice from the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee to the Minister since the December 2004 meeting as the Chair of the AWAC resigned his membership in February 2005.

(7) There has been no requirement for an ACT Government response.

Transport—ACTION services
(Question No 649)

Mr Pratt asked the Minister for Planning, upon notice, on 21 September 2005:

(1) Why did the northbound number 34 bus refuse passenger boardings at approximately 8:40 am on the morning of 9 September 2005 in Hughes;

(2) Was it a result of the bus reaching its maximum number of allowable passenger boarding’s; if not, what was the reason;

(3) On how many occasions has this happened in the past 12 months on (a) bus 34 and (b) all other buses during (i) the morning commute, (ii) the afternoon commute and (iii) all other times;

(4) Is it acceptable for patrons to wait for another bus, making them late for work, school or otherwise; if so, why;

(5) Are additional buses planned for this service; if not, why not;

(6) Are additional buses planned for other services identified in part (3) (b); if not why not;

(7) Has a separate bus for school children that use bus 34 been considered; if so, will it be implemented; if not, why not;

(8) What services that operate using ACTION buses are strictly for school passenger use only.

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