Page 276 - Week 01 - Thursday, 18 February 1993

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Question No. 334

Chief Minister Portfolio - Committees, Boards and Advisory Groups

MR KAINE - Asked the Chief Minister upon notice on 17September 1992, for all

Government Committees, Boards and Advisory groups within the Chief

Ministers portfolio -

(1) How many people are appointed to each of these bodies and what is the

date of appointment of each member.

(2) What are the terms of reference for each of these bodies.

(3) What is the total time of the appointment for each of these bodies.

(4) What is the gender breakdown of each of these bodies.

(5) What cost is associated with each of these bodies, ie fees or salaries paid to


(6) How many public servants service each of these bodies, by position and

salary and how much time is devoted by these officers to that task daily,

weekly etc.

(7) How many of these bodies produce a publication, how are these

distributed and how much does it cost to produce them.

MS FOLLETT - The answer to the members question is as follows:

ACT Casino Surveillance Authority

(1) Hon. Justice Rae Else-Mitchell Chairperson 12/3/93 to 11/3/96 (reappointment)

Professor Russell Mathews 16/3/92 to 15/3/95

Mr Roger Mauldon 15/3/90 to 14/3/93

Ms Kaye Dal Bon 25/7/92 to 24/7/95

Mr Stephen Hunter 12 / 1 / 93 to 11 / 1 / 95

(2) To supervise the operation of the casino; to make recommendations to the

Minister in relation to the operating times of the casino; to make

recommendations to the Minister in relation to the games that may be

played in the casino and the rules under which those games may be

played. (For a detailed Terms of Reference see s.23 of Act).

(3) For a period not exceeding 3 years, but eligible for reappointment by


(4) 3 males and 1 female.

(5) Chairperson - specified officer - rate of fee per annum $24,381 (from

15/891) - Remuneration Tribunal det No. 26 of 1991 refers

Member - specified officer - rate of fee per annum $13,075 (from 15/8/91) Remuneration Tribunal det No. 26 of 1991 refers

Travel allowance (for Chairperson and Members) - Capital cities $300; Other than capital cities $155.


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