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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2003 Week 5 Hansard (7 May) . . Page.. 1650 ..

MR STANHOPE (continuing):

breach rate was 37.31 per cent; in the next year it was 26.29 per cent; and, in this year, to date it is 24.56 per cent. From your appalling rate, Mr Stefaniak, we have significantly reduced the community service order breach rate by 30 per cent.

I regret that nobody in this place can support your motion, Mr Stefaniak, because it is simply and blatantly wrong. All it does is draw attention to the fact that this government has improved the breach rate by 30 per cent since coming to power. For that we must congratulate ACT Corrections and the ACT Department of Justice and Community Safety. In fact, Mr Stefaniak, I believe you have no option but to vote for the motion I will move. My motion says that we note that the breach rate for community service orders has decreased from 37.31 per cent in 2000-01 to 24.56 per cent to date in this financial year and congratulates the Department of Justice and Community Safety for achieving this reduction.

I am sorry, Mr Stefaniak-you have got it painfully wrong. It is embarrassing, but we have to cop these things on the chin. You got it badly wrong. We are reducing the rate significantly and inexorably. I am sure ACT Corrections will continue to work on that.

MR SPEAKER: Would you care to move the amendment?

MR STANHOPE: Yes, I move the following amendment:

Omit all words after "Assembly", substitute "notes that the breach rate for community service orders has decreased from 37.31% in 2000-2001 to 24.56% to date in this financial year and congratulates the Department of Justice and Community Safety for achieving this reduction.".

MR STEFANIAK (3.35): On the amendment, Mr Speaker, I note that the Attorney said the department perhaps should have given me extra figures. Attorney, yes-that might be so.

Ms Gallagher: Is there a question mark on that?

MR STEFANIAK: No. Shut up and listen. On the second point, I am also accepting what the Attorney tells me in relation to the departmental figures he read out. I am accepting what the department has provided. In accepting those, I note that there has been a decrease in the number of breaches. In that case, I would encourage the department to keep up the good work. If indeed it is trending downwards, that is very good, because that is what people expect in our system of justice and it brings credit to it.

Mr Stanhope, if my figures are wrong, based on what you have provided me with, I apologise for that. On the material provided, there appeared to be an increase. Yes, I think they could have been clearer but, at the same time, they obviously are not.

I have no problems supporting your amendment. I would like your undertaking, though, that, as Attorney, you will continue to monitor the situation and take all steps possible to ensure that these figures continue to trend downwards. Note what I say-that it is unreasonable to expect that there will ever be a situation where we have zero

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