Page 1071 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 3 May 2022

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Furthermore, this project responds to goal 2, reducing homelessness. Housing ACT will work with the homelessness and housing sector and Housing ACT clients to test ideas and be responsive to the input and feedback that they receive from the community as they continue through this project.

The re-imagining gateway services project will also deliver on the objectives of the model social landlord framework, which are to create a consistent client journey; provide information that is clear and easily understood; and systems to better inform clients on the status and the progress of their applications. This includes a timely notification system so that they can make more informed decisions on options available to them.

I am pleased to say that the benefit from improvements delivered through this project will also extend to the hardworking and dedicated staff of Housing ACT and include enhanced decision-making tools and processes. These enhanced processes will provide foundations for a continuous improvement focus to how Housing ACT staff are inducted and trained to provide more effective and efficient support to public housing tenants and applicants.

I am pleased to be able to inform the Assembly of this work, and look forward to working with Housing ACT tenants and the community sector as this policy work progresses and these changes are implemented. I look forward to updating the Assembly later in the year when the project results are live. I present the following paper:

Improving the public housing application process—Ministerial statement, Tuesday, 3 May 2022.

I move:

That the Assembly take note of the paper.

MR PARTON (Brindabella) (11.35): Mr Assistant Speaker, I am delighted finally to hear of a positive project of this nature occurring within Housing ACT to improve procedures and processes for all involved in what we know is a failing government department. And do not take my word for it; listen to all of the tenants who contact my office and that of others on a very regular basis.

Everything connected with housing—public and social housing, housing affordability, rental affordability—is a disaster under this Labor-Greens government. The rest of the country should take note of this, because this is what you get, Mr Assistant Speaker, when you put the left in charge of these matters. This is what you get: it is a disaster.

Now that we have two housing ministers, we could easily be forgiven for expecting much more, but it continues to be a disaster. But there is some optimism with these announcements today. We are aware that the need for social housing is growing. This is evident, with the waiting list now sitting at over 3,000 applicants.

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