Page 2638 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 15 August 2017

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Perhaps one of the most relevant and timely topics covered early in the summit was ticketing. As the current ticketing contract moves towards its expiry date here in the ACT, the summit delivered a timely reminder of the importance of partnerships between the private and public sectors in optimising community assets and the customer experience. The workshops and presentations provided insight into some of the largest ticketing systems in the US and Canada. These sessions provided guidance on areas the ACT will need to focus on with the procurement and introduction of a new ticketing system. Attention will need to be afforded to: ease of use for customers; use of the system across modes and other activities; cybersecurity; communication of ticketing system changes; and, importantly, system testing. Presentations also looked at the ability of ticketing systems to link to broader government functions, such as with tourist sites, where users are provided discounted entries if they have arrived via public transport.

Our delegation observed the next big challenge for transportation globally is the integration of public transit modes with private forms of transport, such as bike share, ride share and on-demand services. We saw that, through the innovative use of technology, integration has been achieved in many cities. In Oslo, a new application-based system provides real-time data of bike locations and personalised usage data for their bike-share service. The results from the implementation of the new application-based system were impressive and saw a 116 per cent increase in trips taken by users, a 113 per cent increase in trips per bike per day and 40 per cent more trips per member. The application system also allows users to notify of broken bikes or other issues as they occur.

When talking about what bikes and cycling can do for public transport, a number of presenters advised that multimodality is critical to fully functioning public transportation in cities. They noted that, importantly, bikes create the link between the bus and train station, assisting to solve the first and last mile issue in accessing public transport. Bike share, ride share and on-demand services will all come under careful consideration for this government as it delivers Canberra an integrated public transport network. One of the key themes delivered at the summit was that customers want flexibility, not rigid timetables. Opportunities for the ACT government to enhance the links and/or first and last kilometre access points in Canberra’s public transport network are something that will be looked at by TCCS.

From bike share and ticketing, the summit also looked at a case study in Montreal, Canada, where a clear governance model has created a common transport vision to link cross-government priorities such as urban planning. We have seen here in Canberra during the planning stages for light rail how public transportation and land use planning go hand in hand.

Transit-oriented developments are a key means to address the challenges associated with population growth, such as congestion, urban sprawl, inefficient use of existing public infrastructure, housing affordability and environmental degradation, and to promote urban renewal and city livability. Design excellence shapes our communities and the overall customer experience we can offer here in Canberra.

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