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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 6 Hansard (13 June) . . Page.. 1653 ..

MR QUINLAN (continuing):

buses. Why did not you people write a paragraph and submit it? Why did you not put something across to the committee?

Mr Stanhope: Why didn't you do some work?

MR QUINLAN: As I said, it is work, unfortunately. I will close now by sharing with everybody else, I guess, in the disappointment in this process, because the statement at the back is blatantly untrue. I just happen to have received, poked under my door, a copy of the dissenting report, which could not be tabled today because it was beyond-

Mr Wood: Out of order.

MR QUINLAN: Out of order and beyond the submission date of 8 June. And I want to compliment Mr Hird, as I have in the past, and Mrs Burke, on some of the insightful content within. The little dissertation on the asset test and the working capital ratios et cetera shows an understanding-a deep understanding-that I had not, to this point, given you credit for. And I must, in fact, recognise, again in Mr Hird's case, his capacity to submit to writing so well arguments of a quite complex nature that he does not appear to able to match when on his feet in this place. I will close by congratulating Mr Hird and Mrs Burke on the insight and well chosen language of their dissenting report, and I commend the report to the house.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Justice and Community Safety-Standing Committee

Scrutiny Report No 7 of 2001

MR OSBORNE: I present the following report:

Justice and Community Safety-Standing Committee (incorporating the duties of a Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation committee)-Scrutiny Report No 7 of 2001, dated 25 May 2001.

I ask for leave to make a brief statement.

Leave granted.

MR OSBORNE: Thank you. Scrutiny Report No 7 of 2001 contains the committee's comments on 13 bills and 35 subordinate bills, and one government response. This report was authorised for publication by the Acting Speaker on 25 May 2001. I commend the report to the Assembly.

Scrutiny Report No 8 of 2001

MR OSBORNE: I present the following report:

Justice and Community Safety-Standing Committee (incorporating the duties of a Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation committee)-Scrutiny Report No 8 of 2001, dated 25 May 2001.

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