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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 9 Hansard (28 August) . . Page.. 3422 ..

(1) Schools have a duty of care to keep students safe. The duty of care includes supervision of students within the school buildings and the school grounds. Staff are continuously trained on their duty of care responsibilities.

(2) A staff member is required to contact a parent, carer, or emergency contact if a student leaves the school grounds.

(3) Confiscation of a student's possessions for a short time might occur on those occasions where the school believes it to be an effective strategy in managing an individual student and keeping the student safe on school grounds. Guidance for staff on confiscation of student property is available in the School Management Manual, September 2001.

Canberra Institute of Technology

(Question No 847)

Mrs Burke asked the Minister for Education, Youth and Family Services, upon notice on 20 August 2003:

In relation to the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT):

(1) What are the current staffing levels for the Office of the Chief Executive at the CIT (include fulltime, part-time, casual/temporary, other);

(2) What were the staffing levels (further to (1)) as at 30 June 1998 (b) 30 June 1999 (c) 30 June 2000 (d) 30 June 2001 (e) 30 June 2002 and (f) 30 June 2003 (showing categories breakdown as per (1));

(3) What are the classification levels of each position and the duties performed by each person;

(4) What is the total cost of renovations to the Office of the Chief Executive since 30 June 1997;

(5) Supply details of the renovations and why the renovations were carried out;

(6) What is the total cost of air travel, showing breakdown between international and domestic travel, for the Chief Executive for the financial years 2001-02 and 2002-03;

(7) Further to (6), what was the purpose of each trip;

(8) Was any trip undertaken for the sole purpose of business; was any trip undertaken for business and private purposes; if so, for each, provide details of such purposes, respectively;

(9) Further to (8), if any travel was undertaken for private purposes what contribution to such travel was made by the Chief Executive;

(10) In relation to travel made for business purposes, what were the results against the stated purpose and objectives for the travel;

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