Page 1272 - Week 04 - Thursday, 17 March 2005

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The Canberra Raiders and ACT Brumbies Canberra Stadium Performance Agreements also include a commitment by the Territory to waive payroll tax liability for each team, up to a maximum amount per annum.

It is recognised that teams have differing competition seasons and there can obviously be some overlap between seasons and payments: for example, the Canberra Raiders 2004/05 NLTP would be provided at the back end of the 2004 season and the beginning of the 2005 season. Whether the sporting organisation directs ACT Government support into a single season or uses funding to assist with costs across two seasons is their decision.

Other ACT Government agencies, such as Healthpact, may have sponsorship arrangements with elite sporting teams - this summation only considers funding providing to elite sporting teams through Sport and Recreation ACT.

(Question No 171)

Mr Stefaniak asked the Minister for Economic Development, upon notice, on 17 February 2005:

(1) What steps has the Government taken since 10 December 2004 to progress the building of a Dragway in the ACT;

(2) Has the Government set up the Working Party it promised prior to the October 2004 Election; if so, please provide details of persons who make up that group; if not, why has this not occurred;

(3) What progress has been made to get the Commonwealth to relinquish its interest in part of Block 52, Majura;

(4) If no progress has been made, what steps is the Government taking to resolve the matter;

(5) What steps has the Government taken to resolve any outstanding issues in relation to Block 51, Majura;

(6) What outstanding issues remain to be resolved, when are these issues likely to be resolved and what is the Government doing to resolve them.

Mr Stanhope: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Since 10 December 2004, the Government has taken a number of steps to progress the building of a Dragway in the ACT. These include: consideration of possible sites for a Dragway; preliminary discussions with a representative of the lessee of Block 51 Majura; review of lease conditions of Block 51 Majura; inspections by Government officers of Block 51 Majura; and further consideration of noise issues.

(2) The Government is currently working through the necessary details of the various considerations, including those referred to at (1) above, to finalise the terms of reference for the Working Party and the appropriate membership, and expects to consider nominations for the membership soon. Following completion of the appointments, details will be provided to the Member. I confirm that the Working Party will comprise members of the Dragway fraternity, community and Government representatives.

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