Page 3716 - Week 10 - Thursday, 14 September 2017

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electricity distributor had to include these administration costs has been unclear, so the amendment bill gives the electricity distributor certainty on this point.

In summary, the reverse auction journey that the government has been on for the past six years has seen continual improvement. The reverse auction program was courageous and daring and went where no other Australian jurisdictions had gone before. Now, many state governments, including those of Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, are catching up with the ACT in their use of reverse auctions.

In July this year, the uniqueness and inherent innovation that went into the reverse auction process was recognised in an innovation award given to the scheme by the Institute of Public Administration Australia, for which the government justifiably received extensive praise.

Part of the ongoing improvement of the auction process has been the refinement of the feed-in tariff surrender process as well as enhanced oversight of the support costs that are ultimately passed through to ACT electricity consumers. This amendment bill will enhance the integrity and good standing of the government’s reverse auction process. I commend the bill to the Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Ms Lee) adjourned to the next sitting.

Legislative Assembly Legislation Amendment Bill 2017

Ms Burch, pursuant to notice, presented the bill and its explanatory statement.

Title read by Clerk.

MS BURCH (Brindabella) (11.00): I move:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

I present the Legislative Assembly Legislation Amendment Bill 2017. The bill seeks to remedy a number of anomalies that currently exist in several territory laws. Some amendments in the bill are best described as being directed towards legislative housekeeping, while others are more substantive and directed towards ensuring that there is appropriate separation between the executive and the legislative branches of government. I have consulted on the preparation of the final version of this bill, including with the Chief Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, the leader of the Greens, relevant committee chairs and various officers of the Legislative Assembly.

There are five key elements to this bill. Firstly, the bill seeks to clarify the role of relevant Assembly committees in appointing a person as Clerk or an officer of the Legislative Assembly; that is, the Auditor-General, members of the Electoral Commission and the Ombudsman. Under the existing provisions, an appointment is made by the Speaker on the advice of the relevant Assembly committee—variously the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure, the Standing Committee on Public Accounts or the Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety. The intention of the original “on the advice” provision was to require that the Speaker

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