Page 157 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 17 February 1993

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Mr Kaine: Is this an audit or an inquiry?

MR CONNOLLY: It is an audit. The Auditor-General is exercising his power to - - -

Mr Kaine: You were using the word "inquiry", Minister.

MR CONNOLLY: Inquiry, audit - what is the difference? The point is that the independent officer who has the responsibility to ensure that the ratepayers' dollars are being spent wisely, and in whom we all seem to express a high degree of confidence, is looking into the question of whether ratepayers' dollars are being spent wisely in relation to the asbestos program. That report will come to this Assembly in the ordinary course of events. This Assembly refers such reports to the Public Accounts Committee, so the representatives of this community in this Assembly on that committee can look at what the Auditor-General has had to say.

Griffith-Narrabundah Primary School

MR CORNWELL: Madam Speaker, my question is addressed to Mr Wood, the Minister for Education. I refer Mr Wood to Monday's census of school enrolments and ask whether he can advise me and the Assembly of the number of pupils enrolled at the Griffith campus of the Griffith-Narrabundah Primary School.

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, that was a simple question. The answer is equally simple: 49, I believe, is the number today. The number has varied a little from what it was on Monday.

Mr Kaine: What was it on Monday?

MR WOOD: It was about 49, Mr Kaine. That is the basis of the staffing configuration at this time. I think Mr Cornwell understands the process. That school, like all others, has been staffed on projections for 1993. The census is taken a week-and-a-half into the school year and the staffing is refined to match enrolments accurately. That is the next step I will be taking.

MR CORNWELL: I ask a supplementary question, Madam Speaker. Thank you, Mr Wood, for that concluding comment, because I understand that the school at the moment has three teachers and one non-teaching deputy principal. I presume that that staffing will now have to be revised by you in accordance with what you have just said.

MR WOOD: Madam Speaker, that is correct. The Government is maintaining its support for the campus. The new staffing will be in the order of - I do not know whether it is exactly defined yet - two classes, rather than the three that are there now, with additional support in the way of ancillary staff and supervisory staff from the Narrabundah campus, commensurate with the review we undertook last year, the outcome of which was that we gave some additional support to the Griffith campus.

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