Page 5319 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 29 November 2017

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thankful for her continuing to put up with me on a daily basis. I thank Sally Skuse, a new adviser in my office who came on board at the beginning of the year. She has done fantastic work settling into a political environment, given that it was certainly something she was not familiar with. And also particular thanks to Jenna Drewitt and Shannon Webeck, who have joined recently.

There is a level of courtesy and professionalism that we all enjoy and we often spend many nights of the week in each other’s company outside of this building. We often see each other more during the week than we do our own families. I acknowledge the support I get at home from my wife, Christine, who is ever tolerant and patient of the occupation I have chosen. She supports me wholeheartedly, and her new job often makes the commitments of this job seem fairly light on. I particularly thank my gorgeous little girl, Sophia, who spends many nights without her dad at home. Whilst she was a baby it was not so much of an issue, but now that she is aware that I am not there it sometimes is a little bit testing. I am very much looking forward to a long Christmas break and spending some time with her before she starts school next year.

I also pay particular tribute to my parents, Peter and Barbara, who against the odds always stump up and volunteer to help out around home. We sign up as individuals to do what is considered by many a community service, and I have said on a number of occasions that serving in this place is one of the most selfless and selfish things we will ever do in our lives—selfless in the service to the community but selfish in the demand that it places on our families. Thank you to all of them for their support.

I thank the wonderful people of Brindabella for working with the team and also working with me in pursuing a number of issues in the electorate over the year. I look forward to engaging next year again. It is a real buzz being able to represent such a great part of this territory in this place.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. Enjoy the opportunity to reflect on the year that has been and spend some very quality time with family and friends over the Christmas period.


MR MILLIGAN (Yerrabi) (6.59): I take this opportunity to reflect on the past year and the work we have completed in the Assembly and in the electorate of Yerrabi. It has been a big year. First, I have put a lot of effort into learning how to work in this place, including understanding all the processes and procedures, but it has been an enjoyable time. I spent the last eight years working to get elected and I must say that it has been worth all those years of effort to become a member of this place. The opportunity to represent the electors of Yerrabi, to raise their issues and to make a difference for them is an honour I cherish.

I have also been fortunate in the two portfolios I was given. Sports and rec is a key portfolio for me, as sport is a passion of mine as a cricketer, a waterskier and a Richmond supporter. And hasn’t it been a fantastic year for the Richmond football team? My first year in office is the year we won the premiership. My sincere

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