Page 5021 - Week 13 - Thursday, 2 November 2017

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(7) If the answer to part (6) is yes, can the Minister identify (a) the Directorate or Government agency recruiting, (b) the number of positions by ACT public service classification type, (c) the reason for the vacancy and (d) when the position is expected to be filled.

Ms Berry: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

ACT Policing

Freedom of information requests for information relating to ACT Policing are processed by the Australian Federal Police Freedom of Information team under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth), along with other freedom of information requests made to the AFP.

The processing of freedom of information requests for information relating to ACT Policing is not the responsibility of an ACT Government agency or Directorate.

The AFP reports to the Commonwealth Information Commissioner on the number of requests received and how long the AFP has taken to process those requests. This information is collated in the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Annual Report and can also be accessed on the Australian Government website, The data relates to AFP wide freedom of information requests and may not be specific to ACT Policing.

Freedom of information services provided by the AFP are one of the indirect or ‘enabling’ services encapsulated under section 2.2 of the ACT Policing arrangement. The resourcing of freedom of information requests made to the AFP is a matter for the AFP and the responsible Commonwealth minister, being the Minister for Justice.


(a) This information can be found in the Justice and Community Safety (JACS) 2016-17 Annual Report for the:

Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD)

Education Directorate (EDD)

Health Directorate (HD)

Justice and Community Safety Directorate (JACS)

Environment Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSD)

Community Services Directorate (CSD)

Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS)

ACT Insurance Agency (ACTIA)

Public Sector Standards Commissioner (PSSC)


Number of requests

Department of Public Prosecutions




Icon Water


Long Services Leave Authority


Cultural Facilities Corporation




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