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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1997 Week 6 Hansard (17 June) . . Page.. 1674 ..

MR MOORE (continuing):

The phonecall to Billy was only to offer support, there was no mention of any "illegal substance" but the Search Warrant was issued for "immediate and urgent execution". We can only assume that this was politically motivated.

This letter is from somebody who lives in Queensland and the issue is about somebody else who was arrested for the medicinal use of cannabis. It goes on to say:

My husband and I have made seven court appearances between us so far and no charges have been read as yet.

Cannabis is the difference between going insane and becoming a "chemical junkie" (which the authorities want) and being a human being.

The letter was written by Pam Roberts, whom I spoke to earlier today, and she gave me permission to use her letter and to share with you that experience. Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, it is very interesting that somebody else has written a letter to assist her when she has to deal with the courts. It is a shame that people do not have the compassion to allow these people to smoke a small amount of cannabis to help them with their pain. The second letter says this:

I was healed with the help of cannabis.

After suffering a lifetime with problems associated with the eating disorder anorexia bulimia, until 32 years of age, I was subject to hospitals, institutions and psychological assessments.

The eating disorder that took control of my life when I was a child, was a problem that I struggled with as it became a major disease with associated debilitating symptoms.

I was unable to work being constantly in and out of hospital and I found it difficult to bring up my children as I would ideally have liked. I was depressed all of the time and contemplated suicide often because of the situation.

My life continued on its painful course. I suffered severe depression and lethargy and found it difficult to carry out everyday tasks. I endured this state for many years and the gradual decline of my health and well-being over the years, has been documented in several medical files.

I tried everything to overcome this extreme condition. Doctors, specialist, psychologists and many self-help programs were of little help to me. Even after being hospitalised, fed, counselled, monitored and assessed, there were still no answers and no respite.

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