Page 3036 - Week 08 - Thursday, 17 August 2017

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during excavation work undertaken by Canberra Metro. One of these instances resulted in an outage of the NBN service, while the other did not result in an outage of the service, but damage to the NBN conduit only. The majority of infrastructure damage related incidents have involved street lights or traffic lights and are minor in nature. Costs for rectification of any damage to utility infrastructure is borne by the contractor under the total cost of the project. There is no additional cost to the Territory.

Infrastructure Type


Traffic Light

Street light

Water Asset



Number of Occasions







(2) The table below identifies the number of OHS incidents, injuries logged by Canberra Metro, compensation claims, work days lost and electrical incidents that have been reported since the commencement of the Light Rail project, to the end of May 2017. Of the 110 incidents reported, 27 resulted in injuries of a minor nature. The remaining 83 incidents were in relation to near miss events or unsafe acts.

The Territory and Canberra Metro strongly encourages the reporting of near miss events. There has been no workers compensation claims lodged to date. There has been only 1 lost time injury recorded, a knee injury reported in April 2017, resulting in 39 days lost to the end of May 2017.

No. of OHS Incidents*

110 (5 of which were reported to WorkSafe ACT)

No. of Injuries Reported


No. of Compensation Claims


No. of Work Days Lost


No. of Electrical incidents


These numbers are as at 9 June 2017.

* This number is considered normal for the size of the project.

ACTION bus service
(Question No 332)

Mr Coe asked the Minister for Transport and City Services, upon notice, on 9 June 2017:

(1) How many (a) new buses are due to be acquired and operational and (b) buses will be retired each year for the next five years.

(2) How many (a) drivers, (b) bus maintenance staff and (c) other operational staff are currently available for work, broken down by (i) full-time, (ii) part-time and (iii) casually employed.

(3) How many full-time equivalent (FTE) drivers were employed for each of the last five years.

(4) How many FTA drivers are expected to be employed over the next five years.

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