Page 781 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 9 March 2005

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this stage, the preferred position or the position that is being pursued is certainly to ensure that the endangered pea is protected, and protected absolutely. We are seeking to do that, as I say, at this stage through the utilisation of the conservator’s directions and we are seeking to do it through an enhanced relationship with the leaseholder, essentially through an agreed land management regime.

I will take on notice the specific question you asked. I do not have the answer. I am more than happy to provide whatever information I can.

DR FOSKEY: I have a supplementary question. What measures are in place to ensure that all endangered or threatened flora and fauna species affected by the Gungahlin Drive extension are being appropriately identified and protected?

MR STANHOPE: I have just detailed the steps that the government and Environment ACT have taken in relation to the south Aranda woodland. They go, as I say, to a longer term investigation of its incorporation into the Canberra nature park or reserve system, the use of the conservator’s directions and the use of land management agreements with leaseholders to ensure that we protect the ecological or natural values of any particular area across the board.

In relation to other areas adjacent to the Gungahlin Drive extension, significant numbers of them are, of course, within the nature park system and are protected extensively through that system. That, of course, goes to all of the other land adjacent to Caswell Drive, whether it be the Aranda bushland or Black Mountain park, and similarly through O’Connor and Lyneham ridges. The road, apart from that, traverses the newly designated Kaleen horse paddocks. So the majority of the land associated with the Gungahlin Drive extension is either land that is within the nature reserve system—in the hands of the government, to the extent that it is part of our horse paddocks infrastructure—or, in the case of the south Aranda woodland, land which is privately leased and in relation to which we are working closely with the leaseholder in a number of ways.

Budget—GST revenue

MR MULCAHY: Mr Speaker, my question is to the Acting Treasurer. I refer to reports quoting the New South Wales Labor government Treasurer, Dr Refshauge, calling for the ACT’s GST revenue to be slashed.

In light of the ACT Treasurer’s remarks, published last week before he left for Dubai, that Canberra has been short-changed over commonwealth payments to the territory, could you clarify whether we have been generously rewarded, as claimed by his Labor colleague, or short-changed, as asserted by your Treasurer?

MR STANHOPE: Mr Speaker, I do not know whether it is appropriate now for me to ask for a suspension of standing orders to allow Mr Mulcahy to apologise for his personal explanation yesterday in which he, insisting that he never misleads the Assembly, went on to mislead the Assembly in relation to this. It is probably not appropriate at this time. He might want to do that by way of personal explanation.

Mrs Dunne: On a point of order—

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