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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 7 Hansard (24 June) . . Page.. 2363 ..

Mr Stanhope

: Why didn't you desist over your seven years in government, Bill?

Mr Stefaniak

: We did not do it in Belconnen or Tuggeranong, Jon. You did.

Mr Stanhope

: Seven years of fraudulent parking you have undertaken.


: Order! Mrs Dunne has the floor.


: Thank you, Mr Speaker. I do not mind saying that I think that the system of parking-I do not care who introduced it-is wrong and is unfair to the people of the ACT. It is purely about revenue and it is not about changing one's habits. Again, we have a range of matters that would need to be addressed by the-

Mr Stanhope

: What gross hypocrisy that is. It was okay for seven years when you were in government. Gross hypocrisy.


: Order! Mrs Dunne has the floor.

Mrs Burke

: Somebody has rattled the Chief Minister's cage.


: He's had his sugar hit, I can see.

Mr Stanhope

: How are those scratchies going, Mrs Burke?

Mrs Burke

: I don't know. You would know more about that than I, Chief Minister.


: Order! Mrs Dunne has the floor.

Mr Stanhope

: Are you still cracking down on fun?

Mrs Burke

: Are you being irresponsible, Chief Minister?


: Order!


: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: is it possible for me to seek leave to speak for another minute because the Chief Minister has been interjecting for a full minute?


: You can seek leave to speak for longer, if you wish, but wait until you run out of time before you do.


: Now that the Chief Minister has had his fill of rubbishy comments to make, I will move on to rubbish and to the issues that have been raised by Ms Dundas and others about whether we will be able to achieve the task of meeting the no waste by 2010 target. I think that the commitment of the Minister for Urban Services is lacking here. I would encourage him, when he goes on his jaunt in July to look at various initiatives, to act decisively and to act quickly so that we end up with a strategy that will do something about our putrescible waste, an issue which has been

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