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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 6 Hansard (22 June) . . Page.. 1619 ..
MR STANHOPE: I am mindful of the point that Mr Moore makes. I dismiss the other examples that have been raised by other members of the Government. I have some sympathy for the argument advanced by Mr Moore. No responsible person would wish to see the consequences that Mr Moore advised us of in relation to people with mental disability. Of course, we are prepared, as any reasonable person in this place would be, in relation to that particular instance. The other examples are quite derisory. They are simply thrown up as smokescreens. They are simply used as some sort of stunt about how the ACT will sort of crumble and fall if this legislation is not passed. It is absolute nonsense to suggest that legislation needs - - -
Mr Corbell: And Australia.
MR STANHOPE: Yes. To suggest that the whole financial system of Australia will collapse if the ACT is one day late in passing a certain piece of legislation is just utter and absolute nonsense. To the extent that we are dealing with the personal rights of people with a mental disability, the situation is, perhaps, somewhat different, although there are stratagems available to deal with that legislation either today or next Wednesday. The Minister knows that. If he is prepared to apply some lateral thinking to the situation and negotiate with other members of the Assembly, it is certainly achievable. I would be more than happy, subsequent to the passage of this particular motion, for Mr Moore to seek leave to deal with his two Bills before the adjournment motion is moved. We are quite open to the Minister doing that once this particular motion is passed. It is simply a nonsense to suggest that these matters cannot be dealt with reasonably and sensibly. The other issues that are raised are a simple smokescreen, simply to provide some grist to the Government's desire to be seen to be in charge and getting on with business and not playing politics. What nonsense.
That is the position that the Opposition puts. This motion should be passed in deference to the seriousness of the matter. It would be in recognition of the fact that it would be a nonsense for us to deal with legislation in the Treasurer's portfolio, the passage or failure of which goes to the question of this Assembly's confidence in her as Chief Minister in any event. We recognise the particular issue that Mr Moore raised. This side of the house is willing, as are the members of the crossbench, I believe, to deal with the matter before the adjournment is moved. We would give leave for that particular issue to be dealt with.
Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I seek leave to respond to Mr Stanhope's suggestion about mental health.
Leave not granted.
Mr Moore: We have had a reasonable debate. I seek leave to respond to
Mr Stanhope specifically and briefly - - -
MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, leave is not granted.
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