Page 411 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 21 February 1990

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spend a lot of money dealing with problems only when they arise, not before they have arisen. It is typical of governments all over the world to allow that to occur, and there is no exception in the case of the ACT Government, but it does not excuse us from addressing the problems of preventing disease and illness before they arise.

A number of things might touch on what Mr Stevenson has asked. First of all, as members are probably aware, in the ACT we have a health promotion fund. The aim of that fund principally is to take preventive steps to head off illness and disease, to promote healthy lifestyles and to prevent the need for us as a polity to spend money on curing disease and illness once they arise. I think members have heard a lot about that, so I will not go into details at the moment.

There are also other initiatives dealing specifically with food. Members may be aware that earlier this week I launched a kit called "Food: Your Choice" which is aimed at school children in the ACT. It was sponsored and produced by the Milk Authority of the ACT and is designed to be used by teachers in schools to assist them in educating children about the correct way of eating and the best way of producing healthy lifestyles that go with that correct way of eating.

I acknowledge those are small steps, but I believe they are in the right direction. We will certainly follow them up in the coming years.

Planning: Leases

DR KINLOCH: My question, which is addressed to the Chief Minister, refers to the editorial in today's Canberra Times. Will the Government be conducting an inquiry into the issue of the lease on block 3, section 52 in the City, as suggested by the editorial?

MR KAINE: I read the editorial in the Canberra Times with some interest. Because of the issues that were raised in it, I have had discussions with the responsible officials about the lease of block 3, section 52 in the City. Because of its complexity and the fact that it has been going on for such a long time, I have asked for a full report and a recommendation on the current application by the lessee, with the emphasis on "current". I understand that representatives of the lessee are to speak with the Secretary to the Office of Industry and Development today and that I will get a report and a recommendation following that meeting.

I agree, and the Government agrees, that issues and procedures involved in the planning and leasing approvals and management processes need to be improved. The Government has already stated that it will be promulgating

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