Page 1590 - Week 04 - Thursday, 29 March 2012

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And Minister Burch went on to say:

That … is on the assumption that we are responsible for building and putting on line each childcare place. We have delivered $4 million, and we will look across the sector. The sector itself is quite capable, in responding to the needs of ACT families.

I agree wholeheartedly, and I would point out to members that Minister Burch has now highlighted just how bad they are at providing childcare places in this city. Minister Burch has said that the Flynn development was part of their proposal. But we have to remember that the Flynn refurbishment gave Belconnen residents roughly a net 10 new childcare places as part of that refurbishment. They delivered half of the childcare commitment of the last election. They delivered 10 new places for $4 million.

Minister Burch has already admitted that the whole of their budget was blown on that project. In addition to that we now have the Holder proposal, which appears to be the second part of the government’s 2008 commitment to build a childcare centre in the south of Canberra. That will cost $7.5 million. If the government get to build this childcare centre, they will meet their commitment. They will build two childcare centres—one with 10 places, one with 125 places—and they will spend $11.5 million, which is almost treble what they committed to spend at the 2008 election. It is a sign that Labor cannot get it done when it comes to capital works, and they cannot get it done in a cost-effective way when it comes to childcare.

Estimates 2012-2013—Select Committee


MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Ms Le Couteur): The Speaker has been notified in writing of the following nominations for membership of the Select Committee on Estimates 2012-13: Ms Bresnan, Mr Coe, Mr Hargreaves, Ms Hunter and Mr Smyth.

Motion (by Mr Corbell) agreed to.

That the Members so nominated be appointed as members of the Select Committee on Estimates 2012-2013.

Electoral Amendment Bill 2012

Debate resumed from 23 February 2012, on motion by Mr Corbell:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (4.36): I would like to begin by noting that there are two competing major amendment bills in this area. In addition, there are numerous amendments to amendments, and this is why we are only debating the in-principle stage of this bill today. The Canberra Liberals have reluctantly agreed to this debate on the government’s bill because the government have argued that there are

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