Page 1448 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 10 April 2013

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Going back to some earlier questions, it is important that we work with the non-government providers in town in these transitions, because their practices will change. But we need to work with the individuals with disability and their families, because at the end of the day, whether you are a government provider or a non-government provider, it is those individuals and families that are in receipt of the services, and that is what is key and what it is all about.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mrs Jones.

MRS JONES: Minister, how much commonwealth funding will be given for the trial? Is it just the aforementioned $12 million?

MS BURCH: No, I think there is about $7 million coming in. I do not have the exact dollars in front of me, Mrs Jones; I do apologise. I think there is a 60-40 split being applied and that will change as we move through to the full NDIS. On top of the $3 million, I think there is about $7 million—because we are looking at about $10 million in this transition—which will provide some response through the enhanced service offer which will go out in the way of grants. There will be two rounds. I think I made mention of these last sittings. There will be two rounds that will go out this year. This is quite separate to and on top of the existing supports and arrangements they will have in place with various service providers. On top of that, that will give them the capacity to buy additional services or equipment or other things that will improve their quality of life.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Coe.

MR COE: Minister, how much has the commonwealth contributed to the $40 million estimate for the rollout?

MS BURCH: I am trying to get those figures, if I do have them in front of me. As I said, there is significant funding coming in. For example, from July this year the commonwealth will provide additional money—$10.6 million for the ACT for enhanced services. The project agreement between the ACT and the commonwealth is still being finalised. That is where we will see the end result of the dollars coming through. It is something that is being worked through by treasurers and disability ministers. I have no doubt that it will be something on the table first for ministers to talk about at COAG. Rather than give you guesstimates, I am quite happy to come back with the details of the dollars that we know about at the moment, while understanding that as we transition through the NDIS, those dollars will slightly change as we get closer to a final agreement.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Ms Porter.

MS PORTER: Minister, how will these additional commonwealth dollars help families support members with a disability?

MS BURCH: I thank Ms Porter for her question. I think it is very clear that any further investment in the disability sector will have improved outcomes and better

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