Page 2042 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 6 August 2014

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(2) calls on the Government to:

(a) take careful and considered note of the degree of concern in the community about both the strategy itself and the consultation process;

(b) provide a full community consultation process on the revised traffic study to ensure that community concerns have been fully addressed;

(c) provide detailed and fully costed analyses of the full traffic implications of this development for both the local area, West Deakin and Yarralumla, and the wider Canberra community including Curtin, Hughes, Woden and costs of upgrades to existing roads and construction of new roads and overpasses;

(d) provide, when available, a detailed asbestos removal and remediation plan, including where the asbestos and any contaminated materials will be disposed;

(e) provide details of what impact the numerous truck journeys will have on the condition of the existing ageing road infrastructure in the designated areas; and

(f) provide a detailed response to questions of traffic, building heights, community facilities and parklands, all of which are listed as major concerns in submissions to the LDA.

I welcome the opportunity to bring the issue of development in Canberra’s inner south to the attention of the Assembly. Redevelopment of the Canberra brickworks area has been subject to discussion in this place for over 15 years. Successive governments have put forward proposals for a range of housing, heritage and commercial opportunities and there has been much community commentary on them all. So it is somewhat frustrating, and not just for the residents in the region, to once again be presented with a development plan that ignores previous preferences and concerns.

The current Yarralumla brickworks and environs planning and development strategy is flawed in three very significant areas. It has not been well communicated, it has not been thoroughly costed and it is incomplete.

It is no surprise that a motion criticising the government’s lack of communication with ratepayers over a planning issue is the subject of discussion in this place again. When it comes to effective consultation, transparent process and listening to the needs and wishes of the community, this government does not have a good track record.

While this motion is directly related to current planning proposals for the Canberra brickworks and environs, the concerns listed could easily apply to any of a number of projects and activities this government has managed to mangle, and mangle badly.

Pick up a newspaper any day since the last election and you are likely to see a negative story about a botched government project, whether it be the Majura parkway, the Gungahlin Drive extension, the Cotter Road or the Cotter dam. The anguish is endless.

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