Page 294 - Week 01 - Thursday, 9 December 2004

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conventions and it might even be by statute, why only the Australian national flag can fly from the flagpole at the top of Parliament House.

MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella) (4.56), in reply: Mr Speaker, I rise to thank members for their contributions to this debate today. I think the nature of the debate in this Assembly on this issue of the Eureka commemorations reflects the purpose of this motion in itself. I consider the process of debate one of the most crucial aspects of our democracy, and in raising this issue and in sparking debate I think we have begun the self-fulfilment of the purpose and intent of the motion. I ask you all to consider supporting this motion, in the hope that the same level of debate we have seen in the chamber today will be echoed throughout the schools and in our community in the years to come—debate about the ways in which we engage with the process of democracy in the territory.

This is the spirit of Eureka: a celebration of our capacity to engage in the process of democracy and effect real change through debate—radical ideas made reasonable through debate and struggle. Mr Speaker, I urge the Assembly to support the motion without amendment.

Question put:

That Mr Smyth’s amendment be agreed to.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 6

Noes 9

Mrs Burke

Mr Stefaniak

Mr Berry

Mr Hargreaves

Mrs Dunne

Mr Corbell

Ms MacDonald

Mr Mulcahy

Dr Foskey

Ms Porter

Mr Seselja

Ms Gallagher

Mr Stanhope

Mr Smyth

Mr Gentleman

Question so resolved in the negative.

Amendment negatived.

Original question resolved in the affirmative.

Motion agreed to.

Suspension of standing orders—adjournment debate

Motion (by Ms MacDonald) agreed to, with the concurrence of an absolute majority:

That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent the adjournment debate continuing past 30 minutes.

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