Page 3889 - Week 14 - Tuesday, 23 October 1990

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particularly want answered. I am going to rely on standing orders, for the reason that Mr Berry is again seeking to whip up fear and hysteria in this area. Quite simply, the question is hypothetical. I expect to be able to provide services as indicated by the Government, subject to the outcome of the Hudson inquiry. I stand by that decision.

Assembly Business

MR DUBY: Mr Speaker, I have a question to address to you. Can you advise us why the matter of public importance appearing on today's daily program was not notified to the relevant Minister until approximately 1.15 pm, some 45 minutes after the due time? Mr Speaker, do you acknowledge that a delay of that nature places great strain on ministerial and departmental staff?

MR SPEAKER: Yes, I take that point, Mr Duby. The situation was that we had a late submission as a second MPI and we had to decide which one was to come up and - - -

Mr Kaine: A late submission? The cut-off time is 12.30 pm.

MR SPEAKER: That is quite correct. I was at lunch when the second one arrived. We did not expect a second one to arrive and when I came back from lunch I was then asked to make the decision. That is why there was a delay. I apologise to the house and the Minister involved.

MR KAINE: Mr Speaker, I request that any further questions be placed on the notice paper.

Paper and Ministerial Statement

MR DUBY (Minister for Finance and Urban Services), by leave: Mr Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to table the following policy statement on animal welfare:

Animal Welfare in the ACT - Policy statement, prepared by ACT Parks and Conservation Service, dated October 1990.

The tabling of this policy statement on animal welfare is a step forward for the ACT. It will bring us into line with, and in some ways ahead of, New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria - States which have revised their animal welfare policies and laws in recent years. I understand two other States have announced that they are commencing the process of reviewing their animal welfare legislation along similar lines.

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