Page 3965 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 23 October 1990

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I think it is timely that Mrs Grassby brought that point home, and she did so very well tonight. It is also timely, of course, to bring home the fact that many people from various ethnic backgrounds are now in Australia, and I think it is important that when they come to Australia they leave the problems of their homeland behind. You can never forget what has happened in your original homeland, but you start afresh in your new country. You bring your skills to that new country and you are part of that new country, and your first loyalty, of course, is to your new country.

I am glad Mrs Grassby also mentioned the potential conflict in the Gulf because a lot of things have happened in the world in the last year or so. The great easing of tension between the super powers has led to what we might have thought was going to be a much more stable world. However, the old adage, the defence of freedom requires eternal vigilance, is very true because we have seen a larger aggressor nation, Iraq, invade and take over a smaller, weaker and helpless country, Kuwait. I think the response of virtually all the world, led by the United States and properly supported by the current Federal Australian Government with the support of the Federal Opposition and, I believe, the vast majority of the Australian people, and the support given to Kuwait and also Saudi Arabia by the vast majority of the Islamic world and the Arab world, is very comforting to see. Like Mrs Grassby, I certainly hope that the conflict will be resolved without force. I suppose, if all else fails, force may well have to be used, as a last resort, to throw the aggressor out of Kuwait. Let us hope it does not have to come to that; let us hope some sanity does prevail.

Residents Rally - Resignation of Mr Moore

MR MOORE (10.21): Mr Speaker, this time last year I was drinking champagne. I remember it well because it is exactly a year ago today that I resigned from the Residents Rally. I would like to say that I have not been sorry for one minute or one second of that year.

Bruce Hostel

MR BERRY (10.22): Earlier on I decided that I would rise on the issue of the collapse of ACT businesses, but I note that the Chief Minister is not here, and I have to say that on the basis of experience in the last few days it would be difficult to turn the Chief Minister around from his view on these matters. The ACT, of course, has been criticised and is criticised each time the country is in trouble economically, and, of course, it does not help in this Territory when we have a government that is on the nose. That does, of course, cause difficulty in business because of the lack of confidence and the lack of stability. It is

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