Page 3905 - Week 10 - Thursday, 20 September 2018

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whereby everyone has lost a little bit of skin. The opposition was not necessarily excited by these changes; nor was the government excited by the prospect of maintaining estimates next year. I think the art of true compromise is when everyone has conceded a little bit and everyone has achieved a little bit of what they want. We will look forward to that agreement being honoured when the estimates committee is established next year, to getting these new committees up and running in their new structure and to getting on with the business that we were sent here to deal with.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Icon water contracts with ActewAGL

Order to table

MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella—Minister for the Environment and Heritage, Minister for Planning and Land Management, Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Minister assisting the Chief Minister on Advanced Technology and Space Industries) (11.58): I move:

That this Assembly:

(1) notes that:

(a) Icon Water Limited (Icon) is a registered company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) that as a Territory owned corporation is also subject to the Territory Owned Corporations Act 1990; and

(b) the Chief Minister has previously stated in this Assembly that Icon’s contracts with ActewAGL, being the Corporate Services Agreement and Customer Services and Community Support Agreement (Agreements), are not documents that are created by the Executive, owned by the Executive or held by the Executive;

(2) recognises that:

(a) standing order 213A does not respond to circumstances where the Assembly seeks information or documents from persons or entities that do not comprise the Executive Government;

(b) for the Assembly to order Icon to produce the Agreements requires a specific resolution directed to Icon; and

(c) the resolution should include provision for the process for any objection by Icon for production of all or part of the Agreements and the reference of any such objection to an independent arbiter for determination; and

(3) notwithstanding standing order 213A, calls on the Assembly to:

(a) order Icon to table the Agreements that it has with ActewAGL being the Corporate Services Agreement and Customer Services and Community Support Agreement (Agreements);

(b) require Icon comply with this order (where no claim of privilege or public interest immunity is made) by delivering the documents to the Clerk of the Assembly within 14 days of this order and the documents are deemed to have been presented to the Assembly;

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