Page 2057 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 7 June 2017

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innovation for high quality design urban renewal. An initial panel will be established over the next few months to pilot the design review process before the final panel is established next year.

We have also got innovative housing products and topologies. The Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate initiated a housing topologies project which is based on a proposal from the ACT Chapter of the Institute of Architects, a project to demonstrate innovative housing topologies not commonly seen in Canberra. The NEAT design competition was run by the ACT chapter of the institute in 2014 and generated ideas for innovative and affordable compact dwellings. My directorate is currently taking these learnings about innovative and affordable compact dwellings to investigate approaches to provide diversity and innovation in housing products, particularly to support the government’s affordable housing initiatives.

We have also got close partnerships with industry bodies and, with the range of development opportunities that exist in our city in the near future, we want to encourage opportunities for innovation and new design thinking in the built form. The government is keen to continue working with industry and the community to deliver housing demonstration projects that promote best-practice environmental performance and urban design.

Collaboration and shared vision and responsibilities between government, industry and community members are the keys to future innovation. The current collaboration at the Ginninderry development in west Belconnen illustrates the potential to achieve positive planning outcomes through partnership. Through the engagement activities proposed in my amendment, a stronger product can be scoped and shared going forward.

We also have options for public and affordable housing. The ninth parliamentary agreement calls for a new, affordable housing strategy to deliver more affordable housing options. This reflects the wider agreement on improving housing affordability being essential to ensuring that secure accommodation is available to all Canberrans and that home ownership remains a realistic goal.

We are also committed to setting affordable housing targets across both greenfield and urban renewal development projects. The new City Renewal Authority and the Suburban Land Agency will have targets set to guide the delivery of affordable community and public housing.

Cities and their delivery partners face complex choices about what type of future they are seeking to create in order to meet the aspirations of the citizens. Here in the ACT we are already well advanced in our thinking about these many challenges and the options for how we will respond moving forward. Different sectors of our community will also have different visions and ideas, reflecting their changing needs and circumstances. It is important for government to facilitate discussions with and between all those interested in the quality of the built form in Canberra to ensure that all voices are listened to and innovation becomes our norm.

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