Page 5234 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 29 November 2017

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In accordance with standing order 133, I ask that the question be divided.

Ordered that that the question be divided.

Proposed clauses 3A to 3F agreed to.

Proposed new clause 3G.

Question put:

That proposed new clause 3G be agreed to.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 13

Noes 10

Mr Barr

Ms Orr

Mr Coe

Mr Milligan

Ms Burch

Mr Pettersson

Mrs Dunne

Mr Parton

Ms Cheyne

Mr Ramsay

Mr Hanson

Mr Wall

Ms Cody

Mr Rattenbury

Mrs Jones

Ms Fitzharris

Mr Steel

Mrs Kikkert

Mr Gentleman

Ms Stephen-Smith

Ms Lawder

Ms Le Couteur

Ms Lee

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Proposed new clause 3G agreed to.

Proposed new clauses 3H to 3W agreed to.

Clause 4.

MS FITZHARRIS (Yerrabi—Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Minister for Transport and City Services and Minister for Higher Education, Training and Research) (12.22): I move amendment No 2 circulated in my name [see schedule 1 at page 5325].

MR COE (Yerrabi—Leader of the Opposition) (12.22): The government is seeking to amend a clause in our bill which sets out an additional definition of a dangerous dog. The new definition will include a dog that has attacked and caused injury to a person or serious injury to an animal. This definition is a threshold definition that also captures serious injury to and death of a person or animal.

There have been a number of high profile cases where dogs who have caused injury, serious injury or death of people or animals have not been declared dangerous. The registrar has refused to declare demonstrably dangerous dogs as dangerous by relying on broad discretionary powers.

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