Page 2966 - Week 09 - Thursday, 18 August 2005

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Mr Hargreaves: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Leases are agreed for various fixed terms under the Private Rental Leasing Scheme (PRL). Commonwealth funding for the Scheme ceased on 30 June 2005 and therefore to continue leasing properties on the private market under this Scheme after that date would be uneconomic. However, the terms of ongoing leases will need to be adhered to and therefore, as leases expire, Housing ACT will either purchase the property or relocate the tenant to an existing public housing property or to an alternative property specifically purchased for them;

(2) 72;

(3) 3 June 2010.

Playground safety
(Question No 424)

Mrs Dunne asked the Minister for Urban Services, upon notice, on 23 June 2005:

(1) How much of the $45 000 for Playground Safety Program Package 6 has been expended to date this financial year;

(2) Have works been completed on Package 6; if so, when were works completed; if not, why not, and when will works be completed;

(3) Are there any new packages being developed for playground safety upgrades; if so, how many and what playgrounds have been shortlisted for upgrading.

Mr Hargreaves: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Approximately $16,500.00 has been expended to date for Package 6. The remainder of the Package 6 funds have been committed to the playground upgrade on Captain Cook Crescent, Griffith.

(2) No, the upgrade of the playground on Captain Cook Crescent, Griffith is still to be completed. Package 6 works that have been completed are as follows:




Nicklin Crescent, Fadden

Assessment & Report

August 2004

Fadden Pines, Fadden

District Park masterplan

August 2004

McGilvray Close, Gordon

Design, documentation & superintendency

February 2005

Springbett Street, Kambah

Design & documentation & superintendency

February 2005

The upgrade of the playground on Captain Cook Crescent was delayed. The initial Tender Request was terminated due to offers being over the project budget. A second Request for Tender resulted in a Construction Contract being awarded in May 2005. The completion date for the playground upgrade on Captain Cook Crescent, Griffith is August 2005.

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