Page 3350 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 20 September 2005

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As I said, I have concerns about the dissemination of information about what is in the bill. I note that the Chief Minister is smirking and laughing, as is his wont. I would love to hear from the Chief Minister, in his capacity as the Minister for the Environment, how he is actually going to tell the people out there, everybody—

Mr Stanhope: You do know, don’t you, that this is Brendan Smyth’s legislation; that we are actually amending Brendan’s bill?

MRS BURKE: You will get your turn. Would you like to be quiet and let me have my turn? Mr Mulcahy talks of the government—

Mr Stanhope: All we are doing is amending Brendan’s bill.

MRS BURKE: Point of order, Mr Speaker.


Mr Stanhope: I do not think any of you know that. We are amending your leader’s bill.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Chief Minister! Mrs Burke has the floor.

MRS BURKE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Of course, we have obviously hit a nerve with the Chief Minister who says that he is amending the Liberals’ legislation. He has had to make some changes because in the last Assembly the Labor Party and the Greens got together to alter the legislation in a way that was absurd and not intended for good purpose. I am glad to see the Chief Minister is so touchy. I cannot wait to hear his comments and his response to what we have said. It is always a real giveaway that we have made a point when the Chief Minister has a flame up. The fact is that Mr Mulcahy also made a point about the government going after business. Upon reading some of the things that are in the bill, why would you want to be a developer in this town? Why would you want to come in? The bill refers to “doing prohibited groundwork, work done as part of a business”. Why are we going for businessmen? Perhaps the Chief Minister will tell us why he is doing that.

The bill has gone so far into the heart of our community and will really—

Mr Stanhope: Read the second reading speech.

MRS BURKE: Would the Chief Minister like to shut up? He will have his turn soon.


Mr Stanhope: Brendan will tell you why he introduced the legislation.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Chief Minister, order!

MRS BURKE: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Obviously, what I am saying has hit a delicate spot with the Chief Minister but there, there: you will have your turn. The impact of the

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